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Brooklyn: Yo

Izzy: What? I'm getting ready for school, I'll see you then

Brooklyn: Wanna come over to my place later??

Izzy: Uh, sure

Brooklyn: Meet me at my locker then k?

Izzy: Yeah talk later I'm eating breakfast rn lol

Brooklyn: Alright

I finished up the pancakes my grandma had made me. My mom's side of the family always had this thing where we'd have a big, delicious, nice breakfast in the middle of the week, so Wednesday's. My grandma did it for my mom and she does it for me and I would do it for my future children. They told me it was supposed to be some form of motivation to finish the week strong and then relax on the weekend.

"Thank you, grandma."
"Yeah, thanks for the best breakfast, mum. I've got to run, so get to school safely."

My mom went out to work after thanking my grandma for the breakfast. She enjoyed her mother's cooking. I was finishing up my last pancake and few strips of bacon. My mom had fortunately got a job here in London because she grew up here. She didn't move to America until after meeting my father. My mom got a job at an old place she used to work with her friend and they were catching up, which was nice.

The breakfast was scrumptious and mouthwatering. I wanted more, but I was so full and it was time for me to get going to school.

"I'll see you later, I'm going over to Brooklyn's house after school."
"Alright, have fun."

I had told my grandma pretty much everything about Brooklyn. There was no secret keeping from her, since she'd always find out. No matter what. She was also good with secrets. I knew I could trust her to keep this from my mom. I wasn't quite ready to tell her my closest friend here was a boy. She'd find out eventually.

The day at school was pretty boring actually. It went by slow. I was glad to have that little bit of motivation from breakfast this morning or I don't know how I'd manage to get through this school day.

At the end of the day, like arranged, I met Brooklyn at his locker with my stuff ready to go.

"Hey," I said.
"Good to go?"
"Whenever you are."

The walk started off good. We just talked about school and the rumours that were floating around.

"I heard Danny and that girl, Sasha or whatever, got kicked out of the theatre because they were making out and disturbing the people around them."
I laughed, "No way."
"I'm not making this stuff up."
"Wow..." There was a pause of silence, "Is your mum ok with me hanging out with you and stuff?"
"With the dinner, new security, and stuff, I think she's ok with it now. She's going to have to accept it and I think she's starting to with me bringing you to training and today."
"Well, that's good."

Brooklyn unlocked the gate and the front door for me.

"Mum, we're home!"
"Brooklyn, come here!" She called. We walked into the kitchen where she was making snacks for Harper.
"Hi, Izzy."
"How are you?"
"I'm good. Do you want any snacks?"
"Mum," Brooklyn shook his head.
"Well, go on then. Dad's gone to pick up Cruz and Romeo," she informed her son.
"Mhm, Izzy and I are going up to my room for a bit."

Brooklyn lead me up the stairs and opened the door to his room. He dropped his school bag on the ground and jumped onto the bed. He stared up at the ceiling. I set my bag next to his and and sat on the edge of his bed. He pulled me to lay down beside him.

"Today sucked," he announced.
"No kidding, longest day of my life."
"You ever wonder about exams?"
"I don't think I'm going to do too well... Especially in math."
"Don't worry. Get up."
"Get up!"

I hopped down to the floor and dragged him off. He nearly lost his balance and fell.

"I'm going to help you!"
"Not now!" He swatted my hand away.
"Yes now!"

He groaned and let himself fall onto his chair. I reached into his back and pulled out his textbook. I flipped out today's lesson.

"Do you understand any of this?"
"Well then, this is going to take a while."

I first started with reading out the pages to him and explaining everything. I let him ask questions and answered them for him. Brooklyn was really confused at the beginning, but slowly was understanding me. Surprisingly, he was actually focusing. I got him to answer the questions he hadn't in class and he got them all right.

"You did it!" I cheered.
"I did!"
"See, you are good at math."
"No, I'm not."
"Shut up. That's it for today, but I'll keep helping you if that's what it takes."
"I wouldn't mind that," he smiled. I returned a smile.
"Ok, so what now?"

It had been an hour and a half and both of us were ready to do something else.

"FIFA?" He smirked.
"Typical..." He was just suggesting the things we always did together.
"Got an idea?"
"More like a surprise."
"I like surprises."
"Then follow me."

Brooklyn led me outside into their massive backyard. They had a pool, patio and lounge area, and a beautiful garden. I had never seen their backyard, but it was magnificent.

"Woah..." I was in awe.
"Maybe next time you can bring your bathing suit and we can go swimming."
"Sounds great. No football field?"
"No, we've got a few nice ones close to here. Remember where we first met?" He chuckled.
"Of course. You knocked me over when you and your brothers were playing football."
"I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean it. I was such a jerk to you."
"It's ok."
"Follow me."

Brooklyn climbed up and hopped the fence. There was a ravine and forest behind their house.

"Come on!"
"I'm trying!"

I wasn't the most athletic person, like Brooklyn. I played a bit of football and worked out occasionally just to keep fit, but nothing like Brooklyn. He climbed over the fence with ease, then there was me, I was struggling. Once at the top, I swung my right leg over. When I went to swing my left over, my foot got caught and I came tumbling to the ground. Luckily, I didn't hurt myself thanks to someone.

"You ok?" Brooklyn laughed, still holding me in his arms.
I was clinging onto him, "I'm fine, thank you."
"Anything for my best friend."
"Best friend? Really?" He had ran off, "Brooklyn!"

I chased after him, not too far, where I found him up in this little tree house. I made my way up the ladder.

"How'd you discover this?"
"When we moved here, my parents took us all on a walk through the trails here and Cruz spotted it. No one really remembered the spot and went back, except me. It's a secret though. It's my little hiding place. I come here when I just want to get my head away from everything. Sometimes the fame is overwhelming."
"So why'd you decide to show me?"
"Because you're my best friend."
"I am?"
"I've never met anyone like you..." He started, "You don't use me like all the other girls, aren't really phased by my family's reputation, and you actually care. I don't want anything to change. I just really want us to continue being friends. I feel like I can tell you anything and I never want you to leave."

He trusted me. He really did. I felt bad for not telling him the full story. About my father. About me having to leave when he got home. I was going to do it now, but it didn't feel right. I don't know...

Brooklyn laid down on the wood floor and put his arms behind his head. I laid down next to him and moved up against him. He put one arm around my shoulders and took a nice, relaxed breath.

"You're my best friend, too. It's been hard making new friends and- I'm glad I have you."
"I'm just glad to have finally have a friend- a real friend."

I turned my head to Brooklyn and smiled at him. He was already grinning at me. I closed my eyes and rested  beside him. For the first time since the move, I finally felt like I was a part of something and belonged here in London.

I Never Meant to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now