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I was woken up by the screams of children. I assumed it was Harper screaming and running down the halls.

"Uhh..." Brooklyn's morning voice sounded different.
"You're awake too?"
"After that, yes," he rubbed his eyes.
"Sleep well on the couch?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"You should've had the bed."
"It's fine."

I got out of his bed and immediately, I realized it was way warmer under the covers.

"It's so cold," I said, rubbing my arms.

Brooklyn rummaged through his clothes until he found a grey sweatshirt.

"Here, have this."

I pulled it over my head and it was much warmer and very comfy. The size didn't really matter, even though it went past where my shorts ended. Oversized sweaters were nice.

"Breakfast should be waiting downstairs. We always have lots of fruits and cereal."
"Sounds good, let's go eat, I'm starving."

We walked downstairs and I saw someone who I had never met before. Brooklyn was quite surprised too.

She ignored him, "Who are you?"
"You're back!"
Still, she didn't listen to her oldest son, "Who are you and why are you in my house... And why are you wearing my son's sweater?"
"Um..." I said, clenching the end of the sleeves in my fists.
"She's my friend," Brooklyn stood up for me.
"Did you ask me if you could have a girl over?"
"You weren't even here, plus I asked dad."
"Did he know she was over for the night?"

Brooklyn didn't say anything.

"Leave. Go, now."

I had frozen up for a second. I quickly snapped out of it and rushed up the stairs and back into Brooklyn's room. He came in not long after.

"I think I'll just skip breakfast..."
"Izzy, she didn't mean it. Please, stay," he advanced moving closer to me.
I put my hand on his chest and gently pushed him back, "I thought you said your parents were ok with it?"
"My dad was..."
"Did he say it was ok to have a friend sleepover?"

I pulled off his extremely comfortable sweater and handed it to him.

"I just didn't expect my mum to be literally right there in front of us."
"Surprise, surprise."
"You're not mad, are you?"
"No, I'm not mad."
"Then, what are you feeling?"
I sighed and stood up with my bad in my hands, "I just feel like I'm intruding. I didn't want to be introduced to your mother like this. I wanted to set a good impression on your family, since you said you don't make many real friends. I wanted to show them that I was different and that u could be a 'real friend' of yours..."
"Who knows if they'll ever let you invite me back? What if they say we can't hang out anymore?"
"That won't happen and I'll make sure of it."
"I better get going now."

I picked up my jean jacket and got ready to head out. I was just about to walk out when I heard someone call my name.

"Izzy!" It was Harper running after me.
I bent down, "Hi."
"Where are you going?"
I looked up to see Brooklyn's mum giving me a nasty look, "I'm going home."
"Because I think it's time for me to go home."
"Oh... Ok!"

Wow. Wasn't expecting that. I guess little kids just move on from things quicker. Singing a song, she ran back down the hall.

I got back to going out, when I heard my name being called once again.

I spun around, "What?!"
It was Brooklyn, "Uh..."
"It's ok, I'll see you at school."
"I- ok..."
"Bye, Brook."

He gave me a half smile as I walked out the door.

I had on my clothes from the previous day. I walked down their street and realized that I didn't call or arrange anything for me to get back home. I figured I could just look up directions on my phone and walk, even though it's probably take me a while.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and pressed the power button. Nothing. Great, it was dead.

I turned around quickly when I head shouting. Brooklyn was chasing after me, running down the street.

"Izzy!" He waved his hands trying to get my attention.

I jogged over to meet him. He wasn't even panting or out of breath from sprinting down the street.

"You don't have a ride."
"Just realized that myself..."
"Alexander will drive you."
"Oh, no. That won't be necessary."
"Come on, it's the least I can do."
"Alright, I guess."

I gave in so easily partially because I didn't want to walk all that way with my bag and wearing just a jean jacket and shorts. The worst possible thing that could happen is me catching a cold.

We walked down the street together. I waited outside as Brooklyn went back in the house to get Alexander. I didn't want to face his mum again.

After s couple of minutes, Alexander came out of the house along with Brooklyn. I got into the back seat, with Brooklyn in the front. We didn't really talk during the ride, it was mainly me giving directions to my grandma's- well I guess now it's my house too, for the time being.

As we pulled up to my house, Brooklyn got out first and came around to open my door.

"Again, I'm sorry for that. It's not really how I wanted things to happen."
"I already said it's fine."
"It's kind of my fault, in a way. I should've made sure it was ok with them..."
We were standing on the porch now, "Don't worry about it. Next time."
"You better go, I don't know who's going to answer the door. I kind of didn't tell my mom..."

We both laughed realized the both of us didn't inform our mothers. After hat, we said our goodbyes and things were good. No more awkwardness and apologies. It was all good.

"I'm home!" I called.

All of a sudden, my mom comes rushing down the stairs and greets me with a big hug.

"Sweetie, you weren't back last night, how come?"
"Oh... Uh, I was at a friend's house. I told grandma because you weren't home when I left."

I felt relieved once I had thought of that excuse.

"Which friend?"


I hadn't mentioned anything about Brooklyn yet. She knew about Sabrina,  Grace, and Nia, but none of my guy friends.

"Brooklyn," I said.

After being in Brooklyn's web of lies, I decided that just saying the truth would be best right now. Even if she was a bit upset with me, things would work out eventually.

"It'd be nice to meet her someday. Why don't you invite her over one time?"
"Sure, mom."
"Great, looking forward to it. She seems nice, since she let you sleepover."
"Yeah..." My voice trailed.
She kissed my forehead, "Glad you're making some new friends."
"I'm going to go wash up... I'll be back down soon."

I rushed upstairs and into my room. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't believe my mom assumed Brooklyn was a girl. Oh my god, more lies.

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