Ross Imagine - Nicole

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 "Can't you drive any faster?" I whine, leaning up between the two front seats of the car, pestering my friend who was driving.

"I'm already going over the speed limit, Nicole! I can only drive so fast without getting a ticket," Ella retorts and by the tone of her voice I can tell she's getting pissed at me. Not like I blame her though, considering we've been driving for three hours now and all I have done is bounce around impatiently in the back seat.

"We're going to make it in time, don't worry," Melissa says in a calming voice from the passenger seat, trying to lessen the tension swirling around the air of the compact car.

I sigh dramatically and fall back onto the cloth seat, folding my arms over my chest and staring out the window. How are they not freaking out? I think to myself as the time ticks one minute closer to 7:00. One minute closer to the start of the concert. One minute closer to me finally seeing my all-time favorite band live.

"Ok, we're here!" Ella finally announces, waking me from the daydream I was having. "The hotel should be right up here..." she mumbles and a couple seconds later she pulls into the parking lot of a Holiday Inn.

We all scramble inside and practically run to our hotel room, giving us just enough time to throw our bags down, fix up our make-up and race back to the car.

"You know how to get to the venue, right?" I ask Ella as she starts up the car.

"What sort of question is that?" she asks, it being well-known that she has the best sense of direction out of all of us.

"Well then drive! Doors open in half an hour!" I practically yell in her ear as she throws the car into drive and merges with traffic. We make it in about seven minutes thanks to the fact that we booked the closest hotel to the venue. Luckily there were also actual seats in the auditorium so being in the back of the line didn't matter considering we had tickets for seats in the second row.

I wait impatiently in line with Ella and Melissa, bouncing from foot to foot because of my antsy nerves. Before long the front doors open and we are allowed into the venue. As soon as our tickets are checked I race to the second row and find my seat that is directly in front of Ross's microphone.

I squeal with my friends when R5 finally comes on stage shortly after Ryland. All I can do is stare at Ross as he takes center stage with his shirt almost completely unbuttoned. I'm really digging his new style, I think to myself as his bare chest is nicely exposed.

As I sing along to every song, belting out the lyrics as loud as possible, I can't help but feel like Ross keeps looking in my direction but chances are it only looks like he's making eye contact with me when really he's just looking past me or something.

But then the familiar notes of Want U Bad starts to play, an old song that I absolutely love. For this song I decide to slide my phone into my back pocket and just enjoy it, rather than focus on taking pictures. My eyes stay glued to Ross as he moves around the stage and does his notorious hip thrusts. Then the bridge of the song comes and Ross is standing right on the edge of the stage, moving to the beat, staring right at me the entire time. I know I'm not imagining it because some fans standing around me start to look in my direction, including Ella and Melissa. I refuse to break eye contact with him as our lips move at the same time, creating the same words.

The moment ends much too soon for my liking but Ross continues to take quick glances in my direction for the rest of the concert. As soon as they perform their last song and say their good night's we all immediately start pushing towards the exit. My friends and I stay close as we force our way out the nearest door and race to the back of the concert hall to spot the two large tour buses parked on the grass.

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