Dating Him Would Include...

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Luke: Dating Luke would include:

- Really long cuddles with you just lying on top of his chest listening to his heartbeat

- Him surprising you with breakfast in bed

- Making fun of him for being such a mama's boy

- Nose booping

- Him going all red and blushy whenever he wakes up with a boner

- Him always putting things out of your reach so that he has to get them for you and he can be all smug about being taller than you

- Lots and lots of hand holding

- Him being all whiny and pouting at you when you try to get out of bed

- That goddamn lip ring giving you shivers when he eats you out

- Listening to him sing around the house all the time

- Buying some random pet like a hamster or a goldfish and naming it something ridiculous like Gandalf or Weiner

- Watching old cartoons on Sunday mornings and eating cereal

- Lots of early morning sex when his voice is really husky and irresistible

- Him getting really jealous all the time and giving you the silent treatment

- You getting really jealous all the time and giving him the silent treatment

- Having a lot of Starbucks

- Him making the lamest jokes

- Always having to cover up the little pink hickeys he leaves on your collar

- Romantic dinners and lots of slow steamy sex

- Getting lost in his eyes

- Teasing him for being such a smarty pants

- Getting told how beautiful you are every day

Michael: Dating Michael would include:

- Long nights playing video games

- Pizza Pizza Pizza

- You falling asleep in his arms as he plays video games

- Getting him to open up to you

- Kissing him whenever you can because his lips are incredible

- Arguments over the coolest superhero

- Him being very impatient and getting really whiney

- Road head

- Really big, dark hickeys in extremely obvious spots

- Helping him dye his hair

- Him always grinding on you and making dirty jokes and pick up lines

- Lots of irrelevant fights that end in very rough sex

- Him kissing your shoulder and hugging your back to his chest when you're mad at him

- Sex in the front seat of the car

- Lazy days spent cuddling and kissing

- Him singing along to songs on the radio and going all screamo and his voice getting really raspy

- Lots of handjobs under the covers

- You always teasing him that you found a bald spot

- Scratches all down his back from rough nights

- His arm always around your waist

- Him freaking out whenever you have a really big fight because he isn't very good at the whole relationship thing

- Dumb inside jokes

- Always being there for each other

Ashton: Dating Ashton would include:

- Deep talks about life and the universe and existence

- Wearing his clothes all the time

- Him always giving you piggyback rides

- Long passionate kisses

- Wearing his glasses

- Lots of hikes and road trips and walks and just a lot of nature

- Babysitting his siblings

- Reading to each other

- Watching him work out

- Sweaty sex when he catches you watching him work out

- Him treating you like a princess all the time and being an absolute gentleman

- Him protecting you and getting really possesive over you

- Talking to him about his past

- His giggles

- His dimples

- Him smiling at you really randomly just to make you smile as well

- Comparing your hands to his giant ones

- Daddy kink

- Him always fingering you in public

- Forehead kisses

- Messing about with his hair

- Him babying you and pampering you all the time

- Bubble baths together

- Making fun of him for the faces he makes while he's drumming

- Giving him head at venues before he goes on stage

- Him being unable to stop telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you

Calum: Dating Calum would include:

- His hands always on your ass

- Watching comedies and romantic movies all day long

- Him insisting on being the little spoon when he's upset

- Kissing him randomly because his lips are so soft and plump

- Feeling his muscles

- Him being insanely possesive and getting so mad when someone hits on you

- Sweaty sex in the backseat of his car

- Getting drunk together and playing dirty truth or dare

- Stealing his beanies

- Both of you always being covered in hickeys

- Gentle kisses always leading to a lot more

- Him insisting on you guys buying a house just so you can have eight dogs

- Naming all your dogs after superheroes or bands

- Shower sex

- Him making the dirtiest jokes

- Him smacking your butt or squeezing it in public just to show people you're his

- Him motorboating you to piss you off

- Dramatic fights that always end in tears and then cuddles

- Being called dumb nicknames like 'Honeybee', 'Sugarbunch', 'Sweetums', 'Poppet' and the like, by him when he's bored

- Squeezing his cheeks

- Him pouting when you're mad at him

- Hickeys on his jawline

- Hickeys on your boobs and inner thighs

- Always having him to rely on and believe in

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