chapter 16 - Awkward encounters

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There was a fuzzy blanket surrounding me, a warm body next to me as I woke up the following morning. Groaning softly I recalled the heart wrenching words Kade spoke to me last night, don't tell anyone! It was a mistake!

I pretended not to care, like I always do, pretend it doesn't affect me. Throwing the purple bed sheet off me and over Kat I quietly tiptoe out of her room, the cold morning air surprising me as California is known for its heat, I wrapped my arms around my barely clothed body and snatched up my jumper I dumped on the floor the night before. I was so tired, my mind felt overused and my head was pounding, I needed water.

Padding along the freezing oak floor I round the corner to the kitchen, eating always helps, I think to myself. A small smile appears on my face when I spot a lovely bowl of fruit on the counter. I pick up an apple and open the fridge door like I own the place and pull out a convenient bottle of water, ripping the blue cap off I guzzle down the water, the cool liquid soothing my raw throat and pounding head.

I release a soft happy sigh and spin on my heels, the smile still on my face, walking back up to Kat's room I walk out of the doorway only to be knocked to the ground. The open bottle hitting the person wetting them and making the rest of the water splash me, damn that's cold!

"AH!" I shriek, I look up as I hear an all too familiar laugh, my eyes land on Kade's scrunched up face, his eyes crinkled and his mouth turned up in a glorious smile.

No! Not glorious, stupid, stupid ugly, mean smile. In the midst of my internal battle, Kade's laughing ceased, I didn't notice until I heard him say,

"Stupid ugly mean smile hey?" my eyes widened and I whipped my head back up to face him, my mind raced for the right words to say, so naturally I stuttered.

"I-I... no I didn't..." Was all my stupid under-performing brain could come up with.

"That's hurtful Bee." My face scrunched up at the sound of that ridiculously cute nickname and my chest clenched,

"Don't call me that, you lost that right." I spat, attempting to get off the ground I was almost up when my left foot slipped in a puddle of water, legs going different ways my face was heading towards the dangerous ground. Two masculine arms wrapped around my biceps and yanked me up in the air slamming me against the wall, I yelped in surprise and pain as my back made contact with the edge of a family portrait.

"I have the right to do whatever I want, Bee." My heart was hammering and my palms were sweating, my feet dangled off the ground so the tip of my toes scraped the wood.

"P-put me down." I whispered, he did as I asked and walked away, but before he was fully out of sight he whipped his head around and narrowed his eyes,

"I don't know what's up your ass but I really don't want to hear your incessant whining." With that insult thrown my way he walked back upstairs, I felt tears prick up my eyes and for the first time in a long time I let them escape.

* * *

Returning to my house I dumped all my clothes I brought to Kat's, not even caring that I didn't wear half of them. As I scraped my fluro-orange sock clad feet along the marble floors I could hear my mum talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes...Of course we'd love to... thank you so much Ron, I'll see you tomorrow." She hung up with a wide smile on her face, when she saw me she mustn't have noticed my bloodshot eyes or mascara-streaked face from tears running down my face on the drive home.

"Oh sweetie I have the BEST news!" she jumped over to me and gripped my shoulders in a loving gesture, linking her slim arm through mine she lead me to the grand staircase at the beginning of the hallway and practically dragged me to Levi's room across from mine.

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