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Not Edited! Sorry guys, wanted to get this out for you!

This chapter is dedicated to @allyduvall for helping me

Also, there is no such thing as Waterside, California. If there is, I had no idea!

I hope you enjoy


CHAPTER ONE: Neighbours?

I wake up to a horrible horrible noise.

"RAVEN RAYNE! GET YOUR FAT ASS DOWN HERE!" My best friend Izzy screams up the stairs.

If she thinks she's going to convince me, she had better think twice.There is no way I'm getting up this early on a Monday morning. And she's not going to convince me by yelling.

"NO FUCKING WAY IZABELLA!" I new I was going to be in a lot of trouble for calling her by her full name, but hey she dared to wake Raven Rayne up from my much needed beauty sleep. So I figured I should be pretty ok.

"IF I MAKE IT UP THERE AND YOU ARN'T SHOWERING I AM GOING TO BE VERY DISIPOINTED RAVE!!!" Izzy screams, her pumps stomping up the stairs, very loudly.

I hop out of bed and fling myself to the shower while whipping the sleep out of my eyes. She always was a great convincer, said all the right things with just the right tone.

Just as I step into the shower water that isn't even warm yet, I hear the bedroom door swing open and the triumphant laugh of Izzy. I can practically see her smirking at the bathroom door.

I roll my eyes and then rinse my hair in the now warm shower, blocking out the world.

I picked up a random bottle and hope it was shampoo. Putting it into my hair and rinsing it out then running my fingers through my now silky strawberry smelling hair I realise that I had in fact grabbed the conditioner.

Sighing I  put in the shampoo, which smelled equally as strong as strawberries. The feeling was weird and resulted in my hair being not so silky and smooth as it was with just the conditioner.

As I climb out the shower, I don't even bother to cover up my body as I walk out my bathroom, because all I was expecting was Izzy.

But when I walkout and see Izzy and my brother Keven in my room, I turn around and run back into my bathroom, slamming the door shut and locked.

I hear them laughing at my frenzy.

Why is Keven out there? I ask myself.

Keven lives in Florida, a long ways away from where I live, in Waterside California.

Maybe Keven and mom got over their huge spat! But then I rethink. Of course they didn't he's still dating that girl, and mom was not happy with what her back round was.

My brother Keven Rayne, fell head over heels with a girl he met at a boarding school he was sent to. Her name was Chloe Summers, and they dated for a while behind mom's back. The reason Chloe was at the boarding school was because she was a trouble maker.

She put venomous snakes in the teachers lounge, stole earnings from jewelry stores and sold them on the black market, sold drugs, bought drugs, the works.

But here's the worst part:

He brought her home with him.

Long story short, she went to our school and trashed up the whole system. In the small boring town that we lived in, adventure was just never there. Everyone ate up Chloe like an ice cream sundae. But when my mother found out that Keven had sneaked Chloe home with him, she had a huge fit. She said the reason he was at boarding school was to shape up, and Chloe would have to go back.

Keven was already 18, and he had the rights to move out, and he wanted to be as far away from hid home town, ending up in Florida. Chloe found out, and moved in with him. The rest is history.

I grabbed a robe from under the sink in the cabinets and open the door, pretending I wasn't the least bit fazed by showing my 20 year old brother my body.

They both turn to me when I open the bathroom door and I blush without thinking when I glance at Keven's smirk. I point to the door and he gets up to leave, winking at Izzy.

"Remember, Don't tell her." He then smiles at me, making his exit. Seconds later I hear the front door open and shut, then his car roars away.

I keep the town on and rummage through my closet because I decided to wear something cute.

Who was I kidding?

I threw on a pair of dark Americana eagle jeans, a white Billabong jacket, with a pair of white vans.

Soon, I was ready to go to school. I grab my phone, and fly out the door, because I hear Izzy's car going.

Surprisingly, I make out the door without falling flat on my face.

As usual, Izzy drives at 100 Miles per hour, and I nearly fall out of my seat at every stop light.

When we step out of the car, there are a crowd of people at the entrance of the school. I push through the crowd to see what everyone was staring at. What? I was as noise as any one els. Maybe more.

At the front of the crowd, were the Popular 3. I roll my eyes and turn around to get back with Izzy.

The popular 3 were a group of boys that are considered popular at our school. (Hence the name). Each of the boys have their own look.

Ryan: The Bad Boy. In jail for arson, and has sleep with every girl in the school. He has black hair, olive skin, and dark brown eyes, so dark, you can't see his pupils.

Tylor: Quiet. Doesn't really say a lot, but that just adds mystery, and a definite turn on to most girls. He Is tan, has green eyes, and had blonde hair that was curly at the bottoms. He was not a woman user, and even had a couple of girlfriends before.

Nick: The boy next door, a nice guy, all except for the fact that as soon as he beds you, he don't know you and he's moving on. He has blonde hair, has Sun kissed skin, and has blue eyes.

I turn around and walk back to my group of friends consistiing of Izzy, Jaden, and Taya.

As I reach them, they all are open mouthed and are squealing like weird little animals.

"What's going on?" I ask Taya, glancing at everyone. Taya's naturally straight red hair reflects the sun off them, hiring my eyes. I squint and she floppies her hair over her shoulder, telling me what happened.

"Oh my God Rave, you have to see this! She goes onto snap chat and finds presses on someone's story, then shows me the screen.

On the picture was the house next to mine that as for sale. Except now, the was a new sign on top of the for sale sign. It said:


I look up at my friends and see them smiling like lunatics.

"It's a boy!" Shouts Izzy, pointing to a boy boy in the corner… ut oh...

I glance at all the other girls with fake amusement.

"You think I'm just gonna fall in live with this guy? I don't know him, so why are you giving me that look!" I smile at them, my friends are so weird sometimes...

The bell rings and my group heads to the door, squealing through the crowd of people.

I walk to homeroom with sweet, lovable, Jaden. Jade scoots a into the seat in front of me, and I sit in the very back.


Done! How do you like it?

I'm so sorry it was so short :(

Who do you think bought the house?

What do you think about the popular 3?

Vote, Comment, Share!


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