Chapter 49 ~•~ Rumour Has It

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For the majority of Wednesday, I spent it either reading or binging on The Mentalist until Luke returned. My phone was still set on "Do Not Disturb". I decided to remove the setting before Luke arrived. I didn't want to contact anyone however because I knew they'd most likely be in work.

It was a little past ten o'clock when I was lying on top of the covers while Luke was in the shower. I wasn't tired so I decided to call Brittany who I knew would still be awake. She was quick to pick up. "How are you?" She exclaimed excitedly before I could even say hello.
I laughed. "I'm fine. You?"
"What does it sound like? In less than nine months there will be a little human being named after me."
I laughed. "Sure, Brittany," I replied sarcastically. "Make it about eight or nine. I'm six weeks and apparently it's actually ten months, not nine."
She squealed with excitement I reduced the volume of the phone's speaker. "How are you feeling by the way?"
"Deaf." I could almost hear her eyes roll. "How's Luke been taking the news?"
"Good. He's definitely having fun taking advantage of my increased libido."
Brittany laughed. I set my phone next to the lamp before placing her on speaker. "How was work?"
"Not too bad. I had to leave early to get my nails done though."
"Are you fucking serious, Brittany?"
"And Megan just let you go?"
She laughed. "I'm joking. I had that meeting at the court house."
I was startled by Luke exiting the bathroom. He'd washed his hair. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not in the mood. Please don't." I couldn't hide underneath the covers seeing as I was lying on top of them. I rolled to the other side of the bed but failed to get up in time so I was greeted with a cold shower by Luke shaking his head over me. "Fuck you," I yelled.
"You're really gonna have to learn to watch your mouth," he said while chuckling.
"Why!? Why do you always do that!?"
"Because I don't think you know how beautiful you look when you're angry."
"Go fuck yourself!" I snapped. He continued to laugh. Seeing that I wasn't amused, he grabbed my waist and forced me to roll over to where I had been lying. He kissed my cheek. "Brittany, I think we should get her elocution lessons as soon as possible."
I glared at him. Brittany laughed. "I agree. I don't know what you just did there, Luke but I wish you luck."
"No. Stay on the line, Brittany. I would really rather talk to you right now."
She giggled. "What did he do?"
"It doesn't matter. He's just making me question why I married him in the first place."
"Because you needed the visa," both him and Brittany replied simultaneously. I rolled my eyes. I watched Luke silently get dressed and towel dry his hair while I spoke to Brittany. He finally got in beside me. "You're not really mad at me, are you?" He whispered close to my ear. His breath tickled me. I looked at him blankly but failed to keep a straight face on for long enough. He kissed me gently but I broke it a few seconds later to continue my conversation with Brittany. He didn't stop it just there, however. "I'm not hanging up on her if that's what you're trying to make me do," I whispered. He chuckled. "How's Jason?" I asked. Luke was leaving slow wet kisses along the right side of my neck. "He's okay. I was just on the phone to him before you called. He's still on the road."
"Is he far?"
"Kinda. He only just entered Philadelphia."
"Wow." I checked the time on my phone. It was coming to eleven.
"I know right. Can you imagine me as a lorry driver?"
"I can't even imagine you in a lorry, Brittany."
"I actually had to have him drive me everywhere that day I needed Luke to fix my tail light."
I failed to reply as Luke suddenly shifted us so that I straddled his waist. I let out a scream. He chuckled. "Are you okay?" Brittany asked.
"Yeah," I laughed. "Luke's just being Luke."
They both laughed. "Do you want to come over while you wait for Jason to return? That's unless you want to sleep."
"I don't mind. Are you okay with that, Luke."
He lifted the midnight blue satin night dress that I wore over my head so that I was only in my pants. Too distracted, he failed to reply. "He's fine," I said for him.
"Okay. I'll be there in at least fifteen minutes."
"Just let yourself in. The door's locked so don't forget to bring your key."
"Okay. Thank you."
After hanging up, I met Luke's eyes. "I genuinely don't know how to deal with you sometimes."
"Seriously though. Don't do that again."
He looked at me with a raised brow because it was obvious he'd always do it. "Right. We've got fifteen minutes."
"You're not serious."
"When have I ever joked?"
"I'm annoyed with you, Luke."
He gave me a dubious Luke until I finally gave in. "Leave me on top," I whispered between kisses.
"Okay," he mumbled. I left open-mouthed kisses along his neck, down the centre of his chest, trailing down his abs, then paused at the waistband of his boxers. "Do you want to pass me one of the condoms?" I asked rhetorically.
"Not really but what flavour?"
"It's okay then." I looked up at him from under my eyelashes. He had his eyes closed and was completely relaxed. "Luke," I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes to look at me. His eyes never left mine as I slid his black boxers down to reach his ankles. He kicked them off. He was already awake downstairs.. I teased him with wet heavy kisses along the top of his thighs. Finally my tongue reached his tip. I traced it with the tip of my tongue which he responded with a deep moan. His head rolled back into the pillow. "Look at me," I ordered. His eyes locked with mine. "Nowhere else."
He hummed in compliance. Every now and then, I glided my tongue along his shaft but it was when I would ocassionally brush his tip that had him go crazy but he never left my eyes. He looked at me with flustrated desperation that I couldn't help but enjoy. It take too long before I was forced to swallow.

I returned to his lips only to peck them. I then lay on top of him with my head resting on his chest so that I could hear the rapid thumping of his heart. He still hadn't caught his breath. I giggled. "Are you okay?"
"I should annoy you more often."
I scoffed. "No you shouldn't."
"Then why the generosity?"
I shrugged. "Why not?" I awkwardly got up. I slipped into my night dress then waited for Luke to get dressed before we went downstairs. He got into blue baggy pyjama bottoms and a random vest top that lay on top of the full laundry basket. While I was looking for something to watch on Disney Plus, he was throwing a frozen apple pie into the oven. Brittany came through the door while he was still in the kitchen. After greeting her and all, she sat down beside me. "You shouldn't have told us about Chris," I said quietly. "I think Luke would've preferred to hear it from Chris himself."
"I'm sorry. Is he okay? I'll apologise."
I grabbed her wrist before she could stand up. "He's fine."
"Are you sure?"
I was glad that she didn't press on the matter. "Anything you wanna watch?" I asked. Luke came in and took the remote before she could even reply. Neither Brittany or I were phased by Luke's actions. "While I sometimes like the crime dramas you guys watch, Karina has me dealing with them every hour of every single day so I would really like a day off."
I laughed. "You're so dramatic. We've watched a couple of episodes of The Vampire Diaries."
"Okay. We'll watch that."
" Really?" I exclaimed. "I didn't think you liked it so much."
"It's not too bad."
He sat down in the armchair next to us. Brittany didn't mind that we started on the second episode of the second season. Eighteen minutes into the episode, the apple pie smelled like it was time to come out of the oven. I was about to get up but Luke bet me to it. "Think you wanna get me some water?" I yelled after him.
"I'll think about it. Brittany do you want some pie?" He asked without looking at her. It was only obvious to me that he was still annoyed with her because he subtly clenched his right fist. "Yes please," Brittany replied excitedly. "I'll get you some tea."
I speed walked after Luke. I waited for him to take the pie out of the oven before speaking in a hushed tone. "I'll have her apologise."
"No. Don't do that. It's fine."
"Then what's wrong?"
"You want another round?" I asked rhetorically then glanced down.
"Yes but that's not it."
I laughed. "Then what?"
"It doesn't matter."
I sighed. He turned away from me to flick on the kettle. He began slicing the pie into triangles. I stood behind him to wrap my arms around his torso. I pressed my lips onto the back of his shoulder. "I do wish I'd heard it from Chris and not Brittany. The idiot decides to be in love with you for almost a year then suddenly I'm hearing from Brittany that he's not even attracted to women."
"Maybe he's attracted to both."
"I don't care, Karina. I still wish I'd known."
I hummed in understanding. "Have you spoken to him?"
"No. He hasn't been answering any of my calls. Probably because he knows that I know."
I released his waist so he could get three small white sideplataes bordered in gold from the cupboard. "Do you have a problem with the whole concept or just that he didn't tell you?"
"I don't care if he's with the guy. It's the fact that he never told me."
I nodded. "I don't think you should take it as an insult. At the end of the day, it was his choice when he wanted it to come out. From what Brittany told us it didn't even sound like he was ready to tell us now. He was clearly caught off guard so you're just gonna have to be patient with him."
He didn't reply. He placed a slice of apple pie in each of our plates. "Brittany, do you want ice-cream with your pie?"
"Yes please," she sang.
"I better give this to Brittany before it gets cold." He dumped two large scoops of vanilla ice-cream into all of our plates.
"Okay. I'll make the tea. Do you want some?"
I gave him a small smile. He returned while I was pouring boiled water over teabag in a small red mug. I waited until he was closer to me so I could speak without Brittany hearing. "I'm sorry. I wouldn't have invited Brittany if I knew all of this."
Rather than replying, he crushed my lips with his. His hands groped my behind and crushed me into him. "That's enough. Brittany's waiting in the other room." I whispered but continued to kiss him. It took me a moment to step away. His hands still remained on my behind. "What was that?" I asked.
He brushed my hair back behind my ears. "Sometimes I forgot how smart you are outside of the law."
I laughed and met his lips once again. Other than the TV playing in the living room, all you could hear in the kitchen was our heavy breathing. I think about ten minutes had passed before I broke our kiss with struggle and leaned my forehead against his. "Come on. Brittany's waiting and the ice-cream's melting." His sigh of defeat made me laugh. I left him finishing off making Brittany's tea. "You okay?" She asked as I entered the room.
I frowned. "Yeah. Why?"
"Your cheeks are on fire."
My lips pressed into a thin line. "It's fine. I'm just flustered."
I hoped that the cold of the ice-cream would bring my cheeks back to their normal colour. "Nevermind," I muttered. "Luke's bringing your tea in just a second."
She gave me a long look but didn't press on the matter.

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