Chapter 1

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I knew for a fact that Rebecca wasn't mental. Most people thought she was, but she wasn't. Not once was she mental. Sure, she could act a little wonky sometimes (more so before her disappearance), but mental? Not once, but looking back maybe Rebecca was schizophrenic, but only just a little bit. 

Ten months before Rebecca's disappearance: 

"We should hang out this weekend," I tell Rebecca over the phone.
"Sorry, Taylor," she says. "I have plans." Same old story.
"Fine, whatever," I sigh.
"I'll make it up to you," she sounds desperate.
"That's what you said the last time, and you still have yet to make that up," I snap.
"I know, but-" she stops mid- sentence. "I have to go. Bye." Then the line goes dead.
I sigh and go back to my homework. Rebecca isn't herself, I think. So what's wrong with her.  
"Taylor," my mom pokes her head into my room. "Did you invite Rebecca over for dinner?"
"No. Why?" my head snaps up.
"Well she's downstairs in the kitchen," my mom looks at me.
I scramble off my bed and fly downstairs.
"Taylor!" Rebecca cries. "I need to sleep here for the night. He's trying to get me."
"Who, Rebecca?" I ask.
"Him!" she insists. "The man in your driveway." I walk to the front door and open it a bit (expecting to see someone), and no one is there.
"I don't see anyone," my mom says from behind me, causing me to jump. 

"Neither do I," I whisper. 
"Is Rebecca mental or something?" my mom asks. 
"Mother!" I hiss. "Rebecca isn't mental. Don't even joke about that."
"You know that's not how I meant it," my mothers turns serious.
"Do you even remember what happened with Adley?" I snap. 
"Well, yeah, but-" my mom trails off. Adley was the third member of mine and Rebecca's group. About three years ago she committed suicide. Rebecca took it really hard, after all she and Adley were almost sisters. It took at least six months for Rebecca to get over it, I mean she did find Adley herself. We hadn't even known that Adley was depressed until her mom told us. I remember the day Rebecca found Adley: I was the first person she called. 


My phone is ringing on the nightstand next to my bed. I look at the caller ID and answer, "Hey, Rebecca." 
"T-Taylor," she stutters. I can immediately tell she's been crying. 

"Rebecca!? What's wrong!?" I say, alarmed. 

"It's A- Adley," she sobs. 
"Rebecca where are you?" I ask as I pull on my converse. 

"Adley's house," she sniffs. 

"I'm on my way," I say.
"Please hurry," Rebecca says before hanging up. 
I run out of the house, and down the street heading to Merchant Avenue. There I hustle to Adley's  house and see Rebecca's car parked out front. I walk in the front door and head straight to Adley's room expecting to see Rebecca and Adley sprawled out on Adley's bed, but instead I'm met with the sight of Rebecca curled up on Adley's bed and Adley on the floor an entire bottle of anti- depressants gone. I run my hand through my red hair. I dial Jessica's, Adley's mom, cell number. Thankfully she picks up on the first ring. 
"Taylor?" she asks. "What's wrong?" 
"It's Ad," I say. "Rebecca came over and found her on the floor with an empty bottle of anti- depressants." 

"Oh, shit," her mom breaths out. "Um, I'll be over in about fifteen minutes. Just go sit in the living room, okay?" 

"Okay," I say, nodding even though I know she can't see me. 
"Rebecca," I say. Rebecca looks up. "We have to go sit in the living room until Jessica comes home." Rebecca nods, and slides off the bed. 

Once we're seated in the living room Rebecca grabs onto my waist and starts to hysterically sob. 

"I found her," she cries. "I couldn't do anything." 

"Rebecca, it's okay," I whisper. 
"No, it's not! Adley's dead because of me!" she sobs harder.
"No, not because of you Rebecca," Jessica says, causing both Rebecca and I to look up.
"What?" Rebecca and I say in unison. 

"Adley was depressed," Jessica sighs.

"She would've told us," I say shaking my head. 

"She couldn't have been," Rebecca agrees. 

"It wasn't something she was proud of. She didn't want anyone to know," Jessica has a faraway look in her eye. 

"How long was she depressed?" Rebecca asks. 
"Five years," comes the reply. 

"She's been depressed since she was nine?" I ask in disbelief.
"Unfortunately, yes," Jessica's voice breaks. 

"Oh my God," Rebecca breaks down in tears. 
"Rebecca, we need to get you home," I stand up. "Give me your keys." 

Rebecca was never the same after that day. She was always visiting Adley's grave. Jessica and Jason, Adley's dad, got a divorce shortly after the death of their daughter and then they both moved away. I think I still have Jessica's number in my phone.  

"Taylor, what are we going to do about Rebecca?" my mom wonders.
"I have an idea," I say.

"Well, whatever it is, go for it," my mom gives me the green light.

"Hey, Rebecca!" I call into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" she appears eating a muffin of all things.

"Let's go visit Adley's grave. I haven't been there in a while, and I know you haven't been there in a while either," I smile. 

Rebecca's eyes go wide, "I can't. I won't." 
I freeze, "Why not? You used to go all the time after she died."
"I realized, after a while, that going there all the time wasn't going to bring her back. She made her choice, and it sure as hell wasn't us," Rebecca says icily.

"Rebecca! You can't say that. When was the last time you were at Adley's grave?" I question.
"Two years ago," she admits quietly.

"Rebecca, we're going to Adley's grave. Now," I rip open the front door, and stand there staring Rebecca down.

"Okay, fine. I'll go," she says guiltily. 


That night Rebecca and I got into the biggest  fight at the cemetery, and that's also when I knew something was up with Rebecca. Something that would lead up to her disappearance.  

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