I Think Not

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Sorry for the late update! I was in Bent, Oregon at a resort called Eagle Crest. It's super fun and I was wondering if any of you have been there before?. Anyways, again, sorry for the late update!

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Chance looks around frantically, trying to find a place to hide. Obviously not finding any, he looks defeated at me for about a millisecond. His eyes reach behind me and I see a look that resembles relief take over the defeat.

I turn around to look at what he was so happy about before he picks me up and rushes me over to a pile of canes beans, peas, corn, and such. He gently putts me down and clears a space for us to sit. Knowing where he was going with this idea I shake my head no.

"It's too small!" I whisper loudly.

"Then I geuss you'll just have to sit on my lap" he says with a smirk and then rushes me onto his lap, shoving some cans to the side of us so quietly I couldn't here it over my loud beating heart.

I ordered my self to calm down before Chance notices my reaction of sitting on his lap. I didn't want to feed his ego anymore, it was big enough already.

This all happened in, about 62 seconds.

Just then, Mr Owens and Ms Grayson walk in judging from the loud feet and click click of heels, then the loud door opens and closes.

I hear giggles and throw a questioning look towards Chance.

I stare at Chance in awe (how do you spell that?) as he pushes tow of the cans in front of us to see what was going on.

If they catch us, I am going to bug Chance about it for the rest of my life. I assure myself.

Chance looks through the peep hole he just made and makes a disgusted face, quickly looking away.

What are you doing? I mouth to him.

You don't want to see that.

Yes I do. I say defiantly and make my own peep hole.

And I instantly regretted it.

Through those holes, were the worst sights you can see in your life. Mr Owens and Ms Grayson were making out. Talk about gross.

Now that I think of it, they have probably done this more than once, seeing as though Mr Owens is almost always late to first period.

I look over at Chance to see he has his phone out and is taking a video of the disgusting thing going on. About a minute later he turns

I glance behind me again at Chance and she he is staring at me with no expression on his face except his eyebrows were only slightly tilted upwards.

I blush and forget completely that I want to avoid him and look at his lips then glance up at his face. He is also looking at my lips, bit when he sees me looking at him I see a light pink shade form on his cheeks for a second before he leans towards onto me, as if in slow motion.

Right about then I remember that I was supposed to not like him. Right before his lips touch mine my hand shoots up to my mouth and he kisses my palm.

He looks at me with a frown before he looks at me with an expression I couldn't read. "Your right, that was a mistake" he says and then has wide eyes and covers his mouth. Oh yeah. Mr Owens and Ms Grayson.

He bites his bottom lip and we hear a pop sound and voices. Ew, what was that?

"What was that?" Ms Grayson asks suddenly. "Is someone in here?" Great, just great please don't look over here! Please?

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