Chris | Aaliyah

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"You're so cute when you blush like that." My boyfriend, Chris tells me. This, of course, makes me blush even more.

It's the middle of summer and we're currently cooling off in his pool. I slide off of the blow up donut I was laying in and take a deep breath before slipping under the water. I ignore the burning sensation in my eyes as I open them and swim along the bottom of the pool. When I find Chris' foot, I grab it and come up, laughing. He just smiles and grabs me around the waist, pulling me into him. I lean my forehead against his and place my hands on his shoulders. It's then that we kiss. It only last for a few seconds but it was enough.

"I love you more than anything, Aaliyah." Chris says quietly, looking straight into my eyes.

"I love you just as much." I reply, kissing him again.

This time it doesn't last even two seconds because Chris is dunking me under the water. When I come up spluttering, he's laughing.

"That's for grabbing my foot." He laughs. I don't reply, just splash him.

This starts a sort of war, though, and soon we are chasing each other around the pool. Chris is a better swimmer than me, though, and he ends up catching me first. His arms wrap around my waist from behind and he pulls me back across the water on top of him. When he reaches the steps, he sits down and rests me on his lap. There, he moves my hair over my left shoulder and places a kiss on my shoulder, working his way up my neck.

"Chris, your mum will be home soon." I warn him, knowing we can't do this here.

"Relax; she isn't coming home for at least another hour." Chris dismisses the subject, his kisses coming on harder, surely leaving hickeys now. As good as it feels, we can't do this here. Not now.

"No, Chris. Not here." I slide away from him in the water, turning around to face him. He has a guilty look on his face and he's unable to look me in the eye.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles.

"Baby, it's fine. Race you to the other end?" I ask, watching his smile light up again. I start swimming straight away, giving myself a head start.

Chris catches up quickly though and grabs my foot, dragging me backwards and pushing him forwards. I catch up to him and grab him around his torso, making him drag me through the water as well. Once we get near to the end of the pool, I push off of him and touch the end first, winning the race.

"That was not fair." Chris announces as he reaches the end of the pool as well.

"You're the one that pulled my leg first." I shrug, floating away on my back and staring up at the sky.

"You're very beautiful, you know." I hear Chris say quietly, even though my ears are under water.

"You're very sexy, you know." I imitate him, bringing myself back up to a standing position and pushing my hair out of my face. Chris instantly swims over and wraps a protective arm around my waist.

"No, really, I could stare at you all day." He continues, his face completely serious. My heart is about to melt.

"Christopher, you're such a romantic." I smile, cupping his face with my hand.

"Don't call me Christopher." He pouts, faking a sad look.

"Alright, Chrissle Pickle." I kiss his pout before swimming away quickly to get away from his revenge.

A/N: I'm planning on staying up tonight and just writing some shorter imagines. I've decided that requests are on hold for now but I'll open them up once I've caught up a little bit.

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