Behind These Hazel Eyes | BreakEven

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For the next couple of days I stayed up in my room eating ice cream and listening to sad songs.

When I did leave my room it was to go to class or get something to eat. I tried talking to Dean a couple of times but he refused to talk to me or even acknowledge me.

In class the chair he sat in next to me was now empty, he either sat way in the front so when it was time to go he wouldn't have to hear another one of my failed attempts to get him back or he sat on the other side of Jesse talking about sports or anything else guys liked to talk about.

In lunch, he sat on the other side of the table.

We weren't broken up but some girls tried to take advantage of his vulnerable state, especially when I was around it hurt me when he did sometimes flirt with a pretty girl, they would give him their numbers and when they would leave he threw it right away. That made me feel much better instead of insecure.

From time to time I caught him starring at his cell phone, I started to wonder if he already found someone new.

I missed his touch, his smell and his kisses.

On the other hand I noticed that Ryder was now happier and he tried to converse with me a few times, I either made small talk or brushed him off.

Judith P.O.V

"Hey baby, how is Dean holding up?" I asked My boyfriend, Justin.

Isabelle and I was in Justin and Dean's dorm.

"I don't know he won't even talk to me, I know he misses her..... Although, I noticed him masturbating a few times looking at his phone." Justin replied referring to Dean who was at work at the moment.

"I don't need to know that he entertains himself with porn." I scowled at him.

"No it's not porn it's just a nude of Adrianna..." He smiled at me. "I saw it on his phone when he sat it down, she has a really nice body babe, like Kim kardashian "

I smacked him in the back of the head and he held his head with his mouth in the shape of an 'O'.

I hate seeing my best friend like this, Isabelle also agreed that she hated seeing Adrianna like that. We needed to get her and Dean back together.

"Anyways listen Judy, we need to do something before one of them messes up." This time his face held a serious expression written across it.

I knew exactly what he meant.

"I have a plan." Isabella said out of nowhere with a devious smile on her face.


Isabelle on the side!

Sorry Its Short

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