Part 1 New start

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Splinter was a small pet rat until his master Hamato Yoshi was murdered by Oroku Saki, as he lived in the sewers he found a baby girl who was left alone and unprotected, feeling bad for her he decided to take care of her even though they could not speak to one another. He was now trying to find the child he named Jasmine some food until he saved four baby pet turtles and brought them to his burrow until when he woke up they were bigger and he was now able to speak with Jasmine while she was still young. As the years went by the five kids grew and so did Splinter, he was glad to see Jasmine watching some people fight like ninjas making him decide she would start her training first since the boys weren't yet old enough to do so.

"Jassy! Raphie took my toy!" Mikey yelled to me. I ran up to him to see Mikey trying to get his plane back that Donnie had fixed up for him since father found it in the sewers. I hated when Raphie did that to Mikey since he never did anything wrong to deserve it "Give it back Raph!" I said as I got closer to them. But he refused saying it was his turn to play with it when I knew all to well that Mikey picked the plane when father brought all of those broken toys for Donnie to try and fix "Not true Mikey chose the plane first! If you wanted to play with it then you should have said so before Mikey did!" I exclaimed to him. He was getting mad at me for protecting my little brother but it wasn't my fault! He always had to pick a fight with Mikey when he got the chance to and it was starting to annoy me right now that I wanted him to stop.

Raph was getting mad as he then let go of the plane and punched me making screech and fall down making Mikey yelp from the sudden change in movement from Raph. I lifted my hands to feel the hit I got until Raph jumped over me as he started to hit me as I covered my face while calling for help. I blacked out after hearing yells of my father and Raph being pulled off of me, I never knew what happened next but I know that I was in my room since I could see my pink things I liked with my make-up desk where the mirrors is had few pictures that I was able to take of everyone but Raph. Turning my head to the door Mikey and Donnie walked in to see me awake as Mikey ran to me to hug me from how happy he was that I was fine "You scared us! I'm so sorry I should have called for daddy in the first place if I had seen that he was going to hit someone!" he explained as he let's go of me.

"Dad is talking to Raph right now because of what he did to you" Donnie explained until I then saw Leo come in with a tray of drinks of juice for us to drink. I was actually happy to see them as we then turned to the pictures I took until I realized that one of them were missing "The picture of us together! It's gone!" I exclaimed as I got up to try and find it while they tried to pull me back to bed as tears fell rolled down my cheeks. I woke up the next day with a few bandages on my face to cover the larger bruises I gained from Raph. Dad said he always had a very large temper and if picked on it would be like a volcano explode as he unleashes his anger on however started it in the first place.

I opened the door to my room to go down the stairs to the kitchen where I thought dad would be was instead Raph, he turned to me and saw it was me as I walked to the kitchen so I could make myself some toast while not looking at him the whole time I got everything I need "Hey Jas?" he asked as I heard the sound of the toast popping out, I pulled it out and onto my plate to cover it of strawberry and rhubarb jam, I placed everything I used away where it was to now be placed as I realize i'm the only one to be able to do all these things since I was six and they were only five right now. Turning to Raph I saw he had nothing to eat, as I sigh I placed my plate at my seat and turned to him "What do you want to eat?" I simply asked him as he turned to me "Same as you" he mumbled while playing with his fingers.

I nod and got to work with his breakfast as the others came in to get something to eat aswell.  When I was then done with his toast and placed in front of him I moved to my seat to eat my toast while making sure I could then get going to the dojo for my training. Mikey was the only one to talk to me while the others were just eating or doing something else. When I was done I placed my plate in the sink as I then walked into the dojo to start my training by doing my katas. Father walked in later on to start my training while the others were in the living room watching TV making me feel a little better as I got to work with my training to become an amazing kunoichi, when my training was done I walked into the bathroom to take a shower that I deserved from what my father told me after my training session that I just had today.

My shower was good actually making me feel really good and relaxed, when I then got out it was while wearing my long white dress while my dark brown hair was down and loose like it always is after I take a shower. As I got to the living room I saw Mikey looking at me with a sad smile as I noticed that I took off the bandages that covered a part of my face from Raph's fists, he walked over to me as he then touched gently my bruises as at times I would wince from the pain "I'm sorry" he simply said to me as he let's go of my face and stares at his feet. I always knew that he was very sensitive for things like fights, taking hold of his shoulders so he could look up to me I gave him a nice smile that I never forced "It wasn't your fault ok? Raph was just mad that he couldn't get the plane and decided to take it from you. Besides I was the one who made him get mad at me for what I did" I explained to him as he started to cry.

I hate seeing either Mikey or Donnie crying but from all the time they did cry I was able to find the best way to calm down was by rubbing there shells making them instead want to cuddle on me making me smile from what I was able to do. He pulled me to the couch where I saw Donnie on the floor doing something while Leo and Raph were on the couch with us watching TV while I got my book from the nightstand next to the couch as Mikey would either look at the TV, watch what Don was doing or look at what I was reading. I always LOVED them when we took pictures but Raph never wanted to do so, in the end I just gave up on him and took pictures of the others and father when I had the chance. At some point I felt someone poke me, I lowered my eyes from my book to see Donnie showing me a toy helicopter with it's remote as he showed them to me as if they were for me.

Taking them from him while saying my thanks I got off the couch to put the helicopter down to start it, when it started to fly I moved it in front of Mikey so he could see it "Cool!" he said as he ran over to me after getting his plane so we could play together. I had fun with Mikey as Donnie then came with a toy jet plane as he then played with us making me smile even more while I then lost my smile as I saw Raph watching us. I landed my toy and took it to give them to Raph since he looked like he wanted to play with it from what I could tell. I then went to my room to sleep until it was time to eat and then go back to training with dad since I was old enough to do so like always. I woke up from being shaken awake, turning my head I saw Raph there with the toy helicopter in his hand "Thanks and sorry" he said as he then ran out of my room as I then noticed the group picture I took of us without Raph in it.

Getting up since I was wide awake I placed the picture back where it was I got out of my room to go and eat something before training starts once again for me. When I was done I got into the dojo to work out a little since I felt a little sore. Sensei came in with my brothers this time so I sat down in front of where he always stood "It is decided that your brother's start there training now" he told me as I simply nod to him before I stood up once again to start training with him. I got out after my new lesson to let him train my brothers, I got to the couch to go back to my reading that I was hoping to do for some time now and was now able to do so with them all in the dojo for now.

I'm actually happy they can start training today but something told me that this might go into a wrong path.

Oh man! I never thought I would start another story but I just felt like doing a new one while finishing a few other ones I had on my other websites I hope you like it please leave some comments on my work.

PAL out!

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