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I slowly cracked my sleep-filled eyes open in the morning light reaching from one of the side windows, questioning the events prior and if they were just dreams or not. I struggled to my feet and stretched, letting out a drawn out yawn. The worn out yet still usable tan colored couch I peeled myself from was in a disturbing state of disarray- blankets, sheets, pillows, and mysterious splotches dressed the majority of it. Splotches? I curiously rubbed a finger across one of the spots on the arm of the couch, shuddering from its sticky liquid feel.

"Gross!" I grumbled, wiping my finger on my pant leg.

"My apologies for my bodily function, primate." Came the heavily sarcastic voice of the being I invited into my life as of last night. So it did happen. My vision snapped skyward to meet the emotionless emerald eyes and presently soggy form of the reptilian-humanoid creature, sticking to the moist ceiling directly overhead with ease.

"You can call me Sabrina, you know. And what the heck is all of this?" I replied, watching it as it dug long, manicured nails into the ceiling and proceeded to move. The remaining slimy fluid oozed downward in a sort of cascading web of strings with a very unpleasant and sour musk. Tiny claw holes trailed along the walls until stopping and leading to the little monster, now facing me with an unamused expression.

"This is merely a substance my kind excretes," It paused, taking note of my disgust. "For self-moisturization, a defensive mechanism, and to aid us in adhering to surfaces most others can't reach. Those are a few examples." It finished explaining, tail lazily swaying side to side.

"Does it..last for long?" I asked, repulsed by the excess slime covering its skin, or scales, I couldn't tell which. I covered my nose but couldn't keep the odor out of my nostrils.

"Quite rude of you." It condescended with its barely noticeable nose pointed in the air.

"I'm so- I don't mean to offend you, but jeez! This stuff smells SO bad! It's like someone busted arse after eating a can of beans and a side of fish! Ugh!" I spouted in a rant I couldn't stop. Judging by the half-hearted look upon the lizard's face, I guessed it wasn't too accepting of my response.

"Are you finished complaining?"


"Excellent." It frowned snobbishly while following me to the kitchen section. I slid some windows open to air out the room a little. If I hadn't, a vomit-packed death felt immanent. Having this alien inches behind me and not interacting with it bugged me, so I tried to initiate some kind of socialization. Think! What should I talk about to this guy- or was it a girl? GAH, I can't even tell what gender it is. Alright, wait until he-she isn't looking, then try to determine its gender.

"So, you're from space, huh?" I asked nonchalantly, turning to face my guest. With a motion of its hand, it responded.

"Correct. And you're from Earthda?"

"It's..Ea-. Never mind. What's it like on your home planet?" I questioned, leaning against the island counter.

"All you need to know is you would never be able to survive there."

"And why not?" Some anger seeped into my tone and I stood straight.

"Well, it's too cold for one. Your dietary staples are scarce for two. And lastly, you wouldn't survive the 'welcoming party'. Trust me." It clumsily pulled out one of the four wooden chairs encircling the modest dining table and cautiously lowered itself on the chair, avoiding squashing its long tail beneath itself.

"So..." My voice quieted itself when I found my chance to observe the humanoid at the table. It had minimal muscle mass on its arms and legs, but enough to be visible. It was mostly sleek and curvy, but not curvy enough. I still couldn't tell based off its appearance and voice alone, or the way it moved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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My Foreign Roommate: Extraterrestrial Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now