Behind These Hazel Eyes | Torn

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"Many biochemical processes are the same in all organisms..." Professor Garrett went on but I didn't pay him any attention.

College was way worse than high school. Yes you had more freedom in college and could just about do anything you want, but when it came to the education it was just hard especially the homework.

I jotted down notes as the professor continued to talk, I looked over at Dean who was sitting to the right of me he looked cute when he was serious, taking his notes. I looked to the left of me at Justin who was twirling his pencil on his nose, he was jaded.

Justin was Dean's best friend who played a lot even during class but he always passed. I don't understand how. He is also going out with Judith, they were perfect for each other.

All three of us majored in biochemistry except for Judith who majored in English, she wanted to be an editor. I wanted to be a veterinarian whilst Dean and Justin wanted to be renowned surgeons.

The door to the room swung open and a familiar handsome man entered the room, he had dark hair and brown eyes. His face was angular which made him even more attractive and appeared as a Greek god.

"Is this the Biochemistry room?" His husky voice had a slight English accent to it. My heart pounded just from the sound of it.

"Yes it is." The professor nodded.

"Hold on."

Everyone in the room eyes were locked on the mysterious guy who interrupted our lesson, Some girls had a lustful look in their eyes.

He returned inside the room with a pretty blonde clinging to him, he kind of looked annoyed.

"Please sit in front of Dean and Ana." The professor always addressed me with a nickname.

Dean slightly raised his hand so that the couple could know where to sit. As they got closer I noticed the blonde was Isabella but I didn't know the man.

I gave her a slight smile when she waved at me before sitting down in front of Dean, the mystery guy sat in front of me. He didn't bother looking at any of us.

He was really ripped, I could till because of the tight shirt he had on. His muscles bulged as he jotted down on a piece of paper and slid it to Isabella who giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Class, this lovely couple is Miss Isabella Michel and Mister Ryder Ford."

I gasped and my pen fell from my hand, my heart just torn into pieces. The handsome stranger was my love, the guy who shared a portion of my heart with Dean.

I bent down to pick up my pen from the floor as I blinked back tears, I couldn't let anyone see me cry. Here I am once again, torn into pieces. I couldn't breathe, it seemed like yesterday that he was apart of me - that I was wrapped in his arms.

He got a girl that didn't look anything like me, a girl that everyone said that he should end up with, even his mother. A blonde haired and clear blue eyed girl, whilst I had dark hair and hazel eyes. I could never compete with Isabella. No wonder why he left me, he found someone better... Why didn't he just tell me? Instead of leaving me, he left me in wonder... What did I do wrong? I didn't deserve it, I tried to be the best. I even had sex with the jerk, I gave myself to him and then he left.

I lift up and felt a warm hand on my thigh. "Are you alright babe?" Dean looked at me with concern.

I nodded.

"That's him isn't it..." Dean questioned me.

Once again I nodded.

"That Bastar-"

"Ms. Hudson and Mr.Harris..." The professor stopped his speech. "Is there anything you would like to share?"


"Not at all Professor. Just discussing the notes." Dean finished for me.

"Very well then, Adrianna...." He wrote a equation on the white board. "Come and solve this equation please."

I gulped this was really hard and I hated these Carbohydrate Equations but I had to go up there and solve it.

Everyone's eyes were trained on me, I looked at Dean who gave me a knowing smile which said 'You can do this, prove them wrong'.

I slowly stood up and tried to pull down my skirt which seemed extra small to me now. I walked up to the board and slowly solve the equation taking my time on each step.

I took a few steps back and looked at the board, it look perfect to me. I turned my head to the professor who was surprised "That is correct."

"I know." I turned back around and saw my classmates surprised expressions and I flashed them a toothy smile.

I knew I looked great, I slowly walked back to my seat being careful that I didn't trip because of the high heels I had on, thanks to Judith.

I glanced over at Isabelle who gave me two thumbs up and at Ryder who eyes were as wide as saucers, I smiled to myself and with my new found confidence I sat in my chair and gave my boyfriend a long passionate kiss, he kissed me back trying to add his tongue.

"Mr.Harris please try to contain yourself from kissing your beautiful girlfriend." The professor sounded like a pervert, Mr.Garrett was kind of young, probably in his early 30s but I would never look at him that way. Probably because I was 19 and already had a 21 year old boyfriend.

The professor returned back to his lesson and Dean turned back to me. "Did you kiss me just because he was looking?" He motioned to the back of Ryder with his thumb.

"Maybe, Maybe not..." I smiled at him. "Can I just kiss my boyfriend?"

"Ooh your so naughty." Dean whispered in my ear, trailing his tongue on my earlobe.

I giggled and pecked him on the cheek, just like Isabelle did with Ryder.

I returned back to my lesson with a smile on my face, masking up my true emotions.

After the lesson, I quickly packed up my things and placed them into Dean's book bag, he was my study partner.

"I'll meet you at the cafe babe, I have to go find Judith." I quickly kissed him on the lips and headed down the aisle, when a firm hand grabbed on my left wrist.

I turned and saw Ryder with a questioning expression, "Is that you Adrianna? Adrianna Hudson?"

"The one and only." I glared at him, looking around for Isabella.

"She went to get a drink of water..." He informed me like he knew I was looking for her. "Adri I missed you so much, I'm so-"

He called me Adri, he was the only one who called me that.

"Save it, I don't want to hear your excuses." I cut him off, struggling to get out of his grip but it only seemed to tighten.

"Get off me your hurting me." I whined, he really was hurting me but he just stared at me, not loosening his grip.

"You look so different, Adri."

All of a sudden, A fist came out and punched Ryder on the side of his face causing him to fall, bringing me down with him. Everyone gasped and stopped chatting and was now focusing on the drama that was taking place in the middle of the room.

A pair of warm hands picked me up and steadied me on my feet. I looked up and saw an angry Dean now standing toe to toe with my Ex.

"Stay the hell away from my Girlfriend you already caused her enough heartbreak and it took me time to mend that... Or else" Dean snarled at Ryder just above a whisper.

"Come on babe, lets go get something to eat." I tugged on Dean's ripped biceps, trying to avoid a fight. It was more likely that Dean would win out of a conformation between the two.

I led Dean out the room without another glance at Ryder.

I hated Ryder Ford with a passion and I wanted him to hurt just like he left me, torn.


Enjoy the beauty of Ryder Ford on the Side.


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