Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

                                                                             "Harry...Come on." I said, and he sniffled, nodding. He reached blindly, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly as I helped him up out of the bed, leading him to the bathroom. It's been almost 3 days since he last showered, and our final concert was tonight. The last show of the tour.

12 hours until he killed himself.

                                                                              I shook that thought out of my head, holding onto him tightly. He's been talking to me a lot more in the past couple days, and he's been sleeping in my room. I know he's still on Tumblr on his phone, but any kid of progress was better than any. I now knew that I needed Harry more than anything, and no matter what I needed to protect him. He was my best friend. And I was crushing on him hard.

                                                                     "Now, I'm going to take off your shirt, it's going to hurt but try not to cringe." I said, using my softer voice as I slowly reached for the hem of his shirt, him lifting his arms as I pulled it off. I sucked in a breath as I held his hand tighter, not prepared for the sight that was in front of me.

                                                                    His ribs were completely visible. All of his baby fat, all of his fat really, was gone, now leaving behind a concave pouch in his stomach area. His chest which had started getting muscley was now paler than usual, and I could almost see his heart beating in his chest.

                                                                   The cuts were the worst. They were everywhere. Some of them looked really deep, while some of the other cuts looked smaller, barely there. They were all over. On his arms, on his chest, there were even some on his back. I bit my lip, rolling my eyes to the ceiling to try and stop the tears.

                                                                      I tried to think positively. Maybe he wouldn't kill himself. Maybe I could actually help him now, as he was finally showing me everything, but when I looked up at his face he looked angry. Why would he be angry?

                                                                    "Stop staring at me like I'm some freak!" He yelled, and I was a bit startled, but quickly recovered. "Harry....I'm sorry. You look great. I promise." I gave a small nod of my head, putting my hand to his chest over one of the deeper cuts and looking up into his eyes. He calmed down a bit, and I felt his heart go to a normal pace.

                                                                  "Now, I'll turn on the cool bath water, and you strip down." When I bent over onto my knees to turn the faucet on, I heard the smallest of chuckles come from his lips. But just as quickly as he started laughing, he stopped, only muttering a quick 'You just want to see me naked, Boo."

                                                                 My heart nearly leaped out of my chest with joy that he had made a joke, and called my by m nickname. Once he was naked, he got into the tub, and I saw him cringe. "Did you wash the cuts out afterwards?" I asked, and he gave me a small nod, furrowing his eyebrows as he stared straight ahead at the shower wall.

                                                                      "Alright, good. Maybe after this we can go grab a bite to eat before we have the concert...." He nodded again, but stayed silent. I closed my eyes for a minute, taking a deep breath. This moment felt surreal. The whole past month has been numb. Everything felt like I was living somebody else's life.

                                                                         My curly-haired best friend couldn't be suicidal and anorexic. My happy best friend couldn't be broken. I couldn't have lost a friend. This had to be all just a dream. Me and Harry had probably gotten smashed, then came home and passed out knackered. I'm sure Eleanor, my sweet, nice girlfriend would be worried and so would the boys who would never hide anything from me.

                                                                             As I slowly opened my eyes and saw Harry scratching at one of the cuts on his thighs, I realized this wasn't a dream. This was all real. This is actually how my life turned out. I sighed, looking down at him. "Hey, boo, could you wash my hair?" He asked, and that's when I decided.

                                                                           I wasn't giving up. If I had to phsycially tie Harry down to make sure he didn't kill himself, then that is what I would do. I couldn't lose him, and I wasn't going to. I'd do what ever it takes, and I think his mum was right. All he ever wanted was my love, and that's exactly what I'll give him.

                                                                            I smiled politely down at him, and he smiled politely right through me. I washed his hair, helping him out of the bath and into a towel once he was done. He hugged me tightly, kissing the top of my head before he went back into his room, going to get dressed. I took a deep breath before letting the tears fall freely.

Between the lines of fear and blame, I begin to wonder why I came.

I love him, that's why. Always have. I hope I have a chance to tell him, before it's too late.


Hello my curlies!

So, there should be only 1-3 more chapters, depending if I do the concert and the after-concert sadface stuff in two chapters and then an epilogue or just one and yeah. Sorry for the wait, ever since I wrote my story Over Again I have literally hundreds of people messaging me so I have to respond to every single person and thank them and remind them they are beautiful and that their mental/eating/physical disorder doesn't change that. I love you all!

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