Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Eleanor Point Of View*

"From the start, I saw it in your eyes and felt it in your touch"

                                           "I don't even know why you date him. You're more into...buff guys, y'know?" I sighed, looking over at my friend who was driving me to Louis' apartment. I knew he wasn't really my type, but he was rich and famous and I guess he was kind of funny. Plus he knew how to braid my hair and he loved to shop with me.

                                           He had invited me over, but he said it was only to hang out with Harry. I had tried everything I could to get out of it but obviously Louis wouldn't let the subject drop. It was late on a Thursday night, and Louis had said he had to go out with a friend. I figured he was only leaving so me and Harry would bond, which would never happen.

                                            I hated Harry. I knew exactly what kind of person he was. I knew he wasn't what everyone thought, not even Louis. Harry was ugly on the inside. I could tell he was gay, and for that he didn't deserve to live. I wish I could tell Louis, so he would move out, but Louis wouldn't believe me anyways. He always chose Harry over me.

                                         "But I guess he is a celebrity, I would do anything to get in that Niall kids pants." She said, and I couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter. I hated Niall the most out of every single one of them. There was just something about him and the way he seemed to not care about anything that made me want to just call him some un-ladylike words.

                                        "Ew. He had braces!" I yelled, and we both bust out laughing. I pulled down the mirror, looking at my reflection. I hadn't btohered to do my hair since I wouldn't be seeing Louis. My hair was thrown up in a high bun and the only makeup I was wearing was my bubblegum flavoured lip gloss.

                                            I had worn a pair of skinny jeans with one of Louis' football jerseys. I don't think he even knew I wore it. I was wearng a pair of high white heels, since Harry was so much taller than me. I leaned my head back, putting a breath mint in my mouth. Tonight was going to be stressful, wishing I had brought some alcohol.

                                         We pulled up outside their flat, Ruthie grabbing my hand. "Listen, don't fight with him. You want to stay with Louis, right?" I sighed, dabbing at my lipstick and nodding. "Yeah. I'll behave. I'll call you when I'm getting ready to leave." She smiled at me, and I leaned forward, kissing her cheek before heading out to go to the door.

                                         I walked up the steps, glaring at the flowers. Louis had a love for tulips, and so Harry had kept up gardening plants. I smirked as I 'accidently' stepped on a patch of the stupid flowers. Harry was such a homosexual sometimes, I hope he realizes that I'm not going to ignore it or pretend it's no big deal like Louis would have.

                                               I used my key, opening the door. "Harry?" I called out, walking in. Harry was in the kitchen, something that shocked me. Usually he was in his room whenever I came over. He was blasting music, so I didn't think he heard me. It was a Fray cd, and it was playing some music I didn't particularly like. I went over, turning it down, making him jump.

                                        He turned around, and I finally saw him. He was wearing a beanie, a pair of skinny jeans, and an oversized sweater that I immediately recognized it as Louis. I narrowed my eyes, pursing my lips before letting out a sigh. "Hello, Eleanor. I decided to make us some salad, since you're always saying how much you love it."

                                                 My eyes widened a bit. He actually listened to me when I talked? I can't even count the number of times Louis has taken me to a steakhouse when he knows I'm on a diet. I nodded. "That...sounds pretty nice actually." I said, softening instantly.

                                              He showed me two bottles of dressing. "I got a low-fat one and I got a regular one because...I didn't want to offend you." His eyes were cold, making me shiver. I just nodded, not sure what to say. He kept talking, which was stranged even more. Harry never talked, especially to me, and now he was just rambling. But I did notice he kept picking up his phone, texting insanely fast with a small smile on his face.

                                           "Who are you talking to?" I asked, sipping at the small glass of water he had given me, with a lime green straw in it. I saw his eyes widen, before I saw his dimpled smile. Wow, he was actually quite cute and charming. "Just....SOmebody I met online. I know it's lame but I think I'm in love."

                                            I coughed a bit, and couldn't help but think how adorable that was. I am a girl after all. I loved all cheesy things. Unrequited love and long-distance relationshuips being some of them. The thought of Harry loving someone despite any distance was so cute I could barely contain myself.

                                          "That's really adorable. Do they like you back?" He bit his lip, shaking his head. "They're in a relationship." He let out a sigh, before sitting down and serving the food. "They always message me cute things though, compliments and such." He smiled, laughing a bit. I tilted my head to the side.

                                        "Well, she probably knows your gay." I sighed, and he dropped his fork on the plate, it making a loud clanging sound. I smirked, knowing I now had proof. "Yeah, you know what else, bitch? HE knows I'm in love with Louis."

All hell broke loose at that point.


Hello my curlies!

So, dun dun dun, Eleanors POV. What are you thinking? Any guesses to what is going to happen? Hmm? Also, I still need a Niall girl so message for the part. I had a few people but none who are Niall's girls. (I have other parts open in other stories, so if you aren't a Niall's girl but still want to be in the story message me.)

Also, if you could all please take 5 minutes to check out hazzaluvzlou . Message her and tell her she is beautiful. She's struggling with an eating disorder, and she is going to be featured in my new story about Larry eating disorder. She's a wonderful girl and she's insecure, and if any of you suffer from mental disorders or eating disorders COME MESSAGE ME because I care and will be here for you.


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