Chapter Two

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A/N: how am I doing so far? lol, this chapter took me forever to even plan or think about but I'm hoping to do it justice. enjoy -Mickey

Stefan P.O.V

"I would honestly love to visit Chicago again, it's quite beautiful and many memories. Don't you think Stefan?" Klaus asked in his reminiscence of our time together.

"I'd like that, I could go anywhere to get away from Elena and Damon snogging everywhere in my house.." I said.

My phone rang and Care's contact popped up. "Hello? Care? What's wrong?... Okay, I'll be there in 5."

Klaus gave me a knowing look and we both sped to Caroline's house only to find her bawling in her bed. Klaus was the first to get to her and she curled right into his chest. He caressed her hair and quietly whispered comforting words to her.

Once Caroline had calmed down she told us what happened while she was still wrapped in Klaus's arms. He looked infuriated and I know I was too. I never really talked to Hayley but I knew what she did to Caroline and I hated her from then on.

"I'll kill him." Klaus said as his hybrid features came to light.

"No, Klaus. It's not worth it. I just.. I can't be here. Wait.. Why are you even here?" Caroline asked as she realized who's arms and comforting words she'd been receiving.

"Well, sweetheart Stefan and I were having a chat about leaving this dreadful town and going to Chicago when you called. I wanted to make sure you were okay.." Klaus replied looking down into her eyes.

I could feel the tension in the room as Caroline and Klaus looked at each other. God, I wish they would just admit their feelings already. Anyone can see the love there, but them!

Caroline P.O.V

I got caught in his eyes. I don't know when I noticed all the blues and how sweetly he looked at me but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I forgot all about Tyler and the were-slut. The way he held me made me feel safer than I ever had.

I heard Stefan clear his throat and we broke our gaze as I wiped my tears away finally. Maybe they're right, maybe we do need to get the hell away from this town.

"Would you like to go Caroline? I know I've offered before but you could use this, Love." Klaus asked me.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here." I said. I took a moment to think and I almost forgot about Bonnie!

"Wait! We have to check on Bonnie! Plus I need to call Lena, so we'll leave tomorrow morning, sound good?"

Stefan and Klaus nodded. I thanked Stefan and gave him the biggest hug I could for helping. I turned around and ran into Klaus arms as he stood shocked by my actions.

"Thank you.. for your kindness." I said as I reached up and kissed his check when he hugged me back.

"See you in the morning, love." With that, he and Stefan left me to pack and say my goodbyes.

After I had showered and put on new clothes I headed for Bonnie's. I could hear her talking but no one else.. weird? I knocked on her door and was taken back by what I saw.

Bonnie Bennett stood in her pajamas with disheveled hair and looked like she hadn't slept in days. "Is it that bad?" she asked.

"Oh, Bon. What's wrong? what happened?" I walked in to her house while hugging her. She looked so stressed.

"Well.. I'm the Anchor now and so people from the Other Side can talk to me. A certain annoying Original won't leave me alone!"

"KOL? wow I had no idea, Bon! Well I might be able to help.. Klaus is taking Stefan and I to Chicago. You could come with us, we might be able to find a witch to stop them from talking to you. Or at least to shut Kol up" I heard Bonnie laugh at that but she looked at me confused

"Why are you leaving? What's up, Care?"

I told her the whole Tyler and Hayley story and about how Klaus came to comfort me. Her eyes showed no anger though, which I was expecting when I told her I felt safe with him.

"You like him, Care. You just won't admit it!" Bonnie said smiling.

"I do not! ... do I?" I thought long and hard and I started to realize I forgave him for his evil hybrid stunts. When I thought of Klaus I thought of how his humanity showed when we were together and how kind he was to me to let Tyler come back. "Oh my god." I said.."I like Klaus."

Bonnie squealed and jumped up and down while I was stunned at my own revelation.

"Wait.. so you're not mad?" I asked Bonnie.

"Oh my gosh are you kidding Care?? You guys totally deserve each other. He's different around you. You light up when you see him. As for Tyler, screw him and the were-slut! He never deserved you."

I was happy to hear Bonnie wasn't mad at me for liking Klaus. I still didn't want to tell him yet though.

"I'm gonna wait to tell him. But seriously Bon, come with us! We're leaving in the morning." I gave Bonnie my best puppy dog eyes and she finally caved!

"Fine! Besides I really would like to get out of this god awful town!" We both laughed at that.

"Oh crap I have to tell Lena. Her and Damon were supposed to have dinner tonight.. wonder how that went." I said rolling my eyes.

I left Bonnie's as she stayed behind to pack for our trip to Chicago. I can't believe I admitted I like Klaus. Stay focused Care, jeez. Now to tell Elena that I'm off with the big bad wolf to Chicago.. This should be interesting.

A/N: hey guys! chapter two yay! please don't hate on me for ending here lol. Caroline finally admitted her feelings WOO & Bonnie has been talking to Kol.. but who else has she been talking to? hmmmm. Leave some feedback about what you guys hope to see! -Mickey

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