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"I haven't seen you here in a while" the female hostess purred, swaying her hips side to side in order to emphasize the dangerously short dress that didn't seem to cover up much. Slowly she itched foward to the frequent customer that somehow seemed to wander into the store every night, in the need for that liquor that would make him feel better. To forget for a few hours of the pain.

"No", The ninja looked upwards from his slumped position, straightening himself. "I was here just was the day before."

"Still..." One finger pressed onto the male ninja chest before making its way to his jawbone, outlining the defined chin before cupping his face in her hands. "It's the longest you've been gone in weeks." In an attempt to seduce the man, she continued to close in on the space between the two. Getting lost in the only eye she had access to.

"Stop" he commanded, a simple word and the waitress had to let go at the shiver she felt race through her body. A man this dangerous was all she wanted.

"Where are you going??" Snapping out of the daze she didn't realize she was stuck in, she raced after the infamous man. Immediately her body clung onto the sculpt arm of her target. Though a second later she abruptly let go.

All he needed was a cold, threatening stare before she got the message.

The male walked out, leaving a dumbstruck brunette behind him. In his wake other waitress eyed his disappearing figure into the now rising sun. Lust clear on their faces, yet also fear. For this man wasn't just your rare bachelor. This was Kakashi.

A man once respected, now turned into an alcoholic. A man who seemed nothing could break him, now wandering the night frequently almost as if to find an answer. As to why ever since that certain person left, had he felt something missing. That pain continued to grow till the months passed by and without realizing, he became someone he never wanted to be. Someone who depended on that poisonous substance just to fall asleep.

That as he would finally seep into unconsciousness, someone would always appear. His image would always inflict a throbbing pain to his heart. A need to hold him and to never let go ever again. But the thought went against his morals so he continued to suffer.

Until he heard news.

"You didn't know?" Chuckling the young adult smiled while finishing his sentence. "Jariya's back" Somehow Kakashi zoned out, the information not yet processed. At the gate what should of been a simple update turned to be so much more.

Maybe. Maybe he too would be back?

Landing on the tile, Kakashi launched to the window. Yanking it open with such force, the material shook loudly before it was quiet. The voices he heard chatting seconds before he arrived stopped.

The ninja could feel his heart thumping at an unhealthy rate. If it was the fact that he was out of shape due to his daily drinks, the fact that Kakashi was excited for the return, or the fact that the person he kept thinking of, yearning for was wilithin reach all contributed to his accelerated heartbeat. Suddenly his sleepless nights didn't seem to matter.

" that you ?" His breath hitched, waiting to see if it was true. There was no way the teen he saw was the same male. Surely the young ninja wouldn't grow so much in such a short time(that felt like never ending years). Yet he could never forget those eyes. Those breathtaking eyes that seemed to be a different shade everytime he looked at them. Sometimes he thought of the calm blue sky, while other time he thought of
nothing but the raging storm he sometimes saw reflected on them. And now it was that ravaging storm he saw looking at back at him.

"Yea- it's me. Naruto" His voice chimed sweetly. Seeming to dissappear the emotions held in those eyes seconds ago. Nothing. Nothing had he imagined before would compare to now. The pain in his chest that dragged on for months went away. With just taking Naruto in, the way he stood just as proud before, how his hair framed his face perfectly, even the air of maturity surrounding him felt just right.

"I-you look grown up." A smile novoluntarily found its way to the adults lips.

"Naruto" Kakashi finished though he only wanted the name to dance on his lips for a moment. Before this moment is gone. To savor how he would allow be able to let myself all these emotion before he came to his senses.

Of how this isn't allowed.

'I'm not allowed to love my student. Former or not.'

'At least not to him. I can't do this to his father, I owe too much too him.'

'Betraying Minato is something I will never do. No matter how much I yearn for Naruto'

"Oh how much i want him to be by my side. How much I want Naruto to love me as much as I love him.'

'But it's too late.'

'I've given up lost my chance. '

'Naruto deserves better'

Honestly I like to plan before I write anything but I just free styled this so Excuse me if it wasn't satisfying.

forgive my laziness but the fact I couldn't sleep due to my cold is why I decided to write a chapter.
Anyways enjoy

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