Chapter XII

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"Can you see it?" Alexandra asks me and her parents as we walk through one of the hospitals corridors, after the third session of chemo.

Before we had left the room, she told us that she didn't feel anything, as it was a short session and the rays landed on her head from the device.

We walk, hugging each other. I'm on the right, Alexandra is on my left and Florence next to her. George walks ahead of us, leading us out of the corridor as he turns around to listen to his daughter.

"Let me see..." Florence hurries as Alex lowers her head. "Hmm, no, I can't see anything... But I don't usually see things. I think I could see it on the first day, but now it's gone... Bear in mind that I'm rather blind, Alex... Can you see it, James?"

As we walk, I rub her head slowly and I look at it from above.

"It's just a small dot." I say, before kissing her head. "What I can see is that you are looking good today... All things considered."

Alexandra grins, strengthening her hold of me, which makes me do the same.

"What are you guys doing now? Are you going or...?" George asks, turning around again as we leave the hallway.

"I'm okay. My head doesn't hurt and I haven't vomited for two days now... Plus, I want to say goodbye to him." She replies, holding my hand.

"Are you sure? You don't need to come if you're feeling weak..." I respond, rather severely.

"And who said I'm feeling weak?" She asks, observing me. "We'll be out only for a couple of hours and I would use some fresh air."

"Fresh air on an airport? There's a lot of people there, Alex... People, screaming... Maybe it's too much all of the sudden?" Florence asks, worrying, as she enters the hospital garage.

We look at each other, her eyebrows raised.

"Whatever you wish." I say without taking my eyes off of her and moving a head of hair away from her forehead. "If you say you're alright, we can go, say goodbye and come back. I do need you to be very direct with me, in case you start feeling bad.

"Are you sure you can drive, James.? "Aren't you tired?" Florence notices as George opens their car door, in front of mine.

Are the bags under my eyes so big?

"I'm okay. The airport is rather near."

"What time did he say he was leaving?" Alexandra inquires.

I check my wristwatch as I attempt to recall the information Bobby said yesterday... Eleven o'clock? Yes, eleven o'clock.

"At eleven o'clock." I respond, taking my car keys out of my sweater.

It's hot down here. But it's not because of the hot air from the hospital's air conditioning, or the likely windy weather outside. It's more like a heat from lock up.

"Perfecto. It's ten past four... We have time." She comments.

Alexandra approaches her mum and says she'll be okay, it's only for a short while. She waves her parents goodbye and doubles back to my side.

"Ready... Shall we?" She asks.

"Let's go." I open the door to sit on the driver's seat.

"Call us if you need anything, James. We'll be home." George says before hopping in the black Volvo.

"I will George. See you in a few hours." I say out loud while waving. He smiles as I dive inside my car.

"Should I tell Bobby we're going?" She asks, her mobile phone in hand as she straps her seatbelt.

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