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I closed the door behind me and started walking when the teacher stopped me.

He pointed to the back and every one stared at my making my way there.
I sighed as I sat. Those two guys giggled at me, all I did was flip them off.

Whole boring school day every. I made it home walking because mom doesn't get out of work till night.

I took my keys out and unlocked the front door.

"Lindsey!" I turned around to find Gerard and Mikey make their way over to me.

"Hey, guys." I walked some steps over to them.

"We, uh, we were wondering if you'd like to hang out?" Gerard said while Tugging on His collar.

I nodded while smiling and locked the door. We walked through town, finding a place to get coffee. After we spotted one, mikey ran to it. Leaving Gerard and I alone.

I turned to him. "So, how are you feeling? I mean for what happened early in the morning."

He looked down. "Ermmm, yeah I fine..."

I smiled at him even though he couldn't see it. We all bought our black coffee and chugged it down. Laughter came when mikey burned his tongue.

After also going to a comic book store Gerard bought dozens of comics.
Mike was the first one to go home. Leaving Gerard and I alone, again...

Gee, ...Gee?! Where did that come from?... walked me to the door...

"T-tHanks Gerard. For inviting me." He smiled

"Yeah, anytime you want." He walked back home. I ran to take a quick shower, are what mom had made and watched tv.

I really liked them. They really are awesome friends.

Gerards pov

I threw myself on my bed, flipping through the comics i bought. Also thinking of Lindsey.

She just made me feel better and wanted. She's so beautiful, nice, and a good friend. I just hope I don't loose her.

I felt my face turn red. I now realize that I love her!

Before I stood up and thought over what I just thought, mom came in and told me we had to talk. Behind her was Mike, with tears. What happened?

A/n- hey! I know it wasn't good, I wasn't even going to write any time soon. But I just had to! Mindless self indulgence's new album 'Pink' just came out! Has anyone heard it??!! PLEASE do If you HAVE NOT! Its fucking awesome!!!!

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