Chapter 18 ~•~ Revelations

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I lay on the cold hard steel bench of my cell. I was bored out of my mind. As amusing as it was to know that Karina had been rejecting all of Chris' calls, I was beginning to lose my patience. According to the clock up high on the wall in front of me, it was almost eleven, meaning that I'd been  here for at least three hours. Chris returned with his lips in a grim line. "Well?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I don't know. I told her you were here and she just hung up."
"You're an idiot. Just because Mum asks you to do something, doesn't mean you have to do it."
"I said I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to actually come up here."
"Why? Because you weren't expecting her to tell me. You were expecting her to accept the offer?"
"That and I didn't think you'd be this pissed off."
"You can get away from me now because you're making it harder for me not to choke you through these bars."
He laughed. I glared at him. "Get me out of here, Chris. I don't care how you do it. Just get me out of here."
"I told you. I can't. It's complicated with Gideon still pressing charges."
"Just go away now." I closed my eyes and ignored his presence until he left.

A few minutes later, I heard two pairs of feet approaching. "Seriously. Leave me alone, Chris."
"It's me." I opened my eyes. Karina stood next to Chris in the jeans she'd been wearing during the day and a black satin pyjama shirt that was partially buttoned. She looked at me in the same way my mother used to whenever she'd lost her patience with me. "Why am I here, Luke?"
"Because you love me and I've never had sex in jail before."
Her cheeks burned red. She folded her arms which led my eyes to betraying me as they fell on her cleavage. She dropped her arms and gave me a warning look. "What happened?"
"Chris pissed me off so as you can see, I decided to make some improvements on his face. His stupid co-worker decided to get involved then use that to press charges."
Chris had a busted lip and the corner of his eye was now a dark purplish bruising colour.
Karina gave me a long look before speaking to Chris. "Where's the co-worker?"
"He should be back soon. He had to make a house call."
She returned her focus to me. Neither of us spoke until Chris left. "I'll let you know when Gideon returns," he said. Clearly still annoyed with him, Karina didn't reply and just waited for him to leave. "Pun unintended considering the circumstances but you are criminally insane, Luke. Next time don't fight with your brother in a police station of all places."
"Yes, Councillor," I replied mockingly.
"So what exactly happened?"
"I already told you."
She looked unsatisfied by my response but dismissed the matter for the time being. "I'll be back in a second. I still have to clean up after this mess. Chris may not be pressing charges but you still assaulted a police officer." She left then returned about half an hour later with Chris and Gideon. Unlike Chris and I, he didn't have a scratch or bruise on him. He unlocked my cell in silence. I looked at Karina in question. "Come on," she muttered. I followed her and Chris out. "What did you do?" I asked as we walked out. She glanced at Chris who was already looking at her. "I did exactly what was expected of me. I offered him sex for your freedom of course. He happily agreed seeing as I'm blonde and all."
I looked at the uncomfortable expression on Chris before erupting into laughter. After retrieving my belongings, I was dragged to a silver Ford Focus.

Karina turned to look at me with crossed arms. "So what happened?"
"I already told you."
"Yes but not everything."
"It doesn't matter. Curiosity killed the cat; remember?"
"Yes and knowing is what brought him back; remember?" She replied with a horrible attempt of imitating my voice. I couldn't help but laugh. "Luke!" She snapped.
"He pissed me off, Karina. Is that enough information for you?"
"No," she replied firmly. "I had to borrow Courtney's car so now I'm being forced into going shopping with her tomorrow."
"He pissed me off for the same reason he pissed you off."
She bit the lower corner of her lip which I noticed she did whenever she was anxious or uncomfortable. "You can follow behind me."
I nodded. I waited for her to get into the car before heading over to where I'd parked mine. For someone I'd never seen drive before, she drove as if it were a Formula 1 race. We both took it in turns to overtake the other before finally arriving at the house. While I had parked at the house before her, she was already waiting for me at the door. With whatever damage that had been done to my shoulder, it felt unusually heavy. This made it slower for me to move, let alone get out of the car. "Come on, grandpa," Karina called into the dark.
"Says the one that was behind me the whole time," I replied once I'd reached her unlocking the front door. She scoffed. She locked the door behind us as I headed up the stairs. We didn't bother to switch on the lights until we got up to the room. I sat at the edge of the bed and got out of my t-shirt. The bathroom door was left open so from the mirror above the sink, I could see a large bruise developing all around my right shoulder and halfway down my right pec. "Wow," Karina gawked.
"Yeah yeah. I know. I'm the real life Prince Charming."
She rolled her eyes. "I was talking about your shoulder. There's an icepack in the freezer and some alcohol wipes in the medicine cabinet of the main bathroom that's at the top of the stairs."
"I'd get them but my back already hurts from climbing the stairs."
"I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight," she sighed.
"Damn right, woman." I shouted after her.
"Shut up, Luke."
I couldn't help but laugh at the pissed off expression she'd thrown my way.

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