Welcome to Earthda

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L-let me g-go...please! I can't..breathe! I thought as the limb binding me in place nearly broke my small figure.

"P-please! Let go of me.." I requested on what could have been my last breath. The lean creature tilted its circular head and analyzed me with its frigid green orbs.

"Keh-ho-itsan?" Its navy blue tongue flickered out during the last part. I was sure it would be forked but to my astonishment, the tongue was round.

"What did you say? I don't understand your language." I said slowly and clearly in an attempt to communicate with it. It shook its head and released me, dropping me on the floor. "Ow." It searched the rubble of the ship for something that had to be of importance. I watched on as it appeared to have found what it was looking so desperately for. In its hand was clutched some sort of microphone-looking object with a switch and a band around it, kind of like a necklace. It clasped the device on its neck and flicked the switch.

"Are you able to comprehend my dialect now?" It asked with an almost Australian accent, that, and an impatient tone. I nodded to confirm I could finally understand it. "Good. What planet am I currently on?"

"On Earth, duh."

"Earthda? Strange name for a life-sustaining planet." I wanted to correct it, but I didn't want to go through a possible argument. It was short tempered as it is. "And what is the dominant species on planet Earthda, as well as the climate and conditions?"

"It's a tossup between humans and animals. And as for your other question," I paused and gave an exaggerated shrug. How was I supposed to explain all of that to something seemingly way more intelligent than I am?

"Which are you a member of?"

"I'm a human. What are you?" I finally stood up and dusted myself off.

"That information doesn't matter right now. Do you humans know how to repair spacecraft?" It turned its back on me and I caught a peek at the weapon seemingly sticking to its hip in the same fashion as a gun would on a sheriff's belt. Except sheriffs have holsters. This guy, or girl, didn't have anything.

"Huh? N-no."

"Are there other humans here I can speak with?"

"There are, but they could do some pretty messed up things to you."

"Please." It scoffed, narrowing its glowing eyes like crescents. "You are the least threatening thing I've encountered all day. You're squishy and soft." It mocked, poking my abdominal area with the tip of its tail as it emphasized each word. I was beginning to regret sneaking down here. "Your planet is scarier than you, and it's a rock." It turned completely away from me and began to walk away, its hand-like feet reminding me of a monkey's. Each step made a faint slapping noise against the floor.

"Wait! Don't go out there." I shouted, racing in front of it and blocking its path with my arms outstretched wide. "I'm serious. Not every human is like me. Some have weapons and cars."

"What do you think I have this blaster gun on me for? I didn't expect you to be so dull witted."

"Wait! Hear me out. Just do this one thing out of the kindness of your heart."

"I have three of those, but go on."

"Odd. Anyways, I'll make you a deal. I'll help you rebuild your ship if you stay with me and don't wander off. That includes staying in that building in the distance, right there, and everything in it."

"Your offer is tempting. I accept your invitation. But I don't do repairs myself."

"That's okay! Leave it to me!" I just invited an ALIEN from outer space to live with me. A freaking ALIEN! This will be eyeopening. I screamed mentally, unable to grasp the fact that this was all really happening.

"So this is your domain?" It asked flatly, standing at the very threshold of the back doorway. "I expected as much."

"What is that supposed to mean? And yes I live here. You do too from now on." I spoke in a flustered tone, forgetting that this thing could very likely destroy me at any point.

"It doesn't mean anything. At least anything of importance." It replied coldly, stopping at the top of the back stairwell right at my door. "Care to show me my new dwelling?"

"Uhh, sure." I answered. I turned on the light via the small switch by the door. I could now see the alien without darkness shrouding it. Its body was a light creamy tan, a few shades darker than a manilla folder. I was beginning to feel the lack of sleep kicking in, each step becoming heavier and harder to move. "This is the small hallway, the 'smallway' I call it. On the sides are the bathroom and the supply closet." I released a small yawn while gesturing at the doors along the hallway. "Next to this closet is the bathroom. Then that room is the living room, and last but not least, the kitchen right over here."

"One inquiry. What's that door over there lead to?"

"That's Whit- I mean, that's the bedroom." I corrected myself, furrowing my brows at the memory. "There's your tour. Make yourself at home." I stated through exhaustion, absentmindedly heading toward my surprisingly comfortable couch and crashing into it.

"Where would I rest?" It asked unsurely, glancing about the room.

"Anywhere...you want to." The moment my eyes finally locked shut, that was it. I dozed off without hesitation.

My Foreign Roommate: Extraterrestrial Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now