Chapter 24

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Grayson and Lucy were in each other's arms, when Grayson heard his mother's voice. She was yelling at someone, he didn't want to let Lucy go. He had to, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to go see what was going on. He had never heard his mother talking like that to anyone before. He knew that he had gotten that voice on more than one occasion as a boy. Heaven help the man who has put his mother in a mood.

As they approached the entrance to the main house where his mother stood arguing with a man. He immediately felt his own anger simmer below the rim. No man talked to his mother that way, not even the king of England himself. He held Lucy close to his side, he wanted to find out exactly what this man wanted. " Sir, I think you need to calm yourself down! That is my mother you are talking so tempered to, I demand that you contain your temper!" The man turned his hot temper towards him.

The man noticed the girl at his side, he saw that Grayson had his arms around her. All that did was succeed in making his temper grow hotter! " How dare you! First you lead my daughter on and then you toss her aside for this wench!" He was turning red, he looked like a tomato in the mirror. " Then you send my daughter home mangled to the point of damaging her beauty! You sir are a coward!"

Grayson felt his temper boil over," You sir do not know what you are talking about! Let's take this outside, this shouldn't be discussed in front of the ladies! Only a gentleman would know this, and to think you were arguing with someone above your station! That sir is treasonous actions, if my father were well he would have you flogged!" Grayson nodded to the butler to have the man removed outdoors.

He didn't want to leave Lucy, but this had to be dealt with. He signaled to Dalton and one of the other gentlemen. He wasn't about to step into the lion's den without back up. He kissed Lucy on the forehead," I don't want to leave your side, but I have to take care of this. I hope you will wait for me?" He looked into her green eyes and saw the worry there. " Hey, don't worry things will be fine. You will see, I won't be gone to long." He kissed her lips and let her go, he now had to clean up the mess he created.

Lucy watched as Grayson walked out the door to face Sarah's father. It seemed that Sarah had gone home and told some stories. She was worried for Grayson, she knew that this could go the wrong direction. Hopefully Grayson knows what he is doing, she just got him to herself, she wanted to keep it that way. Lucy walked over to her grandmother, " I am worried about this whole mess grandmother."

Joyce nodded," I am to child, let's just hope and pray for the best outcome." Joyce knew that this could have come at the worst time. " Let's just give them the room that Grayson will need to straighten this whole matter out."  She had high hopes of this ending quickly and in the two can go back to whatever they were doing. She liked to see her granddaughter happy, and Lucy was that for once. Till this happened, now they were all worried that this may turn out wrong in the end.

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