Ethan | Alyssa

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It's been months since Ethan saw me sitting alone at that park. He never found out that I had actually been fangirling over him for the past year since he'd been on The Voice Kids, and he never will. That day was magical, I didn't even know he lived anywhere near me. I had run out of my house after an argument with my mum and was sitting on the swing when I heard a voice behind me. I remember every word.

"Hey, are you okay?" He had asked as I spun around and my heart dropped. There, standing in front of me was Ethan Karpathy. My heart was beating faster than I ever thought, and I didn't want him to know that.

"Um, I'm fine. What's your name?" I jumped off the swing and walked around to meet his gaze. As if I didn't already know.

"Um, I'm Ethan."

"You said that like I should have already known." I replied and I couldn't work out why I felt that comfortable talking to him.

"I was on that TV sh... No, never mind. What's your name?" He had trailed off as if he didn't want me to know. I guess that's just the thing about these people. Sometimes they just want to go somewhere where not everyone knows who you are.

"I'm Alyssa."

"Well, Alyssa. I've just moved here and I am wondering whether you'd like to be depressing and lonely somewhere other than here." Ethan smiled as I realised what he was implying.

"Like where?"

"My house. Come on, please. We can go back to your place and let your parents know first. My mum wants proof that I have friends." He had laughed, which caused me to laugh too. He said we were friends.

"No, let's just go."

A month after hanging out, I got a new phone and never logged into my fan account again. A week after that, Ethan had asked me out, and I said yes. I knew that my feelings for him were more than just a fan looking at him from behind a screen. We never told anyone, never went exclusive, but our parents knew. Ethan would come over all the time and we'd do stupid stuff together. We would make funny videos that never left our phones and I never once thought of posting rare pictures of him. One day three months later, he told me he loved me, and my heart skipped a beat. We have one of those relationships that are too amazing to describe and we do silly, stupid stuff all of the time. We insult each other and annoy each other until we want to yell, but we never do. Everything is always solved with an 'I love you' or a kiss.


"What's this?" Ethan asks, walking over to my cupboard. I had my old phone out because I was looking for old pictures of my cousin.

"It's my old phone, there's probably a ton of embarrassing photos on there, watch out its dangerous."

"What's the password?"

"I don't know." I reply, hoping he gets as confused as everyone else.


"No, seriously. The password is 'I don't know'. No spaces."

Ethan just smiles at me and then unlocks my phone. I see his fingers moving around, looking at apps and what looks like scrolling. He stops scrolling for a second and then he laughs. I assume it's just an embarrassing picture, so I don't say anything.

"If you're ever in class and the teacher asks you how to spell 'pineapple', ask Ethan. He definitely knows? Come on, it was one time!" Ethan says through small laughs in an accusingly way. That's when I realise. He's found my fan account.

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