Chapter 14 [Loosing you]

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Mystery's P.O.V.

*Cough* "Ugh... Nng... Mm... M-Mystery... I..."
*Gasp* "Did I hug you to tight? I'm so sorr-"
"Don't worry... I was just about to say... Thank you..."
"Huh? F-For what?" I said looking at Jack that was slowly laying down on the bed again.
"For staying... With me..."
"I... J-Jack?"
*Cough* "Ugh..."
"Jack?" I heard he started to breathe slow again and his eyes dropping. "Jack!"

{Some minutes later}

I slowly walked over to the room where the others was staying at. I didn't know how to explain for them about Jack... I have no idea if he's still alive or... Dead...
'No no... He can't be dead... I would have felt if he was. I would feel lots of pain if he was dying...' I shrugged. I slowly opened the door to their room and walked in.
Maya - "Mystery! How's Jack holding up? We heard that he was awake."
Eric - "Wait... Mystery... Have you been... Crying? What's wrong?"
"J-Jack..." I couldn't hold it. I fell to the ground, tears going down my cheeks. I felt pain...

He was dying.

Eric - "Mystery!"
"Agh... P-Please... Make it stop... Go get m-my sister... Fast! She n-need to he-help J-Jack..." I said before everything went black.

Eric's P.O.V.

Maya - "Should we go and look how he's holding up or-"
Luna - "No. We leave him to rest. If he's okay then give him some time to heal. He did get thrown into a tree after all."
"Luna got a good point there Maya... He need to rest."
Maya - "Okay..."
*Door creaking*
"Huh?" I said looking behind me at the door
Maya - "Mystery! How's Jack holding up? We heard that he was awake."
Mystery - "I..."
"Wait... Mystery... Have you been... Crying? What's wrong?" I said walking closer to her.
"J-Jack..." Mystery said weakly and fell to the ground crying and breathing heavily.
"Mystery!" I shouted and ran over to her.
"Agh... P-Please... Make it stop... Go get m-my sister... Fast! She n-need to he-help J-Jack!" After she said that she was just laying on the ground.
'She must've passed out...'
Maya - "Eric? What's wrong with her? Is she breathing?"
"Yes don't worry... She must've passed out... That's all... Wait..." I said looking closer to Mystery's right arm. She was slowly disappearing. I then realised of what was happening.
'No... Jack...'
I got up on my feet and ran straight towards the room where Jack was.
'He can't be dead... He can't be dead... He can't be dead...' . I said repeatedly in my head. I realised that it would take at least 20 minutes to get over to Jack's room. 'I must get there now!' I teleported so I stood right outside the room he was in. I slammed the door open and saw Sarah and Nick standing next to Jack's bed.
"J-Jack..." It felt like I was paralysed. I couldn't move from my spot.
"Eric? What are you doing here?" Sarah said looking at me.
"Wh-what happened to him?"
"We don't know... But that doesn't answer our question we gave you. Why are you here?" Nick said not looking away from Jack's sorrow.
"I... S-Sarah... I came for you..."
"Huh? Wait... Oh no... Nick you have to help him now! I need to see my sister!" Sarah said, ran past me and straight to our room where Mystery was laying unconsious on the floor.
"No... But if our healing did not work then..."
"What? Then what?"
"Then there's nothing that can help us saving your friend..."
"We need someone that's better in healing then anyone of us Shadows..."
"Ehh... C-Can I try?"
"You know how to heal?"
"Mhm... We can kind of say that I have a small bit inside of me that is Shadow..."
"Then go ahead."
"... Okay..." I went over to Jack and put my hands on his chest.
"Here we go..." I concentraded as much as I could. I felt how the power in me started to help Jack.
'I'm not letting you die! STAY WITH ME!' At that moment... Everything went black.

Newtron/Nick's P.O.V.

I saw how Eric put his hands on the boy's chest.
"Here we go..." His hands started glowing bright and I felt the power that he possessed.
'He's the one...'
"Ugh..." I heard how week he had become after using his powers. He fell to the ground next to his friends bed.
"Newtron... Is everything okay in here?" I heard Monster say as he came in the room. "Wow... What happened here?"
"He's the one..."
"Pardon me?"
"Monster... He's the son... Our leader... Our... Lord..."

Monster/Mark's P.O.V.

"Newtron... Is everything okay in here?" I said as I came in to the room. I saw how Shadow ran in a rush before towards the mortals room.
"Wow... What happened here?" I asked and looked at the boy laying on the ground.
"He's the one..."
'What?' "Pardon me?"
"Monster... He's the son... Our leader... Our... Lord..."
"What? That's completly absurd! That can't be his son! He's a human!"
"He's part Shadow..."
"Wha... I... What did he do? Why is he in here?"
"He helped the boy... He saved the boy... He saved Mystery..."
"He was about to die?!"
"That could explain why Shadow was in a rush..."
"Mhm... Come on... We need to help him up. We can put him at the other bed in the corner over there." Newtron said and pointed to the bed not to far away from us that was standing in the left corner.

Mystery's P.O.V.

"Mystery? Can you hear me?" I heard someone say.
*Cough* I opened my eyes slightly and saw Maya, Luna and Tua next to me.
"Wha... What happened?"
"I was about to ask you the same... It seems like you just passed out. Any explination to that?"
"Passed out? Wait... Oh no... J-Jack! Gah!"
"Shh... Be careful... You need to rest..."
"Sis?! Are you okay?!" I heard Sarah yell to me.
"Don't worry... I'm fine..."
"Come... I think I have an idea to help both you and your owner..."
"You guys can come as well... We need all help we can get."

{Time skip}

When we got to the room where they had put Jack, the first thing I saw was a knocked out Eric at the bed in the left corner.
"Eric? What happened to him?"
Newtron - "He helped your friend... That's what happened..."
Monster - "Don't you worry Mystery... He's alright now."
"What did Eric do to him?"
Newtron - "He healed him... And Mystery... I think he's the one."
"Which one of them?"
Newtron - "Him..." he said and pointed towards Eric.
"He can't be..."
Newtron - "But it is. I felt the power he had. It was incredible... So strong. He can get stronger with training. He might help us to stop Inferno."
"You sure?"
Newtron - "Posetive"

Jack's P.O.V.

I felt numb. I couldn't move. I was too weak to move. I heard peoples voices in the distence. They came closer.
"But it is. ~~~~~~. It was incredible... ~~. He can get stronger with training. ~~~~~stop Inferno."
"You sure?"
'W-Wait... M-Mystery?'
"Nng... M-Mystery?"

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