Tianna . . .?

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Hello again!!! My story has jumped to 103 reads, thank you so much! But, I have been noticing that I have been getting less and less readers . . . Only 3 on my last update! Please don't be a silent reader . . . Tell me what you don't like so I can fix it!!!! :) thanks guys!



Waking up, there was a pounding in my head. "What in the-" I try to get out of bed but my head bangs into something. "Owww!" I whine.

Looking at my attacker, I see that I have bumped into a bed frame, I must have fell asleep on the floor. Getting the sudden urge to use the bathroom, I foolishly lift my head up again. "Owww!" I whimper and be more careful this time to not hit my head.

The bathroom door is closed and locked, suggesting someone is in it.




Silence again.

"Anybody in there?" I ask instead of knocking again. I had a bad habit of knocking really hard, so those six knocks made my hand hurt.

I hear a tiny voice from inside and wonder who the heck was inside the bathroom. "Hello?" I ask again, placing my ear next to the door, so I could hear the he-she-person-it talk this time even with their small voice.

"Hi. I-I'm I-in" hiccup "here." This time, I can barely tell that it's undead a girl in there. Probably a young one judging from the whine evident in her voice.


Tap. tap. Tap. Tap. My foot stools tapping as I get annoyed of the sound. Playing with my nails, phone, hair and my mouth soon also become annoying. I check the time on my Samsung.

9:23. A whole minute has passed and I haven't heard the sound of anything moving, just hiccups. And let me just tell you, I ain't a very patient person.



"Can you um, hurry up?"

"O-oh, yeah" Hiccup "I-I'll be right" Hiccup "o-out."

Soon, the sound of running water is heard and splash notices, indicating that either she is washing her face or her hands. Soon, a figure emerged.

Let me tell you, the bicycling and stuttering kinda made me realise that the person was crying, but nothing could have prepared me for the girl before me.

She had dark streaks under her bright eyes, Bach's under her eyes, flushed cheeks, clothes wrinkled, and still tight, (some how) and she wore black pumps what put her about 3 inches above me.

The girl was stunning underneath all that though. She was my age, had bright blue eyes, bleached blonde hair, and was pretty tan. She had a body to kill for, all screaming the words, "look at me!" And her bare lefts had a bunch of little bruise things on her neck.

"H-hi" she stutters, interrupting my wide eyes with a wave and a hiccup. "W-who are y-you?" She asks me.

"Oh, hi I'm Raven Rayne!" I extend my hand out for her to shake but she just stares at it, before taking it awkwardly and shaking it. "You?" I ask politely.

"Oh, I'm Tianna Zeus" her stuttering stops, but the hiccups continue. Her right hand is on her hip, her right hip sticking out and left leg out as well, indicating she liked the attention I as giving her, offering me a smile.

Suddenly Tianna's head cocks to the side. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Just did."

"Another one?"

"You just did again."

"Oh, a different one, not counting this one!"

"Yeah whatever."

"Ok, why are you here?" She asks, her eyes squinting, her head still tilted to the side as if she really didn't know it was my house. "I was just about to ask you the same thing." I at, surprised at the girls question.

"Well, I'm here with-was here with- Chance. But your not I'm guessing so . . ."

Of course that fûcker brought someone. But to my house? In the attic? Ewwww . . .

"Well, considering its my house and all so you know I'm here to live." I deadpan.

Her eyes grow as wide as saucers and she explains herself. "Oh, sorry . . . I didn't know . . . Chance should have told me . . . Chance. I hate him . . ." She quickly wanders off topic and soon I feel bad for completely nothing.

"Its totally fine, but do you want me to fix you up?" I ask, but a blush soon creeps up my cheeks at how rude that seemed. Tianna caught it too. "Only if I can fix up you!" She muses, jokingly, but somewhat seriously.

"What?-" I walk through the door to look in the mirror at my reflection. "Oh my-"

I look like hèll. My yes are blood shot, my very small amount of makeup is smeared and all over my face. "Yeah, that would be great." I say, before I show her to my room and we spiff up.


"What's this?" I ask Tianna when she changes into my shorts and Tshirt. A kiny, thin peice of lace was pinned inbetween my pionter and middle finger as i examited it. It was definetly something . . . but what was it?

"That's my thong." She answers nonchantedly.

Instantly dropping the thing, I recoil in horror. I had heard of a thong but only now had i ever actually seen it. It was thin in the lower regin.and at the top it raps around your waist . . .

Ew. Just ew.

"What the hëll Tia?!" I scream and Tianna just laughs.

"Tia?" She laughs like its a joke.

"Yeah. I like that name."

"Yeah. Ok . . . Rave." She teases me like it wasnt already my nickname.

"Tia do you know Izzy? She calls me that."

"Really? I she's a bitch. I'll tell her to stop."

"EXCUSE You!?" I just up from the spot I was in crouched down under the curling iron and Tia causing my forhead to suddenly burn. Feeling the pain, I swear and then whip my hair to the side so I dont hit my head again.

Ignoring the burning sensation on my forehead, I turn sharply to Tianna. "Who do you think you are!?!" Over welmed by my madness, I yell out in frusteration.

"Ugh! You don't even know her! She isa sweet friend that would never hurt me, who is nice and loud but funny and cool and everything iwant in a friend, besides she is super-"

During my rant, Tianna had swiftly unplugged the curling iron, set the wand on my cream dresser, fished a peice of paper out of her purse, writing something on it and waved goodbye at me after throwing at me.

"Call me when you find out."

With that, she was gone and I stand there wondering what to do.


Yeah. This wasnt what you expected was it? Well let me tell you something . . .

I didnt expect it either.

1158 words!


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