⚫️Kinsley's Little Black Dress⚫️

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**Rose's POV**

"Goodness Lily." Kinsley said as she walked out.

"I know." Lily said.

"I love the simplicity." I say. "It suits you Kinsley."

"Thanks Rose." Kinsley says.

"This is another Sherri Hill." The saleswoman said.

"What's she representing?" Luna asks Lily.

"The glamour of NYC." Lily said.

"I love it." Olivia, Victoria, Laylal and I said. "Take it from us true New Yorkers, born and raised."

"No words." Kinsley says. "I have no words other than black really does make my hair more static."

"It does." I say. "It really does."

"I love this dress." Kinsley said. "My favorite part of this dress is the way the tool looks, I'm going to be playing in with it all day."

💭I have never seen Kinsley so girly.💭

**Kinsley's POV**

💭I have never been this girly before.💭

I put my hand in my forehead.

"Why are you checking that you have a fever?" Hazel asks me.

"Am I okay?" I ask.

"Yes you are Kinsley." Rose said. "You are just being girly."

"This is normal?" I ask.

Rose chuckles and nods.

All of the girls laugh.

💭I'm going to conclude the ought my friends' laughter that being girly is normal.💭

"Who's next?" I ask.

"Gina is." Lily said.

"Cool." Gina said. "Let's get to it."

"Right this way." The saleswoman said.

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