Chapter 9

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(David's POV)

    Weeks passed and Annette slowly started to slip my mind. I moved to a table full of people I knew, leaving her with Tammy. I tried to face away from her as much as possible to keep myself from looking but it didn't always help. After a few days, I gave up, sitting on the side of the table where I could see her walk in. The days she walked in with Tammy, a fake smile was painted on her face; but the days Tammy skipped were a different story. She'd walk into the cafeteria, watching her feet as she tried not to trip on anything, eyes flooded with pain and sadness. I knew she hated to be alone but I refused to let myself go to her. I submerged myself in conversation with my friends, feeling her eyes on me every so often. Yet every time I looked at her, her nose was in a book.

    One day I finally gave in, most of the people at my table were sitting somewhere else and I decided to take my phone out. I sent a text and held my breath as I waited for her to answer.

    (Me) Hey.

    Her eyes brightened suddenly before the sadness returned.

    (Annie) Are we talking now?

    I ignored her question.

    (Me) Are you okay?

    (Annie) I'm fine.

    (Me) Don't lie to me, little lady.

    I glanced at her and smiled at the small genuine smile that had appeared on her face.

    (Annie) I'm not.

    (Me) Mhm, sure.

    She put her phone down and returned to her book, obviously letting prior thoughts return to her head as she tensed and read the words more closely. The bell rang and she stood, walking slowly towards her class. I walked quickly to catch up to her, tickling Annette's sides while she wasn't paying attention. She turned and looked at me, her eyes wide with curiosity.

    "Hey, Annette."

    She looked me up and down before answering slowly, "Hi."

    I smiled down at her and walked into my classroom, not even saying goodbye. Keeping her at a distance should be easy.


(Annette's POV)

    The shock from hearing David's voice still rang through my ears as I took my seat in Latin, thinking of the man who hadn't left my mind. These past few weeks have been tormenting, making me think of him more and more each day until I could barely stand it. Thoughts of living without him had been sitting in my mind everyday, actually making me think about suicide. The pain grew to great in my chest and I pushed the thought away each time, trying not to think about the fact that one day I wouldn't be able to fight them anymore.

    The heartache of him pushing me away left my heart and soul in shreds. I wanted to pick up the pieces but had none of the tools necessary to do so. My life had become what I had never believed it could ever be: a living hell. Every day I saw David for a few seconds, making me remember everything that had happened and never giving me the chance to forget him. The rest of the day passed by relatively quickly and before I knew it I was home alone. I stared at my phone after I pressed the word send, trying to wait patiently for an answer.

    (Me) I'm just laying at home and I was wondering if I could come over?

    I laid my head on the couch cushion holding my phone and dozed off gradually, becoming wide awake when the soft seat vibrated.

    (David) Yeah, come on over.

    (Me) Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes I guess.

    Standing up, I pulled my sweater on and shoved my phone in my pocket, leaving the house as quickly as possible. The walk felt relatively long and I had to play games with myself to hasten the time. Slowly smiling at the white door standing in front of me, I knocked loudly and waited for a black haired boy to answer. The door opened and my breath quickened at the sight of the man in front of me. He motioned for me to come inside and I slipped past him, pulling my sweater off and standing in front of him.

    "Oh fuck it." he said right before he pressed his lips to mine roughly, making me stagger back as his hand traveled down my body and back up.

    I pulled back and looked up at him with wide eyes, scared of what I was feeling, "What was that?"

    He smirked down at me and dragged me to his chest, "That, little lady, was one of the many things I want to do to you."

    Looking up into his eyes, I blushed and nodded slowly, "What else do you want to do to me?"

    Kissing my ear, he whispered, "Things beyond your wildest dreams."

    I shivered and pulled back, successfully moving away, "You have to take things slow."

    He nodded and kissed me softly, fully understanding my words.


(David's POV)

    The girl in front of me is slowly losing her innocence before my very eyes. Mark my words, by Summer she'll be completely dirtied up.

    I kissed her harder, feeling her grip my shirt as my hand traveled to her hip, feeling her shiver under my touch.

    "Fuck taking this slow. Do what you want to me, David."

    The words filled my ears and my heart pounded in my chest, making me stutter, "W-what?

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