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Shit! I got out of bed. And ran straight to the restroom. I changed into a large white t-shirt, and black jeans along with some black sneakers.

I jogged to the mirror and brushed my hair down allowing my choppy bangs to hang loose on my forehead.

I grabbed my backpack and ran down stairs.

"Sweet heart, your going to be late for school!" Mom yelled while holding the car door and a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry; I just couldn't sleep last night." I took the coffee and got in the passenger seat.

Mom got in and started driving.
"Hun. I-I know this is hard. I mean with going to a new school and meeting new people, but I just know you'll make friends."

I rolled my eyes and turned on the radio. Journey filled the car with their beautiful music.

I couldn't help to sing along and tap on the window to the sweet tune.

Mom sighed. " look, if you enjoy your day today ... Tell you what, I'll buy you what you always wanted."

"Really!? Mom! You're the best!" At that we arrived at hell. I looked around and spotted different groups.

There were nerds, preppy, and goth. I wonder what group Will take me?

Mom hit the breaks which caused a huge loud shriek! Every soul on compass turned to our direction. I looked at my mom. My face was freaking red!

She laughed which only mad me mader. "I ... I'm so sorry sweetie."
I rolled my eyes and gir our if the car just when the bell rang.

I made it to the building and took out my schedule. Before I entered I heard a scream.

I ran to where the sound came from. As I got there three guys were punching some kid on the ground.

One was holding his head while the other two stricked with all force. I really felt bad for that kid, who ever it was.

I walked closer regretting this. I cleared my throat, which got there attention. The stoped punching the kid and I got a glimpse.

It was..... Geoffrey?!

One of the bullies spat on the ground. "What do you want?! Can you see we're busy!!!"

I gulped as the all walked towards me.

"L-lindsey g-go..." I heard Geoffrey stutter to me. .
On of the guys went up and kicked his ribs. Making him cough up blood.

I gasped. "L-leave him alone!."

"Or what?"

"Uhh. Or... O-or I'll kick your ass!

The all started laughing like crazy. This really pissed me off! I don't freaking know where this came from, but I punched One the nose. He fell down. The other two. Took their friend and left running.

Ha! Success! I was so happy. I mean they were scared of me! I then herd a cough. I looked back and found a adult give me a cold stare.

He walked passed me and went to help Geoffrey get up. I ran up to them and help him make their way to the nurse.

"Well, there really is no harm done, but your bloody eye." The nurse said while patting his eye with a cloth.

"So he's going to be okay?" I asked

She nodded." Yes, but I would still see a doctor. Just in case."

Geoffrey stood there. His eyes filled with terror. I really felt bad for him! The nurse let us go and I walked with him for a while.

"Feeling better?.... Geoffrey."

"Uhhhh. It's.... Its Gerard...." He looked down and even though his red beaten up face I could still see a blush.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Gerard."

"I'm okay... And it's fine at least you remember that it started with a G." We both laughed. He then made a hurting face

"Sorry Gerard. Ummm why don't we get to class? I walk you to yours?"

"Uh, sure. Thank you..." He smiled even though it hurt him. We walked to his class as I opened the door for him.

After I walked over to mine. When I opened the door I was greeted by those two idiots who hurt Gerard. Shit! Today was going to be a long day.


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