Work Out

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Calum: He grunts softly, pushing himself up and muttering numbers under his breath as he counts his push ups, his plump lips parted, his biceps bulging as he lifts himself, sweat shimmering on his bare back, you smirk, your eyes scanning his body shamelessly as you stand in the doorway behind him, his damp black hair, his broad shoulders curving smoothly and continuing into his tattooed arms, his muscles contracting and relaxing with each move "I know you like my ass baby, so why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer" he pants, grinning to himself as you blush, he stops the pushups and rolls onto his back, bracing his arms behind his head and beginning sit ups, you gulp, watching his abs clenching "I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to intrude" you stammer, he chuckles and stops his exercises, propping himself up on his elbows, panting heavily, a smirk on his lips "c'mere baby, I could use a bit of motivation" he motions for you to sit on his lap, straddling him with your knees on either side of his waist "what're you doing Cal?" You ask nervously, he smirks and takes your hands, laying one on his abs "with this hand I want you to feel-really feel- if I'm doing it right okay?" and the other on his chest "and I want you to try and hold me down with this one" you inhale sharply and he lays back down, taking a hold of your hips, smiling cheekily, the butterflies in your stomach are going crazy as he pulls himself up, his abs tightening underneath your palm "you feel that baby?" He breathes, you nod, not daring to make eye contact, he chuckles softly and ducks his head down, his lips brushing yours "I think I deserve a reward, don't you?" Your breath catches in your throat and you nod, earning a gentle squeeze of your hips as he kisses you, biting down on your bottom lip gently, but just as you're getting into the kiss he pulls away, lying back down "come on, push a little harder, I like a bit of a challenge" he instructs, you press down harder on his chest, you can feel his heart pumping and his lungs heaving, but as he comes up again you are completely distracted by the feel of his abs clenching sharply, he snickers softly and gives you a sloppy kiss, making your face heat up, you take a deep breath, focusing all your energy into pinning him to the floor, he grins when he feels you trying to keep him down, and you feel a slight boost of confidence, until he braces himself and sits up with as much ease as before, forcing your arm upwards, you gape at him and he smiles "you could at least pretend it's a little difficult" you whine, he laughs and kisses you "okay let's go again" he offers, he lays back down and you push against his chest as hard as you can, he bites his lip and pulls himself up halfway, groaning, his abs solid as a rock and taut against your palm, you whimper and he pulls himself up the rest of the way, letting out a loud animalistic grunt "how was that?" He asks, you let out a shaky breath and push your lips against his, he smirks, kissing you back hard and rolling you onto your back "I think it's time for a different kind of work out babe" he mumbles into the kiss, earning a moan from you as he strips your shirt off.

Luke: You cant help but bite your lip as you watch Luke in the ring, his tank top is one of those ones with arm holes cut all the way down to the waist, giving you a perfect side view of his muscled torso, and it is soaked with sweat and so is the rest of his body. He grunts loudly as he punches the targets his trainer is holding up, his biceps taut, he wipes his forehead with his arm and takes another swing, flicking his hair out of his eyes, he seems so relaxed and at home in the ring, his movements perfectly calculated and executed. You feel bad for staring, but you can't help it, you watch as he expertly blocks a punch, his chest heaving "great work Hemmings, you're getting better every time I see you. Take five then I want you on the punching bags" his trainer says, Luke nods, tugging off his boxing gloves and slipping between the ropes "hey baby" he pants, grabbing his water bottle and chugging it all "hey" you giggle, he reaches behind his head and peels off his shirt, grabbing a towel to wipe himself off, he chuckles when he notices you looking, draping the towel over his shoulder and sitting next to you "you know what I was thinking?" He hums, pressing his lips to your shoulder "what?" You ask, he moves his lips up to your neck, leaving small butterfly kisses "how cute you would look in a pair of gloves" he raises his eyebrows "it'd be kinda hot" he murmurs, his blue eyes filled with hope "is this some boxer fantasy of yours?" you giggle, he nods, blush tinging his cheeks "Hemmings! Punching bags! Now!" Luke groans softly, nuzzling his face against your neck "Yes coach I'll be there in a moment" he responds, you giggle and he grabs his gloves "which gloves should I use?" You ask, his head snaps up and a slow smirk spreads over his lips "here, you can use mine" he grins, handing over his worn black gloves, wrapping his hands instead in some athletic tape, he flexes his fingers and helps you to put on the gloves "you look so hot" he groans, guiding you over to the punching bags "okay, just punch it as hard as you can" he says, falling into a more serious mode, you giggle and hit the punching bag, surprised at how heavy it is and disappointed that it barely budges "I'll show you" he chuckles, kissing your pouty lips "you gotta brace your feet and tighten up your abdomen, and you have to put strength into your punch, you gotta have intent" he explains, he draws his fist back and hits the punching bag in the side, sending it swinging away, the iron chain it dangles from clanking in protest "how do you do that?" You whine, he shrugs before flexing his biceps casually, smirking as you roll your eyes "I'll get you started on a lighter one yeah?" He offers, you nod and after testing a few out, you find one and Luke leaves you to have fun. You can hear him grunting behind you as he beats the shit out of the punching bag nearby, and you can't help but be turned on, you glance over your shoulder at him, sweat glistening on his chest, and bite your lip "your girl's not too bad Hemmings" the trainer calls, you blush, returning to the task at hand, you barely even notice Luke coming over to watch you until he's standing in front of you, his lip ring sucked into his mouth"fu-uck babe I-I need you to stop" he whispers, running a hand through his hair, you grin, folding your arms over your chest "why?" He licks his lips, his blue eyes closing for a second "if-if you don't, I'm gonna get so hard and I'm gonna get in trouble, the coach'll probably let me out in ten minutes, I wanna find you naked and waiting for me in the hotel room" he hisses, you gasp, your cheeks flushing as you hand him his gloves and hurry up to your hotel room.

Michael: You sigh softly and bite your lip, watching as your neighbour Michael does pull ups, his abdomen tight and his biceps rippling underneath his pale skin, sweat running down his chest, he grunts, not yet aware of your presensce as he keeps lifting his body, alternating between using both hands to pull himself up, to using just one hand at a time, you watch him for a few more minutes before he finally drops to the ground and grabs a bottle of water, drinking some and squirting some over his head, his bleach blonde hair sticking to his forehead, you gulp, watching as he ruffles his hair, breathing deeply "you've been watching me for a while now" he blurts, scaring you out of your skin, you feel your face heating up as he smirks, strolling over to you "no I haven't, I was just thinking" you mutter, he scoffs and folds his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging "do you ever wear a shirt?" You snap, forcing yourself not to look at his abs "hey, suns out guns out" he chuckles, flexing his biceps, you roll your eyes, but you can feel your heart racing "you're so full of yourself" you grumble, he laughs and steps closer to you "its all for your viewing pleasure honey" you can smell the sweat on his body mixed with the smell of freshly cut grass and musky cologne "and since I caught you creeping, you gotta help me finish up" he says gleefully, he's one of the most popular kids in your school so you know if you don't do what he says, by sundown you'll be the town stalker. You follow him to a shady patch of grass and he drops to the ground, his hands braced by his sides "well get on" he snickers when you give him a strange look. You climb onto his back daintily and squeal as he pushes himself up, you can feel every single muscle in his back moving and you bite your lip, trying to keep from hyperventilating, your face is redder than a tomato when he finally stops, but he simply tips you onto the grass and climbs on top of you, his hands on either side of your head, his thumbs grazing your cheeks, you can feel his torso pressed against yours, his chest heaving as he pants "what-what are you doing?" You whimper, he grins and continues his push ups, you can't stop blushing, your heart beating a mile a minute "M-Michael" you stammer, he stops, hovering over you in all his perfection, the sunlight illuminating him like an angel "all for your viewing pleasure honey" he chuckles, kissing you quickly, you can't fight the smile that tugs at your lips as he grins.

Ashton: "This is so heavy!" You laugh, trying to lift one of Ashton's weights, he chuckles, his arms folded over his chest "don't hurt yourself baby he laughs, grabbing your arm as you lose your balance, he takes the dumbell from you easily with one hand and sets it on the shelf "this is just the baby stuff" he chuckles, pushing his sleeves up and strolling over to the back of the room "the real stuff is over here" he smirks, you are astounded by the size of the dumbells stacked along the walls, he tugs off his shirt, smirking as you scan his body "c'mere" he grins, he lays back on the bench press and pulls you onto his lap, you are keeping one eye on his rippling biceps, the other on his perfectly sculpted abs, watching his face scrunch up as he lifts the massive metal weight, veins bulging on his arms, you stroke your hands over his abs, watching as he pumps his arms up and down, sweat pouring down his body, he groans and grunts, all sorts of sexual noises and quietly uttered swear words falling from his pink lips "just a thought Ash..." you muse, leaning forward to press your lips to his collarbone "if I were to suck you off whilst you were doing this, do you think you'd drop it?" You ask innocently, he chuckles and shakes his head "I probably would...why do you ask?" He smirks, you shrug and giggle "I was just thinking, and...looking. It's just that you sound very sexual right now, and you look it too...and it was just a thought" you smile, bracing your hands on his thighs and leaning back, he grunts again, chuckling a little bit "I would love that, but I don't think I'd be able to focus" he laughs, you nod, biting your lip as you feel him hardening underneath you, you smirk and gently grind down on him, earning a gentle whine and a small buck off the hips, Ashton shakes his head and grins at you "afterwards baby, I promise okay?" He says firmly, you nod your head and giggle, your fingers finding your way to his happy trail, he grits his teeth, continuing to lift without looking at you, his hazel eyes are full of determination and his pink lower lip is snagged between his teeth "what about if I was riding you? Do you think you'd be able to focus?" You tease, he laughs and shakes his head "not in a million years" he admits, you can feel that he has a semi straining through his basketball shorts and you giggle, grinding down on him harder, he inhales sharply and slots the weight back into its spot, his chest heaving "you're gonna pay for that" he smirks, hooking his arms around you and carrying you out and up the stairs to the bathroom, he strips your clothes off and before you know it you're up against the shower wall.

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