Behind These Hazel Eyes | My Epiphany

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I walked into my dorm,exhausted and wasted.

Isabelle and Judith jumped up from the couch. "Where have you been?" Judith shook me.

I snatched away from her and sighed, I was really drunk.

"Where have you been Adrianna?..." Isabelle questioned me slowly. "Dean came by crying.. Something about you and Ryder."

I laughed and scratched my head. "I'm really sorry Isabelle but I just wanted to know how he was like, just one more time...." I cried, shaking and slapping my hands on the countertop in anger. "I wanted you to hurt the way I hurt, when you took him away from me."

"It's okay, I know about everything" She replied, her voice hushed.

"How?" I looked at her confused.

"Judy told me everything... Ryder is a cruel and heartless SOB." Isabelle rubbed my back in circles.

"Why are you talking about your Fiancé like that?" I asked her, wiping my tears.

"I called the wedding off....It's for the best, I don't love him, I'm in love with someone else."

"You can't... Do that... Your marriage is arranged." I told her in a 'Duh' tone.

Her face dropped. "Is that what he told you?" She asked me.

I nodded.

"No he is a liar, what else did he tell you?" She shook her head.

"That he moved to London... That's why he left me." I informed her.

She shook her head, rubbing her temples and sighed. "He is an compulsive liar."

I twist my face in confusion and sat down on the love seat next to Judith. "Tell me your side of the story."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it turned out that Ryder had met Isabelle and never told her about me, and vice versa.He also gotten a unknown female knocked up when we first started dating. He was playing the both of us at the same time. I couldn't believe I was so gullible. He ruined my relationship with the true love of my life that I was to blind to realize was there for me the whole time.

I stood up and pulled my hair into a loose ponytail and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Isabelle and Judith stood up blocked my path.

"Relax you guys... I'm going to go fix the problems I caused and I hope that they will make a difference." I informed them before pushing past and opening the door. "Don't wait up on me, hopefully I won't come home."

"Are you going to go kill yourself?" Judith grabbed my arm with both hands, concern,worry and confusion twisted up in her face.

I squirmed around trying to push her off me. "No I do not plan to off myself." I snapped at her.

Judith sighed in relief, "Okay because I Was going to say good riddance." She shot me a toothy wide smile before I closed the door.

I laughed to myself, she was really my best friend.

I knocked on Ryder's dorm door once again and this time a feminine and older version of him opened his door.

"Hello Mrs.Ford, it has been a long time since I last saw you right?" I flashed her a fake smile and pushed past her.

I stop into the middle of the room and saw Ryder playing with the little girl Rachel I remembered from the pool.

She looked up and ran towards me wrapping her small arms around me. "Adrian." She yelled. "Daddy this is the girl I was talking about."

Ryder nodded and smiled at her "I know."

Did she just say daddy? So Rachel was his child from the affairs.

"What is she doing here? I thought I told you to get rid of her? Your suppose to be with Isabelle or a blonde with blue eyes... Not her type." Mrs.Ford questioned.

"Mom.. Don't say that it doesn't even matter what type of person I date." Ryder smiled at me, his fake smile mocked me.

Oh No. I wasn't going to fall for that.

"No your mother is right because you don't deserve me... I'm not your type...." I paused and I noticed his face dropped. "Yes you've heard right, you deserve way worse... Your a liar and a cheat, you came back into my life and took advantage of me... You used me and you ruined the best relationship I had in my life... The relationship I had with my true love, yet I don't regret anything because I just had an epiphany.... Your my beautiful mistake because of you I met someone who changed my life." I finished.

I looked over at Mrs.Ford and laughed, "Thank you for being such a bitch, you really helped me."

I hugged Rachel for the last time and walked out of Ryder's life for the last time also.

I didnt care about trying to hurt Ryder anymore because he just wasnt worth it. I also really hoped the best for Rachel because she had a fucked up family to deal with.

I walked down the hallway and headed to my other problem that I hope to fix.

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