Part 8 Home again

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As I wait at the New York docks for Casey as I called him earlier for I was waiting for him over an our ago he brought the subject of Jas making me not tell him about the crying part for I thought it would be better first if I asked her when I see her again as I had to deliver the statue before visiting the guys for training with Casey as he promised to join now and he broke something when we brought it making me very mad at him.

"Hey April good to have you back" Mikey said as he walked over to me for a hug before letting Leo and Don come over as Raph walked out of his room making me wonder what he does at night anyways? Sensei came forth later on when Don let go of me "How are things with Jasmine?" he asked making all eyes turn to me "I got to see her as she well changed a lot and I told about things around here but she didn't look like she was going to come back anytime soon" I explained making the four brothers look down at there three toed feets as I felt bad for them.

we went to the dojo after to train for two hours before being given a brake for the day as Casey and I needed to leave for home as his mom was coming over for a visit making me growl under my breath for I still don't like her that much even now "How much did she change?" he asked as we got in our apartment "It would be better if you saw her then to hear it from me Case" I replied before going to the kitchen to start making supper for the three of us.

My pint of view.

As I walk to a far alley from the airport so that no one could see me go in the sewers to get back home to my family where I belonged, as I made the lair door open I walk in to hear the TV on with a movie where three of my brothers war sleeping in front of as I walk to my room to put my things away before even going to see father as it was a long time since I last saw him now and I wanted to see him first for now.

When I came down the stairs I saw a popcorn bowl on Mikey's head as he was leaning on Don who had a book over his head while Leo looked like he was meditating making me giggle before walking to father's chamber to speak with him about a few things now that I am home again after my trip "Enter" his voice boomed as I opened the door and popped my head in before I closed the door behind myself and walked over "Kneel" he said as I sat down as he opens his eyes from his meditation "I have return father to become the leader of the team again" I said as I bow to him.

I could see him looking at me from head to toe at least what he could see for now "I see but you must understand that with you here again you and your brothers must try and bond once again as a team" he explained to me as I nod to him "I understand and will do my best as the leader to bond us together as a team again" I said to him as he nods to me "As I was away I have done.... Many things as you can see but some are not visible for now for they are not on me" I said making his ears twitch "I see well I believe that we should speak of this tomorrow my daughter for I can sense that you are tired from your trip" he said before we both stood up as he walks over to me and hugs me.

"Watashi no musume no ie kangei" he said to welcome me back in japanese as it was so long since the last time i spoke japanese "Watashi wa ie no chichidesu" I replied back to him before he let's me go while still holding my hands "Raphael! Come and greet your sister" he said as i turn to see him coming in surprising me that he was here to see me "Hey" he simply said as I walkover to the door "Yeah hey to you too" I said before he walks out before me as he wakes my brothers up "Jas is back better greet her before she leaves again" he simply said before jumping up to his room as he made the book and bowl fall as my three brothers almost run over to say hi to me before I said that I wanted to get some sleep as I was tired from the trip right now.

When I got to my room I putted everything away while being careful with the baby carriage as Diana was still sleeping from the trip as it was Diego who proposed that I bring her with me while i could contact him with his new invention to make a hologram chat from afar, with not knowing when my brothers would pop into my room without me knowing I decided to place her in my closet while covering her with the clothes that were long enough to hide her until I have time to see her with my brothers busy and right now she was sleeping so I got to sleep right now until morning came.

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