Riker Imagine *Kellie*

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Another day of work, I sigh, as I roll over and turn off my alarm, sun already shining through the cracks between my window and drawn curtains. Luckily for me, it was only a half day which is why I was able to sleep until 9:30 today. I live in the city and work as a substitute teacher at a nearby school and am taking over for a teacher who has an afternoon meeting.

I go about my usual routine, getting all ready, putting on my professional teacher clothes and sliding my flats into a bag as I lace up my sneakers. Since I walk to school, I find it to just be easier on my feet to bring my change of shoes with me, considering I'll be standing the rest of the day in the classroom anyway.

I step outside and am grateful that it is finally warm enough that I don't even need a light jacket as the sun beats down on me. I start walking in the usual direction of the school, head down to avoid making eye contact with any strangers. I focus on my steady pace and the hard pavement beneath my feet as I listen to the sounds around me. The cars zooming past me with the occasional honk as one driver pisses off another. People talking on their phones as they rush past me, even more eager to get to work than I am.

I continue to walk, minding my own business as I'm about halfway to the school when all of a sudden I hear someone shout very loudly "watch out!" Apparently my reaction was not even close to being fast enough because all I managed to do was raise my head before something hard bounced off the back of it. My hand instinctively raises up to the lump I can already feel forming beneath my hair as the pain travels across my skull and I already know a headache will be following shortly after.

I look down to see a football sitting by my feet. I pick up the cause of my lumpy head and turn around, angry at the idiot who decided to throw a football in the direction of the people walking on the crowded sidewalk. My anger quickly subsides as I see a tall, handsome guy heading in my direction with a concerned look on his face.

"I am so, so sorry," he immediately apologizes once he reaches me. "My brother was trying to show off and threw the football way too high for me to be able to catch it. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I will be," I say, my pain practically forgotten now that the boy is so much closer, allowing me to see just how good-looking he is. His eyes cannot be classified as being one color as they look brown but then again hazel with maybe even flecks of green in them, but that part I may just be imagining.

"Are you sure? Let me make it up to you with a coffee or something."

"I'd love to," I reply, "but I'm on my way to work."

The guy's face seems to fall a bit at hearing me turn him down. "Oh, right, okay."

"How about a raincheck?" I ask, surprising myself and him it seems as he smiles widely, and beautifully might I add.

"Sure! When do you get off of work?"

"Um, about 4:00," I respond.

"Great! So 4:30, what do you say we meet up at that Starbucks over there," the guy says, pointing to the coffee place across the street.

"I'll be there," I say and now it's my turn to smile widely.

"It's a date," the boy says, before turning around and walking away. I stand there, not able to believe that I just got asked out on a date thanks to a flying football.

"Wait!" I say, noticing that the brown ball was still in my hands. He turns around immediately and notices the ball in my outstretched hands. "I believe this is yours."

"Right, thanks..." he trails off.

"Kellie," I say, hoping that was what he was waiting for.

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