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Lynz point

I locked up the front door of my house and made my way to a close by coffee shop.

I got in and got greeted by a nice worker, after I paid for my darling coffee I waited for my name to be called.

"Two sugars? Okay got it babe." I turned around to see a familiar looking guy talking to someone on the phone.

He walked up and ordered the same thing I did. He looked at me and gave me a friendly smile.

I returned it. But man, he looked so darn familiar! I swear I've seen those eyes some where.

"Lindsey!" I heard my name and grabbed my coffee.

"Gerard!" He then got his.

I couldn't help it, even his name sounded familiar.

I shyly walked up to him. "Uh, hey, ummm. Are you Gerard Way?"

He's eyes widened with made me feel dumb. He shockingly huged me tight.

"Yeah! Oh my gosh, Lindsey! I've missed you so much!"

I chuckled, "I've missed you too, gee." I said without breaking the hug.

Until we heard a clear of throat.

We let go and to my encounter, it came from a blonde hair chick.

"Gee? Who's this?" She asked while holding his back.

He had a sad smile. "This, this is Lindsey. We've been friends for ever." He said awkwardly.

She eyed me up and down. "Okay, well it's nice to meet you. I'm Eliza Gee's girlfriend."

I only nodded. She just smiled and walked between Gerard and I , walking to the women's restroom.

Awkward silence filled the room.
"So, uh you look different..." Gee commented while rubbing his neck.

I smiled. "Thank you. And so do you." Both of us blushed at that.

Eliza came out, and wrapped her arms around Gerard, taking her coffee from him.

"Well, this was fun, I guess. But Gerard, honey. We have to go."

"Yeah of course. Lindsey, here ill give you my number."

I handed him my phone, Eliza gave me a weak smile.

"Call me, whenever." He handed me my phone and I took it.

I caught Eliza roll her eyes. "Okay let's go." She forced him out of the shop, before I got a chance to say goodbye.

I walked out, walking home and sipping my now cold coffee.

I had to admit, when I saw Gerard, my stomach exploded with butterflies! Shit, but I'm sure He's madly in love with that girl.

I sighed finally reaching my house.

I guess I just need a shower to sort things out.


A/n: okay, so I'm keeping this anonymous. So someone sent me a link on Lynz. I clicked on it,
And found so much Shit on how people hate on Lynz! One comment was about how it's her fault mcr broke up. I don't understand how that's even a thing? I mean why can't people just accept that Gerard married her? Sorry, but I thought of sharing that. But like Jimmy urine said "it bugs the Shit out of me, man!" Anyway, if any one has something to say please tell me. I wanna know what you think.:) any way thank you for reading please comment, vote, read
! Love you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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