Chapter One||Diced Pineapples

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Call me crazy shit, at least you call me. Feels better when you let it all on me girl. Know its easy to get caught up in the moment when you say it cause your mad and you take it all back.

Hazel POV

My moms phone kept going to voicemail. I huffed, and I called Makayla's mama as she picked up.


"Can you please pick me up, my mommy isn't answering her phone." I said as I heard shuffling.

"Sure, I'll be right there." She said as we said byes and hung up.

I sat on the curb as I watched Ms.Jackson being pulled into the car.

Great! My dance teacher is going to jail and my mother isn't answering her phone. My day is going so well.

I seen Makayla's mom car pull up as I grabbed my duffel bag and got up walking to her car. I got in the back seat.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." She said as she drove off. I had no family....that I knew of. Everytime I would talk about my dad all my mom would say was jail. She really loved him so we decided to leave it where it was.

I got out the car before I thanked her again. I grabbed the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door. I sat my bag down and began to watch TV before I knew it I was flipping channels and saw the news about a wreck. The car looked familiar. I paused it on my dish TV, I looked closer and it was my moms car. As they wheeled her body in the hospital. I called the police.

"9-1-1 whats your emergency?"

"Hello?! My mother she was just in a car accident and I'm at home and I'm scared and I have no family down here! Please help me." I beg as I start crying knowing my mother was the one behind the wheel at the wrong time.

"Okay sweetie calm down where do you live?" The lady asked me in a calmer tone then I was in.

"5275 Howard rd."

"Okay sweetie there are people on the way you can stay on the phone if you need too." She says still in the calm tone.

"No thank you." I say hanging up. I start crying even more.

Before I knew it the police were knocking on my door.

"Hel- he- lo." I said messing up my words with all the crying.

"Hello Ms. Can you let me in and tell me everything you know, okay?" The police officer asked me.

"Okay." I said sniffling trying to control my crying. I got under control but I was still heaving up and down. I let him and his partner in. As they sat down on the couch. I sat in the love seat beside it.

"Well I'll start im Officer James amd this is my partner Officer Martin.... So explain to us what you know and your name please?" Officer James asked.

" My name is Hazel Lynes. My mother was killed in a car accident that was recently on the news.... I have no family, I just got back from dance class because my teacher went to jail. My friends' mother Makayla drove me home.... What am I supposed to do now?" I asked them. They looked at me concerned.

"How old are you?" Officer Martin asked.

"14 im gonna be 15 in two weeks." I tell him. As I let tears fall this will be the first year I wont celebrate anything with my mother.

"Happy Early Birthday well I'll go call Patricia I'll be right back." Officer James informed and he got up and walked to the door.

I looked down at my hands and all sound went away everything moved in slow motion, and I was stuck where I sat.

For what seem like minutes was only one hour of me standing still and blocking out sound as I felt a woman tap my shoulder.
She looked sophisticated and well educated.

"Hello my name is Patrica Madrine. I'm a social worker and I did some work on your file." She said happily like my mother just didn't die. I looked up at her waiting for her to continue and she got the hint. "Follow me."

I followed her outside to her car as she looked for her paper in her organized briefcase.

"You have a grandma and a father who lives in California." She said smiling like she made my day. "You have family....your blood family."

I looked at her with a blank face. The hell she smiling for? Ion know those damn people. The fuck I gotta be happy for. My dad waa in jail for trying to kill my uncle and was successful. My mom said he killed him because he was trying to set him up.

He let my mother run cause she was pregnant and he did his time. He recently just got out, but he didn't try and see me first to at least see how I looked. Thats raw as fuck.

I nodded.

"Lemme go tell my friend something." I tell the lady as she nods. I run next door to Makayla's house. I knock on the door as she came to the door and I hug her. She looked at the police cars as she pulled from my grip.

"Aye Haze whats going on?" She asked.

"I'm mom- mom just died and they found some family in California and I'm moving to live with them." I said with tears down my eyes and I cried again, but this time she cried with me.

"Call me everyday and I'll try and visit you and vise versa." She said as I nodded. Her mother was heard sniffling as we both did nervous laughs. I hugged her mom.

"Ima miss you child. Take care you hear?" She said she always had a country accent like Alabama or some.

"Yes ma'am...well their waiting I promise Makayla we will meet again." I said as she nodded. I looked at Zane as he nodded at me. I ran across the street and gave him a hug. "Z I'm leaving to California lets keep our fingers crossed we will meet again."

"I always will. Sorry for your loss and I'll keep in touch and stay safe." He said as we hugged. I ran back across the street to my house.

"Pack your bags only pack two because we don't have much room." Patrica said as I nodded. I walked through the doors. I emptied my bag where it was. I packed all the pictures off the wall, table,and nightstands. The duffel bag was so full nothing else could fit. I grabbed my suitcase and packed some clothes, toothbrush, deodorant, and perfumes.

I grabbed another duffel bag and fill most of my shoes that were new. The rest I never wore so it was no use. I walked into my mothers room as her room was clean, but empty she didn't like anything inside it.

I let another tear fall from my eye. As I wiped it I had to be strong.....just had to.

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