Chapter 11

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Grayson left the townhouse in a stunned daze, he wasn't sure what had happened. He looked at the street address to make sure he had the right place. He was at the residence that Lucy lived at, he could still feel her lips on his. She was definitely something else, how did she know how to kiss a man like that? He needed to rethink about this plan of his, Lucy was definitely someone he could spend forever with.

Grayson needed to make a visit to Sarah's residence. He needed to make sure that she didn't repeat last night's performance. Lucy was affecting him in ways no one ever had, she blew his mind. Especially with the stunt she just pulled. He was still aroused from her body being so close. He definitely needed  to jump in that cold river.

He sat in his carriage remembering just how she felt in his arms. She made it known that if he wanted her,then he couldn't see Sarah. What if it didn't work out with Lucy? What would he do then? He needed to think about this for a while, he knew that Lucy meant what she said. She was a great kisser, he could only imagine what she would be like in bed. Was he going to keep seeing Sarah, or was he going to watch Lucy with another man?

He didn't like the thought of another man touching Lucy, he didn't want to watch another man whisk her away. He had so many decisions to make, but first he needed to stop by and have a chat with Sarah. He wasn't going to take any chances of Lucy finding out what he was doing. He grinned," Maybe I can still get away with seeing both women." He was going to try, he just hoped that Lucy didn't find out. He knew she was not your timid debutant, but was she what he wanted?

Lucy's body was still reacting to what had just happened, she was hot like she had sat to close to the fire. Her lips still tingled from kissing Grayson, she wanted to do more. She would save that for another time, now she needed to make sure to start with the next part of her plan. She had found some kids that were street urchins. She was going to pay them a gold coin for information that they brought her about Grayson. He had no clue that she had spies watching his every move.

She didn't want to resort to that, but she knew that he wasn't going to stay away from Sarah. Lucy knew that he was going to try to keep both women. He apparently didn't think she was that smart, well she paid attention to her studies. She had a mind of her own, so all she needed to do was wait for any information. She ran up the stairs to her room to decide on the dress she was to wear tonight. They were invited to a ball at Almack's. Lucy noticed that he hadn't asked to escort her, either he wasn't going or he already had someone in mind.

If this was true then he would learn, Lucy was going to make sure he noticed she never went back on her word. She picked out the low decolletage pink muslin dress, it was her best dress she owned. It wasn' t as revealing as the one she had on now, but it was close enough. She wouldn't even be causing a scandal with it, some of the other girls had worse dresses. She smiled, " if that's how you want to play your Grace, then let's play." She was going to be having so much fun, there was plenty of gentlemen that wanted to claim her.

Joyce knew that Lucy was out to make Grayson pay for how he had treated her. She didn' t blame her granddaughter not one bit. She was actually proud of her, she is making a stand. If he wants to play games, then she was happy to turn the tables around on him. Joyce about fell out of her chair when Lucy had told her. She wasn't sure if she should be shocked or proud, or both.  Lucy was going to either get her man or loose him all together.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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