Chapter 18

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Lucy ran towards the stairs, she had never in her life been treated as such. As she made it to the bottom of the grand staircase. Grayson and a few of the other gentlemen came out of the study. Grayson was chuckling over a joke one them had made. He turned to see a fleeing Lucy, she had turned to look at him. He noticed that she was crying, what had happened?

Lucy continued up the stairs not looking back at him. He picked up his stride to try to catch up with her. She was gone from his sight by the time he rounded the newel post. He didn't know what had happened, but he was going to find out. He went into the drawing room, he noticed that Sarah looked a little to happy. He had a funny feeling, some how he wasn't ruling out that Sarah had done something. He knew that she was upset about not being her escort. He was trying to find a way to tell Sarah about not choosing her. He laughed at the comment she had made about something stupid. He wanted to escort Lucy into the dining room.

Sarah made sure that he escorted her into dinner, he knew that Lucy was watching what happened. He saw the disappointment in her eyes, he felt it in his chest. He wanted Lucy by his side, in fact Sarah was suppose to have been escorted by sir John.  Lucy was not near him and he didn't like it either. She was so far away and when he tried to get her attention she ignored him. He had to fix this, he was going to walk around the garden with Lucy.

Now that Lucy was upset he wanted to know what was going on. Before he could start questioning what had happened. Lucy's grandmother came into the room, she didn't look at all happy. She walked over to Sarah, " I don't know who you think you are, but you have no right talking to my granddaughter like that!" She then approached Grayson," I don't mean any disrespect towards you, but you are playing a dangerous game. I wanted to let you know that we will be leaving your residence immediately."

Grayson was shocked, he didn't know what to say. They had only been here for a day and already leaving. He was about to say something but his mother came into the room. " I demand to know what is the meaning of this?"

Everyone in the room stared at her, Sarah started to shake in her boots. The Duchess walked up to Sarah, " I have a feeling you know exactly what happened. In fact you caused it, I don't appreciate it not one bit that you are changing my guest list. I not only know that you did this and I think if anyone should leave it should be you." She was not happy and she made it known.

Sarah didn't say not one word to anyone, she knew she had over stepped her boundaries. The Duchess smirked at her," you haven't won my son's heart yet. Besides I will never allow someone of your nature ever take my place as Duchess!"

Grayson was shocked at what had transpired before him. What he wasn't expecting was what happened next. " Grayson, this has gone on for far to long. You son, need to decide which girl you want. I will meet you in your father's study to discuss this further." She turned on her heel and walked down the hall to the study.

Grayson was astonished, he had never seen his mother do that to anyone. She reminded him of someone he knew, Lucy. This was going to be easier than he thought, or so it seemed. He wanted Lucy and was going to tell his mother as much.

This was such a mess! She couldn't believe that Sarah was trying to assume the role of Duchess already. Her son would be a big fool if he chose Sarah, she had no clue what she would do. Her son would be making a huge mistake if he did. She would have to knock some sense into his head if he did.

Grayson came in from the corridor, he didn't seem to be in a bad mood. She knew that was a good sign, That could only mean that he had already chosen one girl for his bride. She hoped that it was Lucy, she was the right person to fill the job.

Grayson smiled, " you have surprised me mother, I was trying to get more information myself. I have made my choice and it is Lucy. I wanted to find out what happened to make her cry." Grayson furrowed his brow at the thought of seeing Lucy in tears.

She smiled at her son," I am so happy that you have chosen Lucy, if you would have chosen that other one it would have been a disaster." She couldn't help but let out a chuckle, she pulled her son into a hug. " So now I can clear out that distasteful girl and her friends out of my house?"

Grayson chuckled," yes, please do I have to work things out with Lucy before it's to late. I know that I should have chose her in the first place. I was just afraid that if I did she wouldn't have me." Grayson frowned at the last comment he made.

His mother patted his arm, " I know and instead of telling me you need to go fix things with Lucy. That girl deserves your undivided attention. Go now and take care of things with her, I will handle the rest." She was laughing as he darted out of the room and up the stairs to Lucy's room. She was happy to know that his choice was Lucy.

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