Chapter 10

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(David's POV)

Did she really just say this or am I imagining everything? I pinched my arm discreetly and smiled wider when it hurt. This is happening, the woman I love is standing in front of me telling me to take her in any way I want.

I lifted her and kissed her again, "Are you sure?"

She nodded and smiled, "I'm absolutely sure. Do whatever you want to me."

I carried her to my room and laid her on the bed, kissing down her neck and starting to remove articles of clothing, moving my lips down and up her body slowly, wanting to make her feel as good as possible.


(Annette's POV)

I woke up encircled in a pair of strong arms, my head against David's chest. I looked up and smiled at his peacefully sleeping face, blushing as the fact that we were still naked dawned on me. Pulling out of his embrace and searching the room silently, grabbing his t-shirt and tugging it over my body. I headed into the kitchen and started cooking, somehow achieving to make perfect pancakes. The fire alarm went off as I checked the burning bacon, splattering grease on my thigh. I cussed and turned off the stove, waving at the alarm with a pan.

David ran in wearing sweatpants and surveyed the scene, grabbing the pan out of my hands and pushing the button to turn the screaming beeps off. He grabbed my arms and searched me for burns, making sure I wasn't hurt in any way. His breath caught when he found the burn on my thigh and I waved him off, handing him a plate of pancakes, the only thing I hadn't burn.

Putting the plate on the table, he turned to me again and got on his knees, touching the burn softly yet making me wince. He gently pushed me into a chair and walked out of the room, returning with a small roll of gauze. I shivered as he started blowing on the burn, trying to cool it down. As he achieved his goal, he started wrapping my thigh with the gauze, trying not to cause me even more pain. He finished and sat in the chair across from me, smiling at his plate.

"If I had known your cooking would be dangerous I would've made sure to get up earlier."

I shook my head, "I'm not usually this bad, most of the time I can manage not to burn myself."

He chuckled and we sat in silence as we ate, both of us finishing around the same time. I stood and he grabbed my plate, putting them both in the sink.

"I should probably get going." I said quietly and he nodded.

Walking into his room, I changed into my clothes and pulled my sweater on, pushing my phone into my back pocket. I smiled and waved goodbye as I opened the front door, "Don't forget to lock the door!"

He smiled and nodded, watching as I closed it behind me. I practically skipped the entire way home.


(David's POV)

The rest of the weekend passed quickly and school was back in session, bringing the possibility of seeing Annie to a new level. Every time I saw her, she was reading, talking to Tammy, or looking down at her phone. We managed to ignore each other the entire week, making me feel slightly pleased that I was fine without her.

The next weekend brought Annie crashing back in, she spent the night again, telling her mother that she was with Tammy. We tried new things, learning more and more about each other's bodies. As the end of the weekend came, the red head left again.


(Annette's POV)

The darkness filled me more and more, never fading as I fought it. David gave me no opportunity to tell him the things running through my head until one day I lost it. I hid in my bathroom, locking the door and sobbing, hitting the call button beside his name. Within seconds his deep voice flowed to my brain, "Hello?"

I cried harder and heard his intake of breath, "Annie, what's wrong?"

I caught my breath long enough to answer, "I fuck everything up, David."

"What are you talking about?"

My hands shook as the room seemed to shrink, the walls feeling like they were closing in on me, "I disappoint everyone. I'm not what my parents believed I would be. I was supposed to be the kid who had good grades and wasn't filled with demons. Now look at me, my sister has better grades than I do, I've lost all belief in God, and I want to kill myself."

His breathing picked up as I finished talking, "You are stronger than this. Everything will work out."

I shook my head and bit my lip to keep from crying any harder. Curling into a ball and laying on the cold floor, I hung up the phone, deciding then and there to try to keep my problems to myself.


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