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For the rest of the day, I didn't get to meet anyone else besides my patients and the ER team as the day was really busy. It was only until the next morning when I stepped into the locker room that I met her again.

As I just woke up from my sleep, I was still a little daze that I ended up colliding into something which was in my way. Feeling for the object, it felt soft, like a water balloon but not knowing what it was, I tried to find my way past it. My heart almost burst out of my chest at the sudden voice from up front.

"Sexy, just what are you trying to do to me?"

I looked up to face the owner of the voice and when I realized where my hands were actually positioned at, I let out a gasp.

Donghyun stared at me blankly but she soon broke into a snicker as she slowly lifted my hand off from her breast and gently letting it go. I could just imagine the sparks in her brain, desperately trying to connect the dots, causing a short circuit. She looked like a pop-eyed toy from one of those claw machines at the fun fair - Perfectly funny, but I was ashamed of myself.

I attempted to get past her, desperately hoping that the ground would open and swallow me up but no matter where I go, she would head towards the same direction to block me out.

"Don't do this to me, Dr. Kim,"
"And just what have I done?"
"I'm sorry. Just leave me alone,"
"Wait," she halted in her steps and studied me from under my face,

"Are you blushing, Dr. Park?"

Though legally, I have just assaulted her, she was still sipping to her banana milk nonchalantly, looking completely composed as she always does. For a moment, she just stood there, laughing at my silly action, but when her eyes found the way to the bag she was carrying in her other hand, she lifted it up, slid the handle into my wrist and said to me,

"Anyway, I just wanted to return you this. And all thanks to you, I got my new pencil. We are equal now,"

With that being said, she flashed me a wink before she waved and made her way out of the room. But, her head popped back in seconds later.

"And don't worry sexy. I have short term memory. Don't take it to heart,"

Fuck, I cursed just as she left. It would have been better if she hadn't mention that.


"Dr Kim, the patient's vital signs are dropping drastically," Taehyung announced.

Seokjin studied the monitor screen carefully with his fingers pressed under his chin. Everyone else in the room held their breath and they could all make out the intense beeping of the ECG machine.

"We can't let the patient go flat on us," he said,

"Dr. Park, suction,"

I hurried over to the patient's side and drew an incision into his trachea immediately. Then, attaching the tube into the artificial airway, I attempted on removing the secretions. Once, twice, thrice. There was no sign of liquid flowing out.

"Dr. Kim, it's not working," I turned back to face him.

"The line's flat," Taehyung, at one corner alerted us.


Seokjin inhaled a deep breath.

"Dr. Bae, get the defibrillator,"

All eyes were on her now but shockingly, Joohyeon just stood there, totally not into the situation.

"BAE JOOHYEON," Seokjin yelled out loud and it was only then she snapped back into reality.

Call me, Dr. Park (BTS JIMIN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now