A Lose- Lose Situation

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Like the tital? I have no idea what to put so . . . Heres "A Lose- Lose Situation"



The clock read 5:32 and violent voices were hearable when I wake up, but I couldn't identify who was who.

"No! I can't do this anymore!" I hear an authoritative voice boom, a girl I could tell, even though I was sleepy and through the door and the hushed tones.

"Please, just one more month?" Someone-a boy judging by the deep husky voice. "We can't tell them yet, if we do-"

"I cant take this anymore! Why can't we just tell them!? They'll let us be a happy couple, we could-"

"Stop. No." The boy instantly interupts and I could hear the girl slump in defeat.

"Do you even want them to know? Do you love me like you said you did?" The girls voice crackes in the middle of her sentence and I hear quiet sobs through the cracks.

"No, please honey, don't cry. Honey, that's not what I meant-" The boys voice drops incredably low and I have to tip toe to the door to hear the next three words.

"I love you,-"

No name was heard because right then, one of the couple's phone went.off, the ringtone being Demonds by: Imagine Dragons.

The boy's deep voice answers with a "hey?" Before all noises exited the hall way and the front door shuts 8 seconds later, leavin gme with the lingering question of, Who were those people?

I had been thinking about it all morning until 8:00 when I thought it was a not-so-unearthly time to get up.

I thought of a list of things each person had to have to be able to be them.

The girl has to have an authoritative voice that can tell off an obviously controlling male.

The boy had to have a deep voice that carries through doors easily.

The boy had to have the ringtone of Demonds.

They both have to know me or Chance since it was in our house.

The list was short and could fit lot's, i probably had 1.03% of a chance to find out who this apparently star crossed lovers were.

When the clock finally read 8:02 I wake everyone up. I had decided that I would ask Chance if he knew anyone that was up at 5:00 last night, so I woke him up first.

"Chance." I shake his left arm and he just grunts loudly, complaining about "Saturday" and "Mom". "Chance!"




"Wha-" before Chance could finish his single word, I bombard him with questions.

"Did you have anyone over last night? Do you know any sassy girls? Are you drooling? Sick, your drooling! Why are you drooling! Chance . . . Wake up!!!!!"

Chances arms grab my waist and pull my on top of him. He must feel my struggle, but he ignores it as he flipps us over and pins my down on my back.

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