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"Just where are you bringing me,"
"Shush and follow,"

Winding down the corridors and turning in to the exit which was leading to the stairs, Donghyun soon let go off my hand as she pushed me down and settled herself next to me on one of the steps.

It was hard to make out her face in the darkness but I could tell from the tone in her voice that she was pissed at me from earlier on. However, that feeling was mutual.

"If you're not going to speak up, I'm leaving. Irene sunbaenim needs me," I told her and attempted to stand up but her hand gripped hard onto my wrist.

"Jimin," she then called out softly.

My heartbeat escalated at her call but I felt that there was just something wrong with her right now.

Kim Donghyun, she had never once properly addressed me by my name, but she did it twice in a roll for today. Despite so, I was irritated by her rudeness and sending a scowl at her, I swatted her hand away from mine.

"What do you want?" I demanded out of her.

She held a solemn look on her face while she drew a deep breath.

"Don't waste your time on her anymore,"

My head shot up at her, bewildered by her absurd warning.

"And who are you to tell me that," I quirked my eyebrow and questioned while inching back onto the step to hear out what more she've got to say.

"She will never like you. I know her better than anyone else,"

"Oh shut up," I retorted right away, shocked at my own behaviour too. Hence, closing my eyes, I tried to calm myself down and suppress my anger.

"This is one reason why I don't like talking to you," I said through my gritted teeth.

"Please, just listen to me," she begged and then continued on,

"Isn't it kind of obvious as to who she really likes? Jimin, I thought you were smarter than this?"

I rolled my eyes at her and my face turned serious right away. Then with a stern tone, I said,

"But he's yours, isn't it?"

She looked up at me in surprise.

I stared at the ground before gradually shortening the gap in between us, leaning towards her.



"Kim sunbaenim,"

"Uh? Wait. What? Who? ," I stumbled upon my words due to his close proximity.

I couldn't quite understand his words but seconds later, Jimin had already drawn away from me, stood up and was preparing to leave.

"Keep your hands to yourself and stop pestering me. You're taken, so behave,"

I was left speechless for awhile but when I finally figured it out and snapped out my reverie, I can only find myself muttering under my breath as the door of the exit swung back and forth as he left.

"Jin? He's my brother,"


"Over here,"

Fortunately, there was at least one person who could make my day happier. As I exited from the main entrance of the hospital, I caught Jungkook dressed in a plain white loose t-shirt and black jeans, waving at me from the other side of the road.

Watching the traffic first, he then jogged over to my side cautiously, panting hard as he double checked the timing on his watch.

"There's still 30 seconds left. I'm not late," he announced proudly while slowly retrieving the bag from my shoulder.

"Jungkook-ssi, you don't have to do this. I can carry it by myself," I told him politely but he insisted.

Winking at me, he said,

"I'm a gentleman, so please allow me to be at your service,"

"Well, thank you then, my man," I gave him a huge grin before intertwining my fingers with his.

"Donghyun-ssi, do you do this to every guy you meet?", he questioned all of a sudden as we strolled down the streets but when he lifted up our hands up, I understood what he was trying to get at.

"Nope. It's done selectively," I turned my head to face him,

"I only give such opportunities to fine young man like you," I chuckled at my own words but that was when I stopped abruptly in my tracks.

"Is there something on my face?", Jungkook stood still and meddled with his face when he saw me staring at him, but lifting my other hand up, I brought his hand down gently.

Ever since we met, I have never quite noticed how handsome Jungkook really is, so I'm doing so right now, in the middle of the pavement. It may sound insane but well, that's me.

Jungkook had a tousled dark black hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep brown coloured. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eye brows, which arched upwards as he was probably curious at what I was looking at right now.

Then moving on, his perfect lips were drawn into a playful smile by then, and I could swear that it was definitely riped for kissing.

His strong hands, slightly blistered from all the gun hold, held mine as he stared deep into my eyes too and I couldn't help but blush.

"Are you hungry?", his voice was deep, with an serious tone and his lips brushed my ear as he teased.

For you? I thought he actually meant something like that, so I answered,

"NO! I'm not! I'm not that kind of person," I retaliated but his smile etched its way back into his face as he watched me looking flustered all over.

He gave a flick on my forehead and dragging me along with him, I heard him laughing out loud,

"Nah. You just proved yourself horny just now. But no worries, that's what I like about you tho," he took a short pause to kick away the pebbles that were in the middle of our path,

"Anyway, I actually meant the usual 'hungry', if you can get me now,"

"Oh right, definitely," I gave a shy smile.

"So, back to the question. You hungry?"

"You bet," I pat on my stomach and formed a pout with my lips right after I succumbed to embarrassment.

"Up there," Jungkook then showed the way,

"I know of a cart that sells one of the best ddeokbokki. You ok with it,"
"Yep, sure. Well, of course,"


We ate, we chatted and the last time we keep track of the time, it was already twelve midnight.

"It's late and I've got to go now. Thanks for the date today, Jungkook-ssi," I stood up from my seat but he was quick enough to hold me back.

"Hold on. Safety first," he showed me a cute expression,

"An officer like me couldn't possibly let a lady like you head home alone all by yourself. I have all the responsibility to protect you," Grinning from ear to ear, he said to me.

Thus, I eventually took up his offer and as I waited for him to settle the bill, my eyes happened to notice something which was not quite right.

As Jungkook was standing by the ahjumma, making the payment, the gang of five, with tattoos all over their body, who was initially seated at the table across us also stood up from their seats.

Then, I saw them made their way towards the counter when the one who was a head taller than the others, suddenly grabbed Jungkook by his shirt while the rest congregated around the corner to wait for their leader to confront him.

And right at that moment, I saw Jungkook widening his eyes at them.

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