Chapter 15 [The Lord]

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Jack's P.O.V.

"He's alive!" I heard another voice say.
*Cough* was all I could get out as an answer. It hurt everywhere. I could barely move.
"Jack don't you ever leave me like that again!" Mystery said, came over to me and hugged me. It hurt even more and I let out a small yelp but I didn't want her to let go so I tried to bare the pain. I was so glad that she was here.
"Uhh... You do know that you just..."
"I know, I know... I just couldn't help it... I'm just so happy that he's alive!" She said hugging me even more. I couldn't bare the pain anymore.
"M-Mystery... P-Please... Gah... It... Hurts..." *Cough* "Ugh..."
"Mystery! You're crushing him!"
"I-I am? S-So sorry Jack I-"
"N-No... It's fine... Now... Who are you guys...?" I said looking at the other three people in the room.
"Oh I'm Shadow but you could just call me Sarah. I'm Mystery's sister."
"My name's Newtron, Nick for short."
"I'm Monster."
Sarah – "Mark for short."
Mark – "Shadow!"
Sarah – *Giggles*

Luna's P.O.V.

'Ugh... Sometimes i really hate Shadow...'
'Stop laughing! I can see you smiling over there you know! Anyway... Luna... We got to talk... Meet me outside the room really quick...'
'Hah, okay.'
I went outside the room as he told me but my question is where did he go?
"Chill it's just me."
"My gosh... Mark don't scare me like that!"
"Heh... You know that I like to scare people."
"Just because you're from the demon group, doesn't mean that you need to act like one!"
"Meh... Anyways... Luna we got to tell them sooner or later about us... About that you're..."
"I know, I know... I just don't really trust them enough yet... I'll tell them when the time is right."
"Hmph... Yea sure..." Mark said, rolling his eyes and looking back at me. "Does Tua even know about it?"
"Hm... Maybe you should tell her first. You trust her more then the others right?"
"Yea but I just don't know what she's going to say... She's counting on me... She believes that I've already told her everything about me... I just don't know how she's going to react if I tell her about me being your owner..."
"Got a point there... Hey speaking of witch... Where's the amulet?"
"In my bag."
"And I guess it's in your room now is it?"
"Go get it really quick... I think we got to tell the others about it first..." He said looking over my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw that he ment to tell Sarah, Mystery and Nick about it all first.
"Will do..." I said and walked towards our room.

Eric's P.O.V.

'Wha.. Wh-where am... I?'
'Sh-shadow?' I slowly opened my eyes and saw everyone next to Jack's bed. It looked like they where laughing. After a while of laughter, Monster disappears and Luna went out from the room. When Monster had disappeared I saw Jack in a sitting position laughing as well. I couldn't believe my eyes. Did it really work? Was I the one that saved Jack?
"H-Hey. Wh-what are you guys laughing at?" I said and sat up in the bed I was on. I wonder how I got here.
"Eric! Perfect timing! Look who's awake!" Shadow said and looked at me.
"Yea... I saw that when Monster disappeared."
"Huh? Oh well it looks like he did."
"Luna as well. I saw her go outside when Mark vanished." Maya added to the sentence.
"Hmm... Eric, can you stand?"
"If I can!" I said teleporting and appearing next to Shadow.
"Wait... Where did you–"
"Here." I said and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Gah!" Shadow screamed and jumped, looking behind to meet with my eyes.
"What? Can't I have at least some fun?"
"Well why not stay and recover!"
"You did after all save your friend and because of that you used a lot of your powers or more like, of your energy." Newtron added.
"I just need to rest that's all and I've done that now. So I don't need to recover."
"Just please... We care for you." Shadow said and put a hand on my shoulder
"Wait what? Why me?" I said and backed away a little.
"Because... We..." Newtron said getting infront of Shadow.
"Just tell him Newtron."
"Tell me what?" I said, backing away a litte.
"I think we know who you are."
"What? Of course you already know who I am! You knew my grandpa! He was once a loyal warrior for the Shadow Lord!"
"Yes we know that but... We know something about you that you don't know."
"And that would be?"
"Eric. You're part Shadow–"
"Please don't bring that up."
"Just listen!"
"As I said, you're part Shadow and I felt before the power you had. You have the exact same presence as *sigh*... our old Lord..."
"Wh-what...?" I said in confusion and took a few steps more away from everyone. "Wh-what is that supposed to mean!"
"Eric... Have you... Ever meet your dad?" Shadow added to Newtron's sentence.
"I..." I said in a more quiet tone. I saw that Jack stared at me and I could imagine what he was saying in his mind. Why? Why did you yell at me that you weren't one of them? You are one of them! Why did you lie to us? Why didn't you just tell us when I brought it up?
"Eric? Have you?"
"I... N-No..." I felt how tears began to go down my cheeks. "M-My mom told me that... He was..."
"She was trying to keep you away from knowing about your dad..."
"I remember my mother talking to someone before the attack here. She said something about 'keeping him safe'..."
"Keeping him safe? Wait... He knew about Inferno... He knew that he was going to attack! But... Why acting like he didn't? I don't understand."
"Keeping who safe if I may ask?" Jack said all of a sudden.
"Why me?"
"Keeping you safe from Inferno. If he had gotten to you then there wouldn't be any descendants left to take over the throne after your fathers death."
"I... Me? The son to the Shadow Lord?"
"That does make sense now that you mention it." Maya said.
"Eric you're the true Lord to us! You can help us stopping Inferno!"
"I have to stop you right there Shadow." Newtron said.
"You do know that we need more people to help us. We four, plus Eric, can not stop Inferno alone."
"We're not alone..." Monster said as he came in the room.
"And you mean by that?" Newtron said looking confused at Monster.
"We got Jack and Luna to help us. Plus their friends." He answered.
"Wait what?" Newtron said, taking a few steps back.
"Luna!" Monster yelled.
"Right here." Luna said as she came in the room. She held an amulet with a red glowing stone in the middle.
"Monster... Are you telling us that..."
"Yes." Monster said and took a break "Luna is my owner. She has the power over me."



I had a blast writing this chapter! I really liked it and there's many thoughts going on in everyones head right now! I hope :P Well at least the characters heads xD I hope you guys liked this new chapter and is at least a little bit exited for the next one!

See ya guys!
//Jeli [Foxie~Chan]

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