Extra Chapter

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Today is my birthday! yeah! so I thought of making an extra chapter for you all as a gift from me to you. This has nothing to do with my current story and I have not thought of this thoroughly so I am typing away as I let my imagination unfurl. Forgive me if you find any mistakes. Thank you, Iamanawesometaco for voting my chapter 1 and 2.

I do not own any Hakuouki characters except for my ocs. Please sit back and enjoy.

Shinpachi was on patrol today alongside Hajime, they prowled the bustling town ignoring the frightened stares aimed at them. The group split up eventually and walks in different direction, after an hour or so passed by they met up in an alley sharing informations before heading back.

Just then Shinpachi spotted a dark haired woman laughing with a bunch of other young ladies, in his mind a vision of Saotome Miyuki appeared. Unconsciously, the male rubs his chest as a silly grin bloomed on his face. Hajime caught sight of his expression and sighed helplessly, he knew that look very well.

"Whatever you're thinking, get it out of your head" Hajime spoke with a low voice so that other men wouldn't hear them.

Shinpachi hung his head before lifting up to glower at his comrade, "what am I thinking?"

"Of her."


"Don't play dumb," Hajime controlled his temper.

"Huh?" He pretended to balked but gave up when Hajime sent a chilly stare. "I think.. she is very pretty."

Hajime frowned, pretty was not what he would compliment. But each to their own, when it came to the other sex Hajime would steer clear of them. Even visiting the brothel only for sake and ignores the geishas surrounding him.

He realized that Shinpachi was talking animatedly and Hajime listens quietly. The poor captain had bad luck gaining the attention of other women so Hajime could understand, just a little, of the reason why his friend was infatuated with her.

"When she smiles, my heart beats faster Hajime kun. She is more on the weird side but I don't mind," Shinpachi grinned yet again.

Hajime paused halfway, he had to do something for his good friend. So he grabbed Shinpachi's arm and drags him away from the rest of the men. Their expression one of dumbfounded when they saw their captains leaving them in the middle of the street.

"Oi oi! Saito, where you taking me?!"  Shinpachi's body was tilted down slightly because of the height difference but Hajime kept mum.

Soon, they found themselves standing in front of a tea house where all of them seldom came here. Shinpachi just stood there with a blank expression and turns his head to look at Saito, the latter glancing up at him.

"Tell me why we are here?"

"To meet her," Hajime stated simply.

Meet her? who? wait.. Miyuki chan was here??

"There she comes," Hajime points his finger at the entrance.

Shinpachi felt a bead of sweat rolling down his spine and his heart went doki doki. He quickly messes up his brown hair with his fingertips, adjusting his green headband. patting all over his body and with a second thought, spreads open his shirt to reveal his muscular pectorials. Shinpachi could already imagine Miyuki chan fawning over his broad body perhaps even fainting.

The woman who kept straying in his mind steps out from the door, sunlight glinted over her bright red hair, by now Shinpachi felt anticipation coursing in his blood when he saw the bloated figure standing across from him.

"Go to her, I won't tell our oni vice commander that you came to visit."

Shinpachi's grin was frozen his blood turning cold when the woman spotted him. Her buxom breasts almost spilling out of her provocative kimono, red lips stretching wide revealing white teeth. Her chubby hands reaching out to him and Shinpachi steps back in horror.

She could break Hijikata's body in half with that size of body as she waddles quickly to his side all the while shrieking his name in an irritating manner. Shinpachi grabs onto Hajime's Shinsengumi uniform but the baka just smiled at him encouragingly as Nagakura was pulled roughly away to the tea house.

"S-Saito! help me! what were you t-thinking?!" He yelled but the woman slapped him hard on the chest and oxygen leaves from his lung in one whoosh.

"Mah mah! you came to see Yuri chan! I know that you are gunning for me, Shin Shin san! kya!" her voice booming loud and coarse.

Back to the headquarter after a long long time.

Miyuki was humming softly when she heard heavy footfalls and goes out of her room thinking it was Heisuke kun. But the sight that behold in front of her made her gasp, Nagakura san was dishellved, his shirt was torn and hung loosely over his tapered hips, in a closer inspection something red covered his whole face and it went downward to his strong neck. Even his countenance was whitish as if he had seen a ghost, Saito san stood beside him and was trying to explain something to Harada san when the big man burst out laughing.

Just then Shinpachi spotted her and his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, Miyuki looks away shyly; Hajime gawked at the pair and of a sudden everything clicked to him. Shinpachi was actually talking about Miyuki chan not the heavy set woman that was the owner of the tea shop. Oops.

Hajime kun! what have you done to poor Nagakura?! the man will probably have nightmares. So readers, I hope that you like this extra chapter, any mistakes found forgive me and I wrote this for the sake of fun. Thank you for taking the time reading, see you next chapter, bye.

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