Chapter sixteen

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                   (Christians POV)

Once I got home I went straight to the kitchen. I knew exactly why I was getting Katie. It is going to be the best present she had ever gotten. But I first needed to ask my mom something.

Once I got I to the kitchen I saw that my mom was chopping carrots.
"Mom! I'm throwing a party."

She glared at me and went back to chopping. "Nice joke but no you can't have a party not now not ever, besides your father is having guest over."

"Well it's not today or tomorrow it's more like next week on Friday." I said.

"I said no already."

"But please mom this is for someone special." my eyes widened the second. that came out of my mouth.

My mom dropped the knife she was holding. "Did you just say what I think you said. You have a crush on someone! Mammas boy is finally growing up. So who is she? Do I know her? Whats her name?  Is she pretty ?You and this pretty girl that your talking about can make the words cutest Babie-"

"Gosh mom!  It's for my tutor. her birthdays next week and I was planning something special."

"We'll then go ahead and have the house for your party!" She said enthusiastically.

"Well I'm not having it here. I was wondering if we could use the beach house."

"Go ahead! Now tell me what's her name."

"Her name is Katie, didn't I tell you my tutors name?"

"No! And that's a shame. Do you like Katie."

"I don't know."

"How in the f-" she stopped herself from swearing. "World do you not know have you guys kissed yet."

"We'll she gave me a kiss on the cheek the other day, but what does this have to do with anything it's kind of weird talking about this."

Her face softened. "Because knowing you, you probably kiss every girl you see. But something about this girl makes you have this big toothy smile on your face everyday. She's special isn't she?"

I thought about the time she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was absolutely disappointed for two reasons. First, I was the one that had to make the first move, not her, and second it was on the cheek. Oh how I wanted to feel her soft pink lips on mine. But yes when she did kiss me in the cheek it felt good.

"I don't really know mom. It's just confusing," I cleared my throat" We'll thanks for letting us borrow the beach house. I need to get the word out now."

I can't be falling for Katie it's just not...... normal for me.


"Sup guys!" I said to everyone. we gave each other  bro hugs. "So I'm throwing a party on Friday. It's at the beach house. Same one as every year."

They all cheered. Of course we've had some parties there but my mom does not know about any of them. The only reason I actually asked her this time is so she wouldn't be calling me that day or anything.

"But I need your help in something. " I said.

"Name it." Byron said

"Spread the word  to everyone BUT Katie Sorenson-"

"That's a little low don't you think? Shes a girl what do you have against her?" Tyler said.

"I have nothing against her. The party is actually for her. It's going to be her birthday."

"Oh... so it's a surprise?"

"Yes dumb ass!"

"Ok did I hear that Christian is the throwing a party. And specifically for someone." Vincent said.

"Your falling for her aren't you."

"Just shut up your starting to sound like my mom. Tell people to be there."

I walked away to find Katie's friends.

Once I found them I told them to keep Katie away from anyone that mentions a party and to distract her for the next couple days till her birthday and they obviously agreed.

Just hope everything goes as planned.

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