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"Exams are coming up."
"Shut up."
"Really, Izzy."
"Not right away, but soon. Just be prepared and don't leave it until the last week to study."

I was walking down the hallway with Brooklyn and Isaac. The first semester was coming to an end quickly and we only had a few weeks left to study before the holidays and then after would be our exams. I was worried for myself and Brooklyn. He's still struggling a little with math.

"Sorry, just a reminder. I want you guys to do good," I coughed at the end.
"Are you ok?" He asked me.
"I think you got me sick..."
"I told you to stay away, but you insisted on coming back to check up on me! I didn't mean to."
"Awh, that's cute."
"It's ok, Brook."

We walked and sat down at a table. The rest of our group joined us shortly. Since Danny was missing, Nia and Grace sat down with us.

"Hey guys," Nia chimed.
"Back cause Danny's gone," Will smirked.
"Shut it."
"Guys," Liam said.

I flipped open my notebook and resumed reading my notes where I had left off last night. I was studying for my English exam and it was pretty hard stuff.

"Izzy, just take a break," Brooklyn said to me.
"No, I got to study."
"There's still some time, relax for now."
I sighed, "I guess I could put it aside for now..."
"See," he smiled.
"I can't wait until the holidays," Will told us all.
"Same," Grace admitted, "the work is difficult."
"What do you guys have planned?" Liam questioned.
"Well, my stepbrother might coming to visit!"
"How old is he?"
"Twenty, he's in college."

I was really excited to see Ryder. I missed him so much and he was one of the people I had to leave behind in America. He couldn't come along with me because he was going to school, plus his other family. I'd talked to him a bit since moving.

"I think we can all agree that exams will be tough."
"See, even your friend, Isaac, says so! I need to study."
"Izzy, not now," Brooklyn reminded me.
"Just a little."
"No," he took my notebook.
"What the hell, I'm trying to keep my grades up!"
He put a hand on my knee, "Take it easy for now. You're sick and you should be at home resting."

He was right. I don't know why I even came into school today. I could've slept in and taken some medicine to maybe help me recover faster.

"I don't know if I can walk home."

My head was pounding. I had a terrible headache, a cough that seemed to be getting worse, and a stuffed up nose.

"You don't look too good..."
"Let me tell my dad and get him to pick us up before he gets my brothers."
"No, it's ok," I forced a smile.
"Izzy, you look and sound horrible. I'm not letting you walk home."
I sniffed, "Ok."
"Hello? Yeah, dad, can you pick izzy and I up? She's sick... Ok... Thanks, bye."

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and looked up at me.

"He's coming."
"Thank you."
"It's really not a big deal."
"Well it is to me, thanks. I'll just text my mom and tell her I'm not feeling all that well."

Izzy: Mom, I'm getting a ride home. I feel so sick...

Mom: Oh, I'll be home soon. Have grandma make you some soup. Love you.

"My dad just said he's waiting outside, ready?"
"Let me take your bag."
"I've got it."
"No, I'll carry it."

I handed my bag over to Brooklyn. He swung it over his shoulder and walked behind me. After putting our bags in the trunk, he opened my door for me. Then, went into the front seat.

"Thanks for-" I coughed in the middle of my sentence.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm ok, thanks for the drive and your concern, David."
"No problem."

In no time, we reached my house. It took way less time by car than if I had chosen to walk.

Brooklyn got out and grabbed both of our bags.

"Dad, is it ok if I stay with Izzy?"
"Don't get sick," he laughed.
"Oh, Brooklyn, you're going to get sick. It's not necessary for you to stay. Go home and study or even relax with your family, Brook."
"No. It's my turn to take care of you."
"It's really-"

What was the point? He was going to stay whether I liked it or not. Anyway, David was getting ready to drive away. I thanked him once more and opened the door to my house.

"It's nothing fancy like your place."
"I don't mind," he smiled.
"Izzy!" My grandma called my name as she walked to the door, "Oh... And friend."
"It's Brooklyn."
"I see, I'm Izzy's grandmother."
"Nice to meet you," they shook hands.
"We're going upstairs, ok?"

I led him upstairs to my room. I had finally finished settling in about a week ago. I'd gotten rid of all the boxes and made it my room, not a guest room.

"Looks cozy."
"Are you kidding, your room is like a billion times better."
"I like your house."
I laughed not knowing he was serious, "Why?"
"It's small and feels like a real home. My house is huge and it's hard to think that it's actually someone's home, but it is... It's mine," he said.
"I guess that's true."

I opened my closet door and pulled out a big sweater. I took off my uniform jacket and pulled the sweater over my shirt.

"I'm just going to change into a pair of shorts."

I grabbed some shorts and changed into them. I didn't really care that Brooklyn was present. We were best friends. I'd seen him in nothing but a towel. It was fine, plus the sweater was long and covered my underwear.

I laid down on my bed and wrapped myself up like a burrito in my covers. I patted the edge of my bed for Brooklyn to sit.

"How are you feeling?"


I asked her how she was feeling. She had just changed right in front of me, not even bothered that I was watching. We're close enough...

Her eyes were shut, "I'm alright... Can you go downstairs and tell my grandma to cook me some soup? I forgot."

I got up off her bed and stared at her resting so peacefully. She rubbed her nose and then tucked her arm back underneath the covers. I placed my hand on top of her and smiled.

I decided to leave and not disturb her. Walking down the stairs and spotting her grandma, I made my way to the kitchen.

"Izzy said she would like some soup."
"Oh ok, I'll get started on it straight away."
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Is it ok if I call you that?"
"For sure, Brooklyn."

She pulled out the necessary ingredients needed to make chicken noodle soup. Homemade soup was the best especially when you were sick.

"Let me help you with that."

I grabbed the knife from her hand and started to slice the vegetables.

"Thank you."
"No problem. I help my parents cook occasionally, so it's nothing new."
"That's very kind of you."
"I do whatever I can to help out because I'm the oldest and it's hard for them with all my siblings."
"You're a different person than what the media says you are."
"Yeah," I smiled.
"I can tell you're a good boy, Izzy's lucky to have you."

I didn't know what to say back, so I stayed quiet. She said Izzy was lucky to have me... Hmm. I guess I was lucky to have her too.

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