The Wreck-ening

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Not this again. I am in no mood to do anything yet. I took one blurry glance at my alarm clock near my bed on the nightstand. It was only a little past five from what I was able to see. My vision fuzzed out and I slipped right back to slumber.


Who could that be? I rushed out my bedroom and answered the rapping at my door.

"Bryan? Wh-what's up?"

"I noticed you were low on food a few days ago when we cleaned house. So, I brought you this cake. It's half chocolate, half vanilla, and half red velvet!"

"Wanna come in and sit-"

"No, I gotta go. I just had to drop this off for ya. I'll probably visit soon though. Okay, take care." Bryan darted off after pushing the container of cake in my hands. I rolled my eyes and grinned. Bryan was definitely a busy one despite being so young. "I know where to stash you." I absentmindedly spoke to the cake. I set the container on the top row inside the refrigerator and closed the door with my foot. "Oh snap! What time is it?" I turned around to face the big round Quartz clock hanging on my living room wall, only to realize I slept in until six P.M. I cupped my face in my hands and mentally screamed at myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid! You missed the open house with the people in the school! Now what am I gonna do?

Depressed about the mishap, I shamefully returned to my bedroom and decided to resume studying subjects until passing out.

The heavy and sickening odor of fuel and gas filled the air. All the while, massive embers danced along the track where other cars continued to strive to win the race. I was nearest the front of the pack, driving a kiwi green car. Suddenly, two other cars had me pinned between them, one purple, the other royal blue. Not far behind, a dark red car gained on me. They were pushing me into a giant fire on the one side of the track. Somehow I was ejected from the car, but the car I was in seconds ago was swallowed up by flames. The three other cars willingly crashed themselves into the fire as well, leaving me on the empty concrete road with only the smell of gas and the roasting heat.

That wasn't a dream. No, the heat was real. Something's burning. Something is on fire! I jolted awake, drenched in sweat, and ran to my bedroom window. I could see some kind of aircraft collide into the back yard. Without a second thought, I zoomed out my room, out my apartment, and down to the back yard. After slamming the iron door wide open, I could get a better view. There was a huge crater indented in the ground, lying in the center was a shiny craft of some sort. Maybe a jet or something. Just like in my dream, there was a lot of fire and heat and smoke puffs billowing upward. As if by instinct, I ran back to the hallway, grabbed the red fire extinguisher, and attempted to put out the blaze.

It was a difficult task, but it worked. I dropped the extinguisher on the grass and wiped my brow of perspiration. Something told me not to go anywhere near that aircraft, to just go back to bed, but I couldn't stall my curiosity. I could be a hero on the news after all this! Cautiously I inched nearer and nearer until I was inside one part of the ship. It was broken in half after the collision. I went into the bigger half.

What I found was fascinating. All sorts of unreal technology lined the walls, and some rested on the floor. Wires snaked around the ceiling, some severed, hanging loosely like vines. Glass bits dusted the floor, which almost looked and felt like steel or iron. I avoided stepping on anything sharp with my bare feet. Why didn't I wear my slippers this time? I assumed there were broken windows somewhere that the glass must've come from. But I didn't think there'd be a survivor on board. I paused at a fork in the hall. Going left was a room of some sort. Going right was more hallway. I was about to move when I detected a not-so-friendly voice speaking in some foreign language I've never heard of before. I hugged the wall and listened closer, trying my best not to breathe or make any noises myself. The speech sounded like someone mashed together a German guy with an angry wolf and sprinkled in some injured bird tweets every now and then. Just picturing the possibilities almost made me laugh. I saved myself by covering my mouth and biting my bottom lip. Again my curiosity got the best of me and I poked my head through the doorway. It was some sort of control room with dozens of gadgets hanging up and several buttons and switches on what looked like a giant keyboard. Something stepped into view seconds later. It appeared to be a humanoid being, minus the super long and tapered tail thrashing about. It was angrily fiddling with some sort of...tablet? The electronic kind of course, not the paper kind. It appeared to toss the device to the ground in a tantrum. I could only see parts of whatever it was in the dark, like its back and arms. Before I could discover the rest of it, I had a quickly expanding sense of dread. I had to leave immediately. I turned to exit, catching on some shards of futuristic, possibly space, glass. I didn't yelp in pain like I was about to. It was the crunch that tipped the creature off on my whereabouts. After composing myself, I tiptoed out of the glassy minefield, only to come face to neck with the slightly taller being I've previously intruded on. What if it thinks I'm attacking it? Or worse, what if it thinks I'm prey? I internally panicked as it snorted out a puff of warm air through its nostrils, like a bull would prior to charging.

Before I knew it, I was constricted in its powerful tail that grew tighter and tighter every minute.

My Foreign Roommate: Extraterrestrial Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now