Chapter 8 ~•~ Ring Up The Office

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Ever since Karina agreed to going to Australia, she hadn't spoken a word to me. She spent most of her time at work. She was obviously doing her best to avoid me. I'd try to make conversation to relieve the uncomfortable awkward silences but she'd  rely with short answers then result to leaving the room.

We were leaving in less than 24 hours and I was failing miserably to get a single word out of her. If we wanted to make this marriage believable, we'd have to at least get along. She was now at work so I took the opportunity to go out and buy a ring. As far as everyone was concerned, the store where I'd  bought the ring was taking longer than necessary to get t he ring resized. I took my second last credit card from the mantelpiece and the car keys to my white Lamborghini. I drove to the same mall I'd bought Karina's new clothes because I remembered passing a couple of jewellers just outside of it. I didn't know anything about ring shopping so I was just going to go for the most expensive diamond I could find or at least get the opinion of the salesperson. I walked into a small blue jewellers that read 'Tiffany's' up above in large white bold italics. I recognised its logo from the many gifts my father would occasionally have for my mother when she came back from a long shift. I entered the store the was particularly large in comparison to your average jewellers and was almost immediately greeted by a short woman in a black baggy silk buttoned blouse and white knee length skirt. She wore square framed glasses attached to a gold chain that draped around the back of her neck. She gave me a warm smile which I returned. "Hey. I'm Theresa. Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked.
"Yes please," I sighed. "I'm looking for the flashiest ring you've got in here."
She grinned widely. Karina didn't come across as the type of woman that appreciated jewellery and that was why I wanted to get her a ring that would score her the most attention. As much as she hated me right now, that didn't mean I didn't still enjoy winding her up. "I think I might have the perfect thing for you. It came in last week but I must warn you that not  even the men in suits could afford it. However, I can guarantee that she will be the luckiest woman on the continent."
I chuckled. "Thank you."
Theresa laughed at my confidence that the price of the ring wouldn't phase me. While I was down to my second last credit card, I sought it best to spend most of the money on the ring so that when I returned it after the wedding, I would still be left with something. Theresa went behind the glass counter and pulled out a light grey velvet box that was already open and revealing the one thing in the universe that could have women all over the world bouncing up and down with ecstasy. I stared at the small rectangular sticker on the navy blue cushion that the ring sat on. I didn't get it. The ring was huge and easy on the eyes, I didn't understand what the huge deal was. Written in blue pen on the small paper tag loosely attached to the ring by string was ninety-five followed by a numerous amount of zeroes after it. "That's nine-hundred and fifty-thousand dollars," Theresa said casually. I laughed nervously. "Okay, I replied in the same tone. Mistaking my response, Theresa closed the box and was about to find me something else. "We have other rings that are similar to this cut but a little smaller of course."
I laughed. "No, that's okay. I'll take the ring."
She took a moment to reply before composing herself. "Wow!" She exclaimed. "I may be a little old for you but would you consider marrying me."
I flashed her a smirk. "I definitely would if my partner didn't scare me when she's pissed off."
Theresa laughed. "Well you know where I work if it doesn't work out."
I laughed. "You'll be first on the list."
She smiled with satisfaction.

Wanting to get a reaction out of Karina, I drove to her workplace with the ring in a blue Tiffany & Co. paper bag. I bought myself a large cappuccino in Starbucks before walking into the large glass building next door. I didn't know which floor to go to so I asked a janitor that was mopping the floors. He looked at me, the bag in my hand, then back at me. "Hey. I'm looking to speak to a lawyer. She goes by the name, Karina."
He grinned widely. "You must be the lucky man."
I nodded casually. "Yeah. I'm just here to drop off her engagement ring. I proposed with the wrong size so I'm here to hopefully make it up to her."
He smiled. "That's lovely. You'll find her sitting next to the window on the eighth floor. I nodded. "Okay. Thank you." I definitely didn't have the energy to climb the stairs and didn't want to spill my cappuccino so I took the elevator. I pressed the button outside the elevator and awkwardly waited for the doors to open. Once on the elevator, I hit the eighth button and impatiently waited for the doors to open on the eighth floor. The elevator was incredibly slow.

Once I reached Karina's office, I almost immediately spotted her. She was caged in a small glass office with her eyes glued on the computer screen in front of her. She must have sensed my eyes on her because she looked up at me with confusion. After she noticed the bag in my hand, I could see the dread in her eyes. She knew I was going to make a spectacle of her. Although I could feel multiple pairs of eyes gazing at me, I kept mine locked on Karina's and headed into her office. She stood up from her black leather desk chair while glaring at me. She crossed her arms. "What are you doing here, Luke?" She snapped.
"What does it look like?"
"It looks like you're going out of your way to make me kill you. Why the hell did you have to bring this to my workplace?"
I simply grinned at her before taking out the blue box from the bag. I opened the box and revealed the ring. I wasn't bothered to get down on my knee. "Karina. Sweet, Karina. Will you pretty pretty please with a cherry on top, marry me."
She looked down at her shoes and laughed. "You're an idiot, Luke." Her cheeks flushed bright red as she met my gaze. "Everyone is looking at us."
"I don't care," I replied. I took her left hand, that held a blue Biro pen, took the pen and carefully slid the ring on her finger. "Thanks," she muttered although she never looked at the ring. I pecked her lips and left her with a mortified expression.

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