Riker Imagine - Alli

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"Of course," I mutter to myself as I put my car in park just as the skies start to open up and it begins to rain. The weather man had predicted it would rain all day and obviously he was wrong since it decided to wait until the afternoon when I actually had somewhere to be for it to start to pour. I lean over into my back seat, digging around for my umbrella I always keep back there. As I grope around and can't find anything I sigh in frustration, remembering I had left it at a friend's house and have meaning to pick it up.

Taking one last hopeful look at my curly hair in the rearview mirror I open my car door, ready to brave the storm waiting for me outside. I quickly cross the street and race up to the front doors of the large, old auditorium I had driven all this way for. I yank on the front door only to find out that it won't budge.

"Come on! Open," I plead as I go down the line of doors only to find that all eight are firmly locked. I hide under the small overhanging to try and keep dry as I pull out my phone. I go to my email to check to make sure I had the right day and time.

For a project at school I was supposed to create a family tree, dating back as far as I could possibly go. My parents had a bit of information themselves but it only went back to their grandparents and then stopped after that. Knowing my history three generations back was great but I really wanted to know more so I started digging around myself.

One of my leads directed me towards this old auditorium that has been here for at least 100 years. A grandpa or uncle or someone had something to do with the architecture and creation of this place. I always came here as a kid with my parents, loving the many plays that were put on here. It is still a very busy place, having had some very famous plays and musicals performed here. However, now was the off-season of theater which is why I had contacted the owner to be able to check out the auditorium myself. Now that I'm older I was hoping my 18 year old self might be able to see and find out more than my 7 year old self did.

As I load my email a new one pops up in my inbox. I quickly scan the words on my small phone screen and groan. "Alli, an emergency came up and I won't be able to make it to the auditorium today to unlock the doors for you and show you around. Maybe we could try again tomorrow? Sorry for the inconvenience. Steve," I read quietly to myself. "No!" I stamp my foot.

Tomorrow I was hanging out with my friends all day before going to a concert and I couldn't wait until next weekend to come here. "Well I guess there's only one option," I mutter to myself, sliding my phone back into my purse as I start to walk around the building, figuring there had to be another way in somehow.

The rain continues to patter on the top of my head, causing my hair to become a frizzy mess as I walk around to the back. "Jackpot," I say as I find a metal door. I cross my fingers before grabbing a hold of the handle and yanking as hard as I could. Surprisingly enough it opens and I quickly dash inside, the heavy gray door slamming shut behind me.

Luckily for me I had a hairband around my wrist that I easily wrap my hair into a ponytail with as I start to look around, grateful that even though the owner wasn't here the lights were still on and working. It looked like I was somewhere backstage as I looked up to find a black ceiling as high as the building. I wander around and it doesn't take me long to get to the stage. I walk out onto it, looking out and up at the 3,000 red velvet seats that all face me. Standing center stage I pretend that the auditorium is full of people with a white spotlight bringing all of their attention to me. I have always been a shy person and would never actually be able to stand up in front of that many people and talk or perform or anything like that.

All of a sudden a loud bang echoes throughout the large stage and my back immediately straightens, afraid that I'm not the only person in here. I hesitate before turning around, wondering just how much I actually wanted to investigate the noise. Before I can make a decision my thoughts are interrupted by a voice.

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