Chapter 2 [Good bye]

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One: Yes it is starting like how it was in chapter one!

Two: I do what I want...

Okay don't hate me for saying that... Sorry...


Annie's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my brothers door and snuck in. I walked quietly towards my brother and jumped him.

'Rawr!' I thought inside my head.

"Gahh! My gosh! Annie! Why? You know I hate getting jump scared!" Jack yelled to me.

"Tihi, and you know how much I like to annoy you!" I said to him chuckling.

"Hah..." He chuckled back.

"Do you have to go? I mean you can pretend you're sick..." I asked Jack.

"Yes... I must... I promised Eric and Maya to come with them." He answered.

"But..." I said and got cut of by Jack.

"No but's! Annie... I love you and all that but sometimes I must go away so you can get used to it when I'm not here anymore... remember? In two years I'm going to be 18 and then I can move to my own house..." He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know but it's just..." I said and got cut of again.

"Hey! What did I say about the word 'but'?" He said and laughed.

"Haha really funny, Jack!" I said starting to laugh as well.

I heard the door slowly open and looked back.

"What is this I hear from in here hmm?" That voice sounded so familiar.

"Maya!" I yelled and jumped up in her arms. Maya is one of Jack's friends and I know that he likes her, he just wont recognise that I'm right.

"Haha. I'm glad to see you too Annie." Maya said laughing.

"Hey, Maya!" Jack said.

"Hi, Jack. You ready to go? Eric is down at the entrance and waiting! We're going to get late if you don't hurry up!" Maya said in a rush and put me down on Jack's bed.

"I know... I'm just looking for something..." He said.

"Okay, what are you looking for?" She asked.

"The photo on my family." He said.

"I know where it is!" I said jumping of Jack's bed and ran to his closet.

I opened the closet and got the photo on our family.

"Here it is!" I said handing over the photo to him.

"Thanks, Annie but I just have one question... How did you know where the photo was?" Jack asked looking at me.

"You forgot the photo in there when he where hiding hide n' seek!" I said and laughed.

"Oh yea now I remember! Thanks Annie." He said and I heard Maya start to chuckle.

"Well come on now, Jack! You got your photo and now we need to get to the airport before the plane's off!" Maya said and dragging Jack out from his room. I followed to them to the entrance and started hugging Jack.

"Aww come on, Annie... I'll only be gone for one week." He said and hugged me back.

"I know..." I said and let go of Jack. Jack was going to go on vacation with Maya and Eric for a week down at Spain.

"It's just..."

"It's just what?" Jack asked me.

"You're going to be gone for one week and so far away as well! I don' want you to..." I said and got cut of by a door open.

"You guys ready to go? We're going to miss our plane if we stay here any longer! Oh... hi Annie!" Eric said

"H... hi, Eric..." I said nearly about to cry.

"Oh come on Annie... I'll be fine and so are you!" Jack said and got closer to me.

"I'm gonna miss you!" I said and hugged him once more.

"And I'm gonna miss you too, Annie." Jack said smiling and hugging back.

"Come on now! We're going to get late!" Eric said once again.

"Yea, yea we're coming! Bye Annie." Maya said and left the house. I let go of Jack and went over to mom that was standing at the hallway.

"Promise me one thing Annie... Promise me that you'll stay strong this week until I come back." Jack said and went out the door. I went to the door and smiled.

"I promise Jack! I promise!" I shouted to him.

"Good... bye Annie! Bye mom!" Jack said and jumped in the taxi.

"Bye Jack..." I said in a whisper like tone and saw them drive away. I went back in to only get a dog jump on top of me and made me fall to the ground.

"White!" I said starting to laugh and hugged her as much as I could. She was only a puppy so I hold her in my arms and went to the living room to watch some TV.

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