Chapter 15 - Confusing

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End of the day!

It was the final bell and I rushed out of English Lit and ran to my  locker, stuffing all my books and notes into their slots. I slammed the  door shut and bounced to y car, waiting patiently for Kat to arrive.

I'd been waiting for about a minute, maybe two, before she emerged with Oliver by her side. AWW!

They were laughing a bit and looking directly at each other, stopping  before the car park they said their goodbyes and Kat spun around and  walked towards me, a Cheshire cat smile on her face and a blush coating  her cheeks.

"Hey lovebird." I teased and she punched my arm, "Ow!" I laughed as  we slipped in the car and drove to her house for what was going to be  the best night ever!

It was 10:30pm and all Kat and I had done was watch movies, bake a  terrible apple pie and throw flour at each other, and it was a blast.  Constant insults and terrible puns were thrown at one another, teasing  about Oliver, and following the choreography in music videos in the  lounge room made it one of the best nights I'd had in a long, long time.

We were pooped and lying like corpses on her suede couch at 12am when  a car pulled up outside with a very drunk person trying to get out of it. A door closed and the car drove off, a thud made us jump and  run to the door, opening the blinds on the window next to it I saw Kade  sitting on the ground rubbing his head. Did he run into the door?

I quickly opened it and Kat and I heaved him through the threshold of the house, he slumped on the ground and started giggling, like a six-year-old girl.

"Y-you guys are the beeeest!" he praised looking up at us as he  attempted to stand up, grabbing the door he managed to stand, once again  towering over me, "Oh hi Bee!! Why are you in my house?" he asked me, I  tried to stifle a laugh at his behavior and I saw Kat doing the same.

"I'm staying over tonight." He smiled and reached out with his  muscular arms bringing me into a forceful hug. Leaning his chin on my  head I looked at Kat through the gap under his arm, she shrugged at me.  "Good, I like seeing you, you're fun to annoy." And with that he passed  out, I tried to catch him but he still ended up in a heap on the hard  wood floor.

"Oh my god." Kat laughed hysterically, "He's a  drunk mess!" We both laughed this time and we carried him, not so  gracefully, to the lounge. We dumped his massive body on it and went up  to Kat's room for the night.

My head was throbbing slightly and my eyes strained painfully under the light of Kat's Macbook screen, the movie 'Daydream Nation' playing quietly, filling up the void of silence. It was now about 3 in the morning, we'd decided to have an all-nighter thinking it'd be easy, boy were we wrong!

"This is a weird as movie Bee..." Kat mumbled sleepily I'd finally convinced her to call me Bee instead of Blakey Boo, I noticed her eyelids drooping every few seconds, mine feeling heavier every second.

"Yeah, I don't under-" my sentence was cut off by my loud and long yawn, signaling my body was working hard to keep me awake.

"Hey... did you know that the body yawns not signal you're sleepy but to cool down the brain as it overheats from long use... like a fan in a computer that has been on for too long." I said in a sleepy and distant voice, I felt Kat nod and she made a noise of surprise and amusement at my random fact.

"You know maybe some sugar would wake us up, we have Coke and cookies in the pantry." As soon as she finished the sentence I leapt out of the bed and jogged down the narrow staircase, my feet slapping against the oak floors, the temperature had gone up since I'd moved to America so I was only in shorts and a tank top with no socks.

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